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Non so cosa mi succede, ma mi sembra investire con il valium:D: non ho frenesia, faccio solo piccoli aggiustamenti e aspetto che i titoli raggiungano i target..... sperando che qualcosa rimanga indietro per il secondo/terzo giro:D

Sarà la saggezza della maturità? :lol:

PS Anch'io stranamente sono diventato cassettista a tutto tondo...


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guardando le chiusure, ci sono un po di rialzi e un po di ribassi.

titolo migliore del giorno. Dexia Credi Local che chiude a 45,792 +4,40%


Forumer storico
Mie uniche operazioni di quest'anno, in vendita Rzb 040 e Ikb Lt2 (che il giorno dopo la mia vendita è finalmente potuta risalire...) per prendere Kbc e Bes. Sul resto immobile, un po' per incastri (tds e p. grecia) un po' per convinzione (rendimenti)

Cat XL

Shizuka Minamoto
Mie uniche operazioni di quest'anno, in vendita Rzb 040 e Ikb Lt2 (che il giorno dopo la mia vendita è finalmente potuta risalire...) per prendere Kbc e Bes. Sul resto immobile, un po' per incastri (tds e p. grecia) un po' per convinzione (rendimenti)

Sbaglio o le BES 854 hanno ritracciato di nuovo oggi?


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Novità in Kbc

KBC Groep: Jan Huyghebaert to step down as Chairman of the KBC Group Board of Directors and be replaced by Thomas Leysen

Mr Jan Huyghebaert has expressed his intention to end his office as Chairman of the Boards of Directors of KBC Group, KBC Bank and KBC Insurance on 1 October 2011. He will turn 66 in April this year and has held various chairmanships in Kredietbank, Almanij and KBC Group over the past 26 years.

The members of the KBC Group Board of Directors wish to express their gratitude to Mr Huyghebaert for the effort he has put in over the years - sometimes in difficult circumstances - to establish and develop the group as a major bancassurer in Belgium and Central Europe.


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Novità Boi sui T1

BoI clear to pursue gains on €750m debt pile

BANK of Ireland (BoI) is newly empowered to pursue gains on a €750m pile of debt after a so-called 'dividend stopper' clause expired earlier this week, analysts Davy's said last night.
Both BoI and IL&P are battling to raise capital to bring their institutions in line with new regulatory demands from the Central Bank. BoI has raised €700m of the €2.2bn target it must hit by the end of February. IL&P must raise €100m for its group, and will have to raise another €925m under its plan to buy EBS. So far, BoI's efforts have focused on offering investors the chance to swap piles of risky debt for 'safer' debt with a lower face value.
The bank already booked a €700m gain by convincing investors with €1.4bn of risky debt to exchange their holdings for €700m of safer debt.
Davy believes BoI will soon target another tranche of investors, who hold €750m of undated subordinate debt, one of the riskiest debt instruments on the bank's balance sheet.
According to Davy, that €750m pile of bonds was excluded from the original debt exchange because of a 'dividend stopper' clause imposed on the bank as a condition of its bailout.
That clause meant the undated debt could only be exchanged for equity, an offer Davy believes would be "unlikely to generate as high a take-up" as an exchange for cash or 'safe' debt.
Since that dividend stopper expired on January 18, Davy now believes the bank will launch an offer on the €750m debt pile "shortly". Some believe BoI could make as much as €200m from the exchange, putting them within €1.3bn of their target.

L'articolo completo qui: BoI clear to pursue gains on €750m debt pile - Irish, Business -
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