Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2 (2 lettori)

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riguardo a mps vs bpm:

secondo me bpm quota così rispetto a mps, che invece paga cedola, perchè mercato fiuta e sconta la possibilità della opa su bpm



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Hi to all!

The 14 banks that are one step away from bankruptcy - steal the show by the Italian, the Spanish and Portuguese - In the shadow of state bank CDS spreads are on fire
19/06/12 - 7:51

While all eyes have turned to increased borrowing costs of Spain and Italy, some investors bet the bankruptcy of some banks in the euro zone, bringing the CDS at extremely high levels.
Looking at the CDS over 100 banks in the U.S., Europe, Middle East, Asia and Latin America are already 14 banks that the cost of borrowing remains above the 500 basis points.

But what are the 14 banks that are in "red" according to the traders;

14: Bayerische Hypovereinsbank with CDS 507,5 bp
Acquired by UniCredit in 2005 to 19.2 billion. euros. Considered by the German arm of Italian banks and employs 20,000 workers and has a network of 780 stores
13: Intesa Sanpaolo with CDS 509,32 bps
The Banca Intesa is the result of the merger of Banco Ambrosiano Veneto, Cariplo and Banca Commerciale Italiana, which created the largest bank in Italy. It employs 99,504 employees.
12: UniCredit SpA with CDS 552,9 bp
The UniCredit has a presence in 22 countries.
11: Banca Monte dei Paschi with CDS 671,50 bps
The Banca Monte dei Paschi is commonly known as "il Monte," which was founded in 1472 by the Republic of Siena.
10: Banco Popolare with CDS 695 bp
The Banco Popolare is a cooperative bank in Italy, and is the first received help from the state during the crisis, selling 2.1 billion. U.S. dollars of convertible bonds to the government.
9: Banco de Sabadell with CDS 740 bp
The Banco Sabadell is one of the largest banks in Spain with 87% of its revenue comes from commercial activities.
8: Dexia with CDS 761,80 bps
It is the largest Belgian bank in the business of retail banking activities and most have been sold in ... across Europe.
7: Caixa Geral de Depositos with CDS 845,2 bp
The Caixa is the largest bank in Portugal but is under state control.
6: Bank of Ireland with CDS 849,4 bp
It is one of the four largest banks in Ireland, which received an amount of 5.2 billion. euros in 2011
5: Anglo Irish Bank to CDS 959,6 bp
The Anglo Irish Bank came under state control in 2009 and was merged with the Irish Nationwide Building Society.
4: Banco Espirito Santo with CDS 968,2 bp
The Banco Espirito is the largest Portuguese bank with one of its main shareholders are Credit Agricole.
3: Banco BPI with CDS 1.011 bps (Mother of the Greek Millennium Bank)
The Banco BPI has over 600 branches and more than 1.4 million customers.
2: Banco Comercial Portugues by CDS 1.159 bps
The Banco Comercial Portugues received 3 billion. euros in 2012 from the government.
1: Kazkommerts with CDS 1.191 bps
The Kazkommerts is one of the main banks of Kazakhstan and employs 7,307 workers.
While all eyes have turned to increased borrowing costs of Spain and Italy, some investors bet the bankruptcy of some banks in the euro zone, bringing the CDS at extremely high levels.
Looking at the CDS over 100 banks in the U.S., Europe, Middle East, Asia and Latin America are already 14 banks that the cost of borrowing remains above the 500 basis points.

BankingNews.gr | Online ????????? ?????????
?? 14 ???????? ??? ?????????? ??? ???? ???? ??? ?? ????????? - ??????? ??? ????????? ?? ????????, ?? ????????? ??? ?? ???????????? - ??? ???? ??? ???????? spreads ?? ????????? CDS ???????? ?????


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Articolo qui di seguito che lascia il tempo che trova...gia' il fatto che ci sia Banca Intesa nella lista gli fa perdere ogni valore...come se poi le crisi delle banche e quelle dei debiti sovrani fossero scorrelate...

Hi to all!

The 14 banks that are one step away from bankruptcy - steal the show by the Italian, the Spanish and Portuguese - In the shadow of state bank CDS spreads are on fire
19/06/12 - 7:51

While all eyes have turned to increased borrowing costs of Spain and Italy, some investors bet the bankruptcy of some banks in the euro zone, bringing the CDS at extremely high levels.
Looking at the CDS over 100 banks in the U.S., Europe, Middle East, Asia and Latin America are already 14 banks that the cost of borrowing remains above the 500 basis points.

But what are the 14 banks that are in "red" according to the traders;

14: Bayerische Hypovereinsbank with CDS 507,5 bp
Acquired by UniCredit in 2005 to 19.2 billion. euros. Considered by the German arm of Italian banks and employs 20,000 workers and has a network of 780 stores
13: Intesa Sanpaolo with CDS 509,32 bps
The Banca Intesa is the result of the merger of Banco Ambrosiano Veneto, Cariplo and Banca Commerciale Italiana, which created the largest bank in Italy. It employs 99,504 employees.
12: UniCredit SpA with CDS 552,9 bp
The UniCredit has a presence in 22 countries.
11: Banca Monte dei Paschi with CDS 671,50 bps
The Banca Monte dei Paschi is commonly known as "il Monte," which was founded in 1472 by the Republic of Siena.
10: Banco Popolare with CDS 695 bp
The Banco Popolare is a cooperative bank in Italy, and is the first received help from the state during the crisis, selling 2.1 billion. U.S. dollars of convertible bonds to the government.
9: Banco de Sabadell with CDS 740 bp
The Banco Sabadell is one of the largest banks in Spain with 87% of its revenue comes from commercial activities.
8: Dexia with CDS 761,80 bps
It is the largest Belgian bank in the business of retail banking activities and most have been sold in ... across Europe.
7: Caixa Geral de Depositos with CDS 845,2 bp
The Caixa is the largest bank in Portugal but is under state control.
6: Bank of Ireland with CDS 849,4 bp
It is one of the four largest banks in Ireland, which received an amount of 5.2 billion. euros in 2011
5: Anglo Irish Bank to CDS 959,6 bp
The Anglo Irish Bank came under state control in 2009 and was merged with the Irish Nationwide Building Society.
4: Banco Espirito Santo with CDS 968,2 bp
The Banco Espirito is the largest Portuguese bank with one of its main shareholders are Credit Agricole.
3: Banco BPI with CDS 1.011 bps (Mother of the Greek Millennium Bank)
The Banco BPI has over 600 branches and more than 1.4 million customers.
2: Banco Comercial Portugues by CDS 1.159 bps
The Banco Comercial Portugues received 3 billion. euros in 2012 from the government.
1: Kazkommerts with CDS 1.191 bps
The Kazkommerts is one of the main banks of Kazakhstan and employs 7,307 workers.
While all eyes have turned to increased borrowing costs of Spain and Italy, some investors bet the bankruptcy of some banks in the euro zone, bringing the CDS at extremely high levels.
Looking at the CDS over 100 banks in the U.S., Europe, Middle East, Asia and Latin America are already 14 banks that the cost of borrowing remains above the 500 basis points.

BankingNews.gr | Online ????????? ?????????
?? 14 ???????? ??? ?????????? ??? ???? ???? ??? ?? ????????? - ??????? ??? ????????? ?? ????????, ?? ????????? ??? ?? ???????????? - ??? ???? ??? ???????? spreads ?? ????????? CDS ???????? ?????
Ultima modifica:


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E' confermato. I T1 di Antonv sono sotto MPS, che è diventato il nuovo guarantor.
Perchè ha comprato Ntv.
Un eventuale nuovo compratore di Ntv subentrerà a Mps.
Chiacchiere inutili, comunque.
VB non compra se non sportelli e Mps non vuol vendere il marchio.
Perciò io resto fuori sia da Mps che da Ntv


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Websim - 19/06/2012 08:34:15
Mps studia il prestito-capitale. Viola indica la strada dei co.co bond, titoli particolari che si convertono in azioni se il patrimonio scende sotto una certa soglia, per rafforzare di 1 miliardo il capitale e rispondere alle richieste dell'Eba. (Corriere della Sera 33)


Forumer storico
Monte Paschi, S&P's mette rating 'BBB' in credit watch negativo
Reuters - 19/06/2012 08:23:45
LONDRA, 19 giugno (Reuters) - Standard & Poor ha messo Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena (BMPS.MI) in credit watch con implicazioni negative, citando il deterioramento della qualità dell'attivo, gli utili in calo e la necessità di capitale.

"Laqualità dell'attivo di Mps si è deteriorata più di quella dei suoi pari domestici nel corso della recente crisi economica" ha detto l'agenzia di rating in un comunicato ieri diffuso nella serata di ieri.

Le banche italiane non sono in unasituazione simile a quella delle banche spagnole perché hanno una minore esposizione al mercato immobiliare e godono di un livello relativamente alto di risparmio delle famiglie, ha detto Renato Panichi analista Standard & Poor a Reuters la scorsasettimana. (news)
Tuttavia, la pressione del debito sovrano pesa sulle banche italiane, oltre al crescente rischio di sofferenze a causa della recessione.

S&P's dice che Monte dei Paschi ha uno stock maggiore di attivitànon-performing, che crescono ad un tasso leggermente superiore alla media italiana, "raggiungendo, quello che vediamo come un livello altissimo, un 16,2% dei prestiti lordi a fine marzo 2012".

L'agenzia di rating ha detto che rivedrà il giudizio 'BBB/A-2' entro i prossimi tre mesi, dopo la valutazione dei programmi di Mps per affrontare le proprie debolezze.
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