Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2

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Risultati in uscita a Febbraio, almeno dei bond che seguo io:

02/13/13 ING GROEP: Q4 2012 Earnings Release
02/14/13 KBC: Q4 2012 Earnings Call
02/14/13 SNS REAAL: Q4 2012 Earnings Release
02/20/13 AGEAS: Q4 2012 Earnings Call
02/21/13 AXA: Q4 2012 Earnings Call
02/26/13 WIENERBERGER AG: Q4 2012 Earnings Call - Vienna
02/28/13 BANKIA SA: Q4 2012 Earnings Release
Alla fine dello scorso anno dopo che avevo trasferito alcuni titoli a Binck ,Iwb mi aveva abbassato le commisioni sul OTC, oggi dopo la ritirata di Binck sul OTC le ha aumentate e portato il minimo commisione da 5€ a 20€
accreditata cedol WIENERBERGER con iw :up:

arrivata cedola e rimborso di br malls
Ultima modifica:
Bankia SA : Bankia accelerates the restructuring of its branch network and will complete the process within one year
02/11/2013| 06:43am US/Eastern
Bankia accelerates the restructuring of its branch network and will complete the process within one year
At the end of the process, the bank will have 2,000 branches and will maintain its national franchise.
The reduction in capacity will improve efficiency and profitability, which are essential for returning the State aid received.
In March Bankia will begin the process of streamlining its branch network as part of the Restructuring Plan approved by European and Spanish authorities in November.

Although the original timeframe for the plan was three years, Bankia intends to accelerate the process and to complete almost all of it within one year, in order to stabilise the franchise and maintain the highest levels of customer service. The bank's central services will also be streamlined while it restructures its network.

At the end of the process, the bank will have 2,000 branches and will maintain its national franchise.

Once the process is complete, Bankia will have around 2,000 branches and will continue to be a national franchise with a greater presence in the group's original strongholds and areas of influence.

Depending on the established plans, the branches involved will be informed at least one month prior to their closure. Customers that need to switch branches will also be informed several weeks in advance about the new location where they can continue to receive banking services.

Bankia's chairman, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, confirmed that, "This restructuring is necessary to improve Bankia's efficiency and profitability, to ensure the viability of the project and the possibility of returning the State aid received". "With a network of 2,000 branches, Bankia will continue to have a presence across the whole of Spain and will preserve the jobs of 14,500 people".
Bankia SA : The company hereby announces the signing of an employment agreement with the Bank's union representatives
02/11/2013| 07:55am US/Eastern
Pursuant to article 82 of Law 24/1988 of
28 July on the Securities Market,
BANKIA, S.A. hereby
confirms that it has signed an employment agreement today with the majority representatives (CCOO, UGT, ACCAM, SATE and CSICA, which combined
of the Bank's union represent 97.86% of
represented employees) regarding a series of measures on redundancies,
changes to
conditions, and functional and geographic
mobility, which are intended to help ensure the future
of the Bank while complying with the requirements
of the Stra tegic Plan
and the
Recapitalisation Plan approved by the European Commission on 28 November 2 012.
This agreement includes the following measures that will remain in place until 31 December 2015:

• Redundancies for a maximum of 4,500 employees, with redundancy pa ckages depending on the age of those affected.

• Changes to the working conditions of employees that continue to work at the bank, through

measures to eliminate
or reduce
fixed remuneration conditions, v ariable remuneration
conditions, pension plan contributions and entitlements for risk and prom otion measures.
The agreement encourages voluntary redundancies
and employability with
the creation of an
employment pool for those affected, while also enabling Bankia to move towar ds an efficiency ratio below 50%.
The above is notified as a material disclosure for all pertinent purposes in
Madrid, 8 February 2012
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