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Forumer storico
A proposito se qualcuno cortesemente può darmi una delucidazione su questa DEUTSCHE DE000A0E5JD4 SUL vs, eccezzionale, prospetto dice , da quello che capisco, che dà il 7% fino al call del giugno 2015 poi 10x....mentre in IW mi hanno detto che il 7% rimane fino a giugno 2010 poi diventa 10x...
Qualcuno cortesemente sa di preciso fino a quando paga il 7%....anche se con Deut....sempre sorprese e quasi mai simpatiche

prospetto :

dal 2010 paga 10X (10cms - 2cms) con minimo 1.75 , massimo 10CMS , 2015 e' la prima call .

Capital Payments payable on each Payment Date will accrue
from and including the immediately preceding Payment Date (or June 27, 2005 with respect to Capital Payments payable on June 27,
2006), up to but excluding the relevant Payment Date (each such period, a “Payment Period”), at a rate per annum, calculated on the
basis of the actual number of days elapsed in a year of 365 or 366 days, as the case may be, equal to (i) for the first five Payment Periods,
7% and (ii) for each Payment Period thereafter, the Floating Rate for such Payment Period, which shall in no event be less than 1.75% or
more than the rate per annum corresponding to the 10 Year EUR CMS Rate (as defined herein) for such Payment Period.

Interessante :Capital Payments will be cumulative as described herein.

10 x (EUR 10CMS – EUR 2CMS)
(where “EUR 10CMS” means the 10 Year EUR CMS Rate, and “EUR 2CMS” means the 2 Year EUR CMS Rate); provided, however, that the Floating Rate for each Payment Period (or Interest Period in the case of the Initial Obligation) shall not in any event be less than 1.75% per annum or more than the rate per annum corresponding to the 10 Year EUR CMS Rate for such Payment Period (or Interest Period, as the case may be).


Bos 4 Mod
prospetto :

dal 2010 paga 10X (10cms - 2cms) con minimo 1.75 , massimo 10CMS , 2015 e' la prima call .

Capital Payments payable on each Payment Date will accrue
from and including the immediately preceding Payment Date (or June 27, 2005 with respect to Capital Payments payable on June 27,
2006), up to but excluding the relevant Payment Date (each such period, a “Payment Period”), at a rate per annum, calculated on the
basis of the actual number of days elapsed in a year of 365 or 366 days, as the case may be, equal to (i) for the first five Payment Periods,
7% and (ii) for each Payment Period thereafter, the Floating Rate for such Payment Period, which shall in no event be less than 1.75% or
more than the rate per annum corresponding to the 10 Year EUR CMS Rate (as defined herein) for such Payment Period.

Interessante :Capital Payments will be cumulative as described herein.

10 x (EUR 10CMS – EUR 2CMS)
(where “EUR 10CMS” means the 10 Year EUR CMS Rate, and “EUR 2CMS” means the 2 Year EUR CMS Rate); provided, however, that the Floating Rate for each Payment Period (or Interest Period in the case of the Initial Obligation) shall not in any event be less than 1.75% per annum or more than the rate per annum corresponding to the 10 Year EUR CMS Rate for such Payment Period (or Interest Period, as the case may be).

Sei un mito assoluto!:ola:


Forumer storico
Questo ci mancava !

Il cumulative con possibilita' di diventare parzialmente non-cumulative non l'avevo ancora visto

Deusche Bank DE000A0TU305

EUR denominated Trust Preferred Securities, (the
"Securities") representing Class B Preferred Securities
which on issuance will be cumulative and treated as
consolidated Upper Tier 2 regulatory capital for the
Bank until and to the extent the Bank elects, prior to
15 May 2013, to qualify all or a percentage amounting
to at least 10%
, or an integral multiple thereof, of each
Class B Preferred Security as non-cumulative
consolidated Tier 1 regulatory capital.


Forumer storico
non so se è un caso, o altro, ma sul nyse le emissioni perpetue di RBS in usd stanno soffrendo parecchio, e stanno perdendo tutte più o meno tra il 5 e il 6%....


BAWAG fan club
Mah....da quello che mi risulta è la 2 banca austriaca ha fatto ottimi utili è al 31.08.09 ha un ROE% del 14,74 direi fra i migliori delle banche che vengono discusse in questo sito, ha un rating al 1 aprile 2009 poi si preferiscono o si considerano meglio banche che stanno in piedi solamente perchè lo stato le ha finanziate al 70% ...con rating inferiori ....e con percentuali di ROE in negativo .....allora questa è da non considerare.....

Con le banche il P&L conta davvero poco...fanno vedere quello che vogliono...l'importante e' la qualita' del balance sheet...;)
Anche BACA produce utili eppure ha bisogno di 2mld di liquidita'...


Utente Senior
Ringrazio ferdo e tutti voi x le preziose informazioni recuperate su UT2 essendo un fortunatissimo possessore di sta rumenta ...mi consolo solo di averci messo sopra appena 2k a 75.24 spero nel tempo di uscirne illeso :lol:
be´ti ho fatto compagnia ... vediamo come va a finire.

PS: non potete fare piu´di 10 pagine in 3 giorni che non vi leggo (sono stato in Spagna e ora sono in Germania):
HSH hanno cambiato management come prevedibile


Forumer storico
Veramente a me risulta che abbia pagato la cedola e abbia intenzione di continuare a farlo. Per ora non ha chiesto ulteriori aiuti.
Mi pare interessante la loro dichiarazione di marzo scorso.

24 March 2009
IR release on USD 850,000,000 Noncumulative Trust
Preferred Securities of BayernLB Capital Trust I (Tier 1)
Munich – In its IR release of 18 December 2008 entitled "EU
Commission approves BayernLB’s recapitalisation measures”,
BayernLB stated that it will not make any interest or dividend
payments on profit participation capital or hybrid capital (tier I capital)
or on capital contributions from silent partners unless the Bank is
contractually obliged to do so.
Under the terms of the USD 850,000,000 Noncumulative Trust
Preferred Securities (ISIN: XS0290135358) BayernLB Capital Trust I
is contractually obliged to make periodic distributions (“Capital
Payments”). The terms of the securities provide that, even in the event
that BayernLB does not post a distributable profit, periodic distributions
will be made if a subsidiary of BayernLB declares or pays any capital
payments, dividends or other distributions on any parity securities.
These requirements are fulfilled.
Periodic distributions on such securities for the 2008 fiscal year of
BayernLB will therefore be made at the scheduled payment date on 31
May 2009, as stipulated in the terms of the securities.

Non solo ma vogliono rendere i soldi presi in prestito dalla SOFFIN e hanno i bilanci ora in positivo, io l'ho presa quest' estate a 37% del resto l avevo gia segnalata sul post #4664

V. Replay circuits - BayernLB wants to get by with less state aid .

Munich, 10 Oct (Reuters) - BayernLB needed
Circles that less government support. The Bank
of negotiating with the state-owned bank rescue fund
SoFFin about guarantees of ten billion euros
return, like a person familiar with the situation at
Reuters said on Saturday. SoFFin was the end of 2008 guarantees
for the issuance of bonds totaling 15 billion euros
forgiven. Five billion euros, BayernLB used. Entering
Month she had one, but without government guarantees
Billion to procure the capital market. Thus it
proved that the market regain confidence in the BayernLB
have taken, "said the insider.
Even the "Sueddeutsche Zeitung" reported in its
Saturday edition, BayernLB wants guarantees over ten
Billion euros return.

The financial crisis was Germany's second largest Landesbank
Last year, a loss of over five billion euros
brewed. The collapse was averted only with state aid
are, among others fired the state of Bavaria to stabilize
ten billion euros of fresh capital into the bank. In the first
Half of 2009 once again there were black.
(Reporting by Peter Maushagen, editing by Kathrin layers)


Bos 4 Mod
be´ti ho fatto compagnia ... vediamo come va a finire.

PS: non potete fare piu´di 10 pagine in 3 giorni che non vi leggo (sono stato in Spagna e ora sono in Germania):
HSH hanno cambiato management come prevedibile

Ciao Ferdo, tienici informati sulle news dei giornali tedeschi!!
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