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no perpetual no party

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BANCO ESPÍRITO SANTO GROUP ACTIVITY AND RESULTS IN 2010 una prima VELOCISSIMA lettura mi sembrano in chiaro/scuro....
sofferenze in aumento, guadagni del portafoglio in calo, e rispetto al 2009 che è stato disastroso per tutti non ha fatto nel complesso molto meglio..

buona la minor dipendenza bce, e l'aumento della strategia internazionale..

cmq mi riservo di studiare meglio il report con calma..
chi ha riflessioni o commenti piu dettagliati è ben accetto! :)


Forumer storico una prima VELOCISSIMA lettura mi sembrano in chiaro/scuro....
sofferenze in aumento, guadagni del portafoglio in calo, e rispetto al 2009 che è stato disastroso per tutti non ha fatto nel complesso molto meglio..

buona la minor dipendenza bce, e l'aumento della strategia internazionale..

cmq mi riservo di studiare meglio il report con calma..
chi ha riflessioni o commenti piu dettagliati è ben accetto! :)

mi sembra che zorba abbia sottolineato la cosa che più ci interessa


La cosa piu' importante dei risultati e' la diminuzione dal funding ECB. Il cost of credit e' in diminuzione.

Mi sembra di vedere la BES 854 leggermente in salita su Bloomberg.

Se il Portogallo non salta questa e' uno strong buy per me.

Dopo la Grecia e L'irlanda cè il Portogallo,speriamo tra Qlc Mese e non subito ma mi pare già scritto,certo Bes sotto 50 già sconta questa ipotesi


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Dopo la Grecia e L'irlanda cè il Portogallo,speriamo tra Qlc Mese e non subito ma mi pare già scritto,certo Bes sotto 50 già sconta questa ipotesi

Ma non si capirebbe perché, dopo aver salvato Grecia ed Irlanda:titanic:, dovrebbero lasciar defoltare il Portogallo.:-?
E poi il Portogallo non trascinerebbe seco la Spagna?:squalo: E poi l'Italia, ad infinitum :barella::benedizione:


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Boucher in battle to save BoI from the State
Bank of Ireland now has just 29 days to save itself from state takeover. Cue the music from Mission Impossible? Or has the bank got a viable future?

Ireland's oldest bank, Bank of Ireland, has a month to live -- unless it can come up with the €1.5bn it desperately needs to keep its head above water.

This capital target, which arose from rules set by the Financial Regulator last November, must be hit by the end of February. Otherwise Bank of Ireland will become the fifth Irish bank to be taken over by the State.
With so much uncertainty about what Bank of Ireland's balance sheet will look like in a few months -- or indeed this time next year, private investors are likely to be few and far between if a rights issue is launched.

The Government, which already owns 36 per cent of Bank of Ireland, is likely to be the only investor around to buy more shares, so a state takeover of the bank seems inevitable under a rights issue.

Ronan Reid, executive chairman of Dolmen Securities, said that although he believes Bank of Ireland is "in the best position of the Irish banks", its chances of raising the €1.5bn it needs to avoid state ownership by the end of February are slim.
Both the Government and Bank of Ireland have been doing their utmost to avoid a State takeover. In the run-up to Christmas, John Bruton and the National Treasury Management Agency are understood to have visited the Middle East to try entice investors there into the Irish banks. BoI has also reportedly held discussions with a number of Middle Eastern sovereign wealth funds. With a wealthy sheikh yet to raise his head, however, it appears those efforts have fallen on deaf ears.

"Bank of Ireland needs to find an instrument that allows the Government to invest in the bank without becoming a majority shareholder," says McCarthy. "A hybrid debt instrument which can be converted into equity is probably the best way of doing that. It will be very difficult for the bank to try to raise that €1.5bn by traditional means."

L'articolo completo qui: Boucher in battle to save BoI from the State - Irish, Business -


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Portugal no.2 bank BES says bailout to be avoided

LISBON, Jan 31 (Reuters) - An international bailout of Portugal would most likely lead to capital flight and should be avoided, the head of Banco Espirito Santo said on Monday, siding with the government that has ruled out asking for aid.

Ricardo Espirito Santo Salgado, the chief executive of Portugal's second-largest listed bank, said bailouts by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund for Greece and Ireland had failed to help their economies as their borrowing costs, especially for companies, keep rising.
'We continue to defend that an intervention by Europe and the IMF should not be supported,' Espirito Santo Salgado told reporters. His bank earlier posted a small drop in 2010 net profit, partly due to the impact of the debt crisis

When asked if a bailout of Portugal would lead to capital flight and declines in bank deposits, he said: 'I believe it is very probable.'

'The evolution of deposits in Greece in 2010 was a non-stop decline and there is an abrupt drop in deposits in Ireland, already after the intervention of the European-IMF programme ... therefore falling deposits, falling savings mean capital flight abroad,' he added.

The Portuguese government has on many occasions said that bailouts have not resolved any problems in Europe and that Portugal does not need any help from abroad as it will meet its ambitious budget deficit reduction targets.

The government plans to cut the deficit to 4.6 percent of gross domestic product this year from last year's over 7 percent and then bring the gap below the 3 percent threshold demanded by Brussels in 2012.

UPDATE 1-Portugal no.2 bank BES says bailout to be avoided | Reuters


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