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Ecco, grazie. Non lo storno che avevo in mente per rientrarci..

aspettiamo con calma, la speculazione (ooooopppppssss, a ridaje, ci ricasco sempre...:wall: :-o:D) deve ancora dire la sua sul portogallo e sul suo ricorso ad un bailout tipo grecia e irlanda, imho of course...

ecco, appunto, dal 3d sul portogallo con mille grazie a tommy :):

Portogallo, attuali tassi mercato non sostenibili - minFinanze

mercoledì 16 marzo 2011 12:23

LISBONA, 16 marzo (Reuters) - Il ministro delle Finanze portoghese, Fernando Teixeira dos Santos, ha detto che gli attuali tassi di rifinanziamento sul mercato non sono sostenibili nel medio-lungo termine.
"Le attuali condizioni di mercato non sono sostenibili nel medio-lungo termine", ha detto Teixeira dos Santos in un intervento alla commissione Bilancio.
Il ministro ha aggiunto che gli elevati rendimenti riflettono l'incertezza sul fronte politico e che oltre il 60% dei titoli assegnato oggi in asta è stato collocato presso investitori esteri.
L'asta del Portogallo su titoli a un anno ha mostrato oggi rendimenti al rialzo rispetto alla precedente. I titoli a 12 mesi sono stati collocati al rendimento medio del 4,331% dal 4,057% dell'asta dello scorso 2 marzo.
Stamane Moody's ha deciso di ridure il rating del debito sovrano di Lisbona da 'A3' lasciando per altro l'outlook negativo.
Ultima modifica:
In breve. Niente pagamenti agli azionisti, ma i pagamenti di interessi allo stato dovrebbero assicurare le cedole sugli ibridi, se ricordo correttamente le condizioni da prospetto. Temporeggiano invece sulla restituzione degli aiuti.

Three years would have to take it, but now it has become four: BAWAG PSK 2010 is returned to profitability. In 2010, the U.S. fund Cerberus owned bank reported a net profit of 125.4 million euros. In 2009, it has the bottom line is still a small loss of 21.5 million euros given. In the years before the bank had been shaken by huge losses. Pre-tax profit rose from 35 in 2010 to 138 million euros, the bank said on Wednesday. Risk costs are lower, yields increased. The Board discussed the morning 2010 in a press conference the financial statements.

As the EU's support for the (repeated) warrants state support has been a dividend waiver for the years 2010 and 2011. Gains may be removed only in 2012 (distributable 2013) to shareholders - must remain before the money for capital construction in the house. For the period after that there is dividend restrictions, as long as state aid is in the bank.
For 550 million euros of state aid (participation certificates) BAWAG in 2009 around 25.6 million euros had referred to the Republic. The forthcoming coupon payment for 2010 of 51.2 million euros Haynes announced on Wednesday for the next month.
State money
An early repayment of state money keeps open the Bawag. At present, it was not provided. Everything depends on the new Basel capital rules III. To end the core capital ratio (credit risk) to 10.2 (previous year: 10.4) percent is estimated.
A 400-million-guarantee of the Republic of problem assets has already denounced the board last summer, because they no longer needed it. Haynes, today announced that it is degraded in the financial crisis as critical structured credit portfolio to 842 million euros. And it was 2010 "no impairment" given the fact that this was particularly important to him.
In 2010, the bank reported a net profit of 125.4 million euros. In 2009, it has the bottom line is still a small loss of 21.5 million euros given. In the years before the bank had been shaken by huge losses.
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Se dai un'occhiata al prezzo del grano, ti accorgerai che è sceso più del nikkei ... e bisogna pensare che si tratta di una materia prima indispensabile!

Circa i tassi, anche io non mi aspetterei grandi rialzi in questa fase, per cui vedrei bene, in questo periodo turbolento, delle TF di buona qualità. Ciao

caro leon
l'analisi mi sembra ineccepibile

TF e un occhio particolare all'emittente
in attesa delle prossima (e non certo ultima) crisi dell'euro
Ultima modifica:
In breve. Niente pagamenti agli azionisti, ma i pagamenti di interessi allo stato dovrebbero assicurare le cedole sugli ibridi, se ricordo correttamente le condizioni da prospetto. Temporeggiano invece sulla restituzione degli aiuti.

Three years would have to take it, but now it has become four: BAWAG PSK 2010 is returned to profitability. In 2010, the U.S. fund Cerberus owned bank reported a net profit of 125.4 million euros. In 2009, it has the bottom line is still a small loss of 21.5 million euros given. In the years before the bank had been shaken by huge losses. Pre-tax profit rose from 35 in 2010 to 138 million euros, the bank said on Wednesday. Risk costs are lower, yields increased. The Board discussed the morning 2010 in a press conference the financial statements.

As the EU's support for the (repeated) warrants state support has been a dividend waiver for the years 2010 and 2011. Gains may be removed only in 2012 (distributable 2013) to shareholders - must remain before the money for capital construction in the house. For the period after that there is dividend restrictions, as long as state aid is in the bank.
For 550 million euros of state aid (participation certificates) BAWAG in 2009 around 25.6 million euros had referred to the Republic. The forthcoming coupon payment for 2010 of 51.2 million euros Haynes announced on Wednesday for the next month.
State money
An early repayment of state money keeps open the Bawag. At present, it was not provided. Everything depends on the new Basel capital rules III. To end the core capital ratio (credit risk) to 10.2 (previous year: 10.4) percent is estimated.
A 400-million-guarantee of the Republic of problem assets has already denounced the board last summer, because they no longer needed it. Haynes, today announced that it is degraded in the financial crisis as critical structured credit portfolio to 842 million euros. And it was 2010 "no impairment" given the fact that this was particularly important to him.
In 2010, the bank reported a net profit of 125.4 million euros. In 2009, it has the bottom line is still a small loss of 21.5 million euros given. In the years before the bank had been shaken by huge losses.

direi una buona nuova..
sulla 897 ho puntato parecchio, poi dopo che bawag si e'venduta le scarpe non ho piu'avuto dubbi:D
Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia - notizie dalla Giunta
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