Titoli di Stato Italia Trading Titoli di Stato "volume V" (Gennaio 2013 - Dicembre 2013) (2 lettori)


ma sentilo :lol: io gli dico queste cose in MP.... in segreto... e lui le va a spiattellare sul forum davanti a tutti :D

va bhe... ora lo sanno tutti.... quindi l'ULTIMA FILA SARA' OCCUPATA DALLE 2 "PESTI" CURIOSINA-BELINDO... :D
torno a lavorare....

L'importante Barbara è mettere Rob davanti perchè sai che lui deve avere spazio per stare in costa :D


Coito, ergo cum.



Noio volevàn savoir ...
per il club noio...la storia della resistenza (112) che diviene supporto è valida anche oggi :D:D e anche che la prox resistenza sono i 112,5


Forumer attivo
Io metterei la prof davanti con il microfono che ci esplica per bene, io dove mi siedo???????

No problem... :D

Hi, everybody… I’m your guide on this exciting tour… I’ve noticed your competence in foreign languages is not so good as your competence in financial matters so the comments will be in English throughout the journey… at the end of the tour you may have lossed here and there but at least you will be able to understand Bernanke’s speeches.
Spx, is going to drive us around this risky but attractive world. He is the most reliable member of the group and a master in compound interests so he is the only one who has a clear idea of where to go…; Popov will keep the maps updated and will always remind us that we are in between hell and heaven; in order not to mislead his calculations, kindly keep your heads and shoulders upright; Baro will assist the partecipants with plenty of drinks and his famous culing, an ingredient we cannot miss; Chamaleon will keep us informed with the latest news, at any time of day and night; if you want to have some sleep, I suggest you wear your earpads; Joe is responsible for the control of emergencies and panick attacks. If you have any worries, please contact him. Also, if you have any gold and jewellery, please give them to him. He will place them in his safe. As an expert in bonds and ties, Blackie will monitor the performance of the couple sitting at the rear, Cury and the LakeMan. There is in fact a chance that Cury’s cycles may cause some problems to the LakeMan and that , for the despair, he may drown himself into a channel. Ready to go?


Umile contadino
Stessa mia situazione, ieri sono uscito prorpio perchè non vedo una direzione forte, cosa che in genere riecsco a percepire, entrare potrebbe essere una buona scommessa, ma non mi piace scommetere.;)
Tu non lo vuoi mai ammetttere ma il trading è una scommessa...ponderata da studi ed analisi ma sempre una scommessa.

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