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Basilea fa il punto sul progresso dei piani nazionali a proposito del resolution regime. Potrebbe interessare tutti, ma soprattutto chi punta sulle banche distressed:

Report on progress on resolution policies and frameworks issued by the Basel Committee
6 july 2011

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision today issued a report on Resolution policies and frameworks - progress so far. The report reflects the progress being made in the area of cross-border bank resolution since the Basel Committee issued a series of recommendations on this topic in March 2010.

The report also responds to the Financial Stability Board (FSB) November 2010 recommendations on systemically important financial institutions. In its recommendations, the FSB called for an assessment of the legislative and other changes to national regimes and policies needed to accomplish effective resolution of systemically important financial institutions. The Basel Committee report issued today is expected to provide an important input to the Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes currently being developed by the FSB and which will be issued later this month.

As stated in today's report, further work is needed on the implementation of the Committee's cross-border bank resolution recommendations, particularly in the area of resolution of systemically important banks. The key findings of the report are:

Progress has been made in many jurisdictions with the adoption of special administrative resolution regimes aimed at the maintenance of financial stability and the protection of depositors. A critical feature of these regimes is to transfer part or all of a failing bank's assets, liabilities and financial contracts to a bridge bank.
Some jurisdictions continue to lack these and other important legal powers set out in the Basel Committee's 2010 recommendations or continue to rely on general corporate insolvency procedures. Such procedures are too slow, too costly and come too late to resolve a failing bank in manner that ensures continuity of its essential financial functions.
Further work is required on cross-border resolution as complications continue to arise from discrepancies among national regimes. In particular, these relate to legal powers, the ranking of depositor and other creditor claims, and the capacity of national authorities to share information and coordinate actions with resolution authorities in other jurisdictions.
The legal, operational and cross-border complexities underline the crucial importance of effective contingency planning and the need for actions that reduce unnecessary complexity and promote resolvability. Some jurisdictions are working on solutions that involve improved risk management or reductions of intra-group guarantees.
National authorities appear to be at different stages of developing recovery and resolution plans for systemically important financial institutions. In view of the importance of these plans for systemic stability, national authorities will need to move forward quickly in this area.
The Committee's report stresses the need to accelerate reforms of domestic resolution regimes and tools and of frameworks for cross-border enforcement of resolution actions.
The Committee will continue to work with the FSB in its broader effort to reduce the moral hazard of systemically important financial institutions.


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Questo l'articolo del FT che riferisce del malumore delle banche europee per le modalità con cui sono stati condotti gli stress tests:

July 7, 2011 8:55 pm
European regulators under fire over bank stress tests
By Patrick Jenkins and Brooke Masters in London and Miles Johnson in Madrid
Europe’s banks are growing increasingly angry over the stress tests being run by European regulators, complaining that the process has been excessively rigid, with damaging changes to the exercise rushed through at the last minute.
The tests, the results of which are due to be announced next week, have been in preparation since March, but banks are furious that less than a month ago they were forced to rerun the stress scenarios along far tougher lines than had been originally suggested.

Bankers and analysts believe that up to a dozen banks may fail the tests, most in Spain, Germany and Greece. One listed Spanish bank said: “There’s a feeling they want some Spanish banks to fail to make it look like they are being tough.”
Executives at some of the biggest banks, such as BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank and Barclays, have also been critical, irked that the European Banking Authority, which is running the process, initially asked banks to make their own risk assessments before imposing scenarios last month.
Last month, Jochen Sanio, head of German regulator BaFin, was publicly critical of the EBA, accusing it of acting “without legal authority ... or legitimacy”. Banks in Spain and Germany are the most upset, complaining that the idiosyncrasies of their own national loan loss provisioning and capital standards have been ignored in the name of pan-European consistency – an absurdity, they say, when day-to-day responsibility for regulating banks remains national.
“It’s bloody difficult to compare banks on a European basis when they’re subject to different rules on a national basis,” said one senior German banker.
Spain’s cajas, or quasi-mutual savings banks, which have long been thinly capitalised, are worried that publication of the stress test results could disrupt plans to raise fresh funds.
“If we pass, that’s great,” said Enrique Goñi, co-chairman of Banca Civica. “But if others in Spain don’t, that’s not very good news for us.” Civica, like local rival Bankia, is in the midst of an attempt to float.
The EBA, which has previously criticised the optimistic assumptions made by some banks in initial submissions, said it had called on banks instead to apply “conservatism and consistency”.


Forumer attivo
pour parler, post call questa passa a eur3m + 470 se non sbaglio: non ho modo di leggere il prospetto ora ma chi sa dirmi a quanto è stato fissato l'euribor di riferimento e quando viene fissato?

la nuova cedola come scritto qualche giorno fa è 6,247% pagherà il 01/10/2011 non call . Forse era sfuggito il mio post. :up:

raiffeisen Kasse

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Ciao a tutti guardavo nel foglio il pagamento delle cedole e la cadenza ho azzeccato o come sempre ho cannato .
Un grazie a tutti quelli che vorranno darmi una mano.
Saluti Peter

Crédit Agricole S.A. 600 EUR FR0010161026 cedola trimestrale (aprile-luglio-ottobre-gennaio)
Bank Austria-CA Finance (Unicredit) 250 EUR DE000A0DD4K8 semestrale ( aprile-ottobre)
Bank Austria-CA Finance (Unicredit) 150 EUR DE000A0DYW70 annuale ( marzo)
Eureko 600 EUR NL0000168714 annuale ( luglio)
ING Groep N.V. 1.000 EUR NL0000116127 trimestrale (ottobre-gennaio-apriel-luglio)
RZB Finance III 200 EUR XS0193631040 semestrale (giugno – dicembre)


Forumer storico
Ciao a tutti guardavo nel foglio il pagamento delle cedole e la cadenza ho azzeccato o come sempre ho cannato .
Un grazie a tutti quelli che vorranno darmi una mano.
Saluti Peter

Crédit Agricole S.A. 600 EUR FR0010161026 cedola trimestrale (aprile-luglio-ottobre-gennaio)
Bank Austria-CA Finance (Unicredit) 250 EUR DE000A0DD4K8 semestrale ( aprile-ottobre)
Bank Austria-CA Finance (Unicredit) 150 EUR DE000A0DYW70 annuale ( marzo)
Eureko 600 EUR NL0000168714 annuale ( luglio)
ING Groep N.V. 1.000 EUR NL0000116127 trimestrale (ottobre-gennaio-apriel-luglio)
RZB Finance III 200 EUR XS0193631040 semestrale (giugno – dicembre)
Ciao a mè risulta che Eureko NL0000168714 paga cedola annuale il primo Novembre


Ciao a tutti guardavo nel foglio il pagamento delle cedole e la cadenza ho azzeccato o come sempre ho cannato .
Un grazie a tutti quelli che vorranno darmi una mano.
Saluti Peter

Crédit Agricole S.A. 600 EUR FR0010161026 cedola trimestrale (aprile-luglio-ottobre-gennaio)
Bank Austria-CA Finance (Unicredit) 250 EUR DE000A0DD4K8 semestrale ( aprile-ottobre)
Bank Austria-CA Finance (Unicredit) 150 EUR DE000A0DYW70 annuale ( marzo)
Eureko 600 EUR NL0000168714 annuale ( luglio)
ING Groep N.V. 1.000 EUR NL0000116127 trimestrale (ottobre-gennaio-apriel-luglio)
RZB Finance III 200 EUR XS0193631040 semestrale (giugno – dicembre)
Ing 127 paga trimestrale 30 Giugno Set Dic Mar

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