Ho scoperto 2 cose della 482
La prima che mi ha incuriosito è che la 482 ha rating Moodys Caa3 ,Mentre la 523 Ca
Allora sono andato a vedermi i perchè è ho scoperto che è una Ut2...
-(partly) qualifying as upper tier 2 capital in
accordance with the DNB policy rules for
upper tier 2 capital, as specified in the DNB
Credit System Supervision Manual
("Handboek Wtk") under paragraph 4003
(“Upper Tier 2 Capital”).
In the event that DNB is of the opinion that
(a part of) the Aggregate Nominal Amount
qualifies as Upper Tier 2 Capital, such
opinion will not alter in any respect the
terms and conditions, in particular the
status of the Notes. In such event all Notes
will still rank pari passu with any other Tier
1 Notes issued at any time by the Issuer.
Buon We a quasi Todos