Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 3 (9 lettori)


Money Never Sleeps

July 29, 2015 5:05 pm

HSH Nordbank’s fate set to be decided by EU and Germany

James Shotter

©Bloomberg HSH Nordbank is one of the world’s biggest providers of shipping finance

Crunch time is approaching for HSH Nordbank. In the coming months, authorities in Brussels and in Germany will decide how to deal with the Hamburg-based lender, which is still grappling with the fallout of the financial crisis.
What to do with the bank has been complicated by the political involvement in regional banks.

As one of the world’s biggest providers of shipping finance, HSH found itself in trouble in 2008 after the financial crisis sparked a collapse in global trade, which in turn caused billions of euros worth of maritime loans it had extended to go bad.
After six years of restructuring, the bank’s non-core unit houses €36.2bn of assets, €9.7bn of which are shipping loans. A further group of shipping loans that the bank kept in its core business have also gone bad. In all, the bank has about €15.9bn in non-performing loans.
The bank’s problems do not stop there. In 2009, it was rescued by Hamburg and Schleswig Holstein, the two north German states that between them now own 85 per cent of it. Yet the cure has proven only marginally less painful than the disease.
In exchange for a €10bn guarantee — which the bank has not yet drawn upon, but will have to use between 2019 and 2025 — HSH has to pay a fee each year. Since 2009, this arrangement has cost HSH €3.2bn, of which €2.4bn has been paid in cash — a steady outflow that is throttling its attempts to return to normality.
“They could continue like this for years, but it wouldn’t make them a viable bank,” says Roger Schneider, from Fitch, the rating agency. “They can’t build up capital because of the fees they have to pay. Something has to change, that’s pretty clear.”
This recognition is gaining traction, and the European Commission and HSH’s owners have recently been looking for a better solution.
At the centre of the talks is a quid pro quo under which some of the bank’s toxic assets are transferred to a special purpose vehicle, which is most likely to be owned by Hamburg and Schleswig Holstein. In exchange, the €10bn guarantee — and the fees HSH must pay for it — would be reduced.
The commission and the European Central Bank — which is not party to the negotiations, but is taking an interest in its new role as European banking supervisor — would like as many toxic assets to be transferred as possible, according to people familiar with the situation.
The Commission, Hamburg and Schleswig Holstein confirmed that they were in talks to find a solution, but declined to comment further. HSH and the ECB also declined to comment.
A complete transfer would allow the guarantee to be removed, which would give the bank the ability to fund itself competitively and without which its prospects are bleak.

The problem is that this is politically difficult. The transfer of assets to the special purpose vehicle will have to be done at market prices. Even if the illiquidity of the market for some assets allows some room for interpretation, the losses that HSH is likely to realise will trigger Hamburg’s and Schleswig Holstein’s guarantee, potentially costing the owners billions of euros.
As a result, a compromise involving a transfer of some but not all toxic assets — running into the double-digit billions of euros — is being considered. In exchange, the guarantee would be reduced, but not removed, according to people close to the situation.
Other scenarios, including winding down the bank altogether, have also been discussed. However, a complete wind-down of the bank is the least likely scenario, one person says, because it would remove any chance of recovering much value from the troubled assets.
“The key questions are how do they find a solution that doesn’t impose too much of an additional burden on the owners, and how do they avoid another state aid discussion,” says Mr Schneider of Fitch.
Earlier this year, there had been hopes that a deal could be reached before the summer. But it is now likely that the final decision on HSH’s future will have to wait until the autumn.
“At the moment I have low confidence of a final deal before the break. But there needs to be one sooner rather than later,” says one person involved. “It’s a game of political strength. Ultimately, it’s a question of what Berlin can achieve in Brussels.”
In ogni caso non è un destino già scritto, per i suoi sub.
Il 2017 lt2 prezza sui 75.
Io al momento lo holdo, anche in caso di accordi UE non è mica detto che vengano completamente wiped out.
Fabri ?


Forumer storico
In ogni caso non è un destino già scritto, per i suoi sub.
Il 2017 lt2 prezza sui 75.
Io al momento lo holdo, anche in caso di accordi UE non è mica detto che vengano completamente wiped out.
Fabri ?
tengo anch'io ,mi fa inca++are non aver preso il sub oevag del mio post di ieri alle 21,09


L'articolo del FT merita di essere letto, soprattutto da parte di chi ha investito in subs Unicredit:

August 2, 2015 6:07 pm
UniCredit chief explores options as he seeks to avoid cash call
Rachel Sanderson in Milan and Martin Arnold in London

Federico Ghizzoni became UniCredit chief executive five years ago after the board ousted his predecessor
UniCredit chief Federico Ghizzoni is exploring a strategic shake-up of the bank to boost profitability and address investor concerns while he seeks to avoid a cash call, insiders say.
The move by Mr Ghizzoni — who became chief executive five years ago after his predecessor, Alessandro Profumo, was ousted by the board — comes as Italian banks brace for the results of a health check by European regulators.
UniCredit, Italy’s only globally systemically important financial institution, reported a common equity tier one ratio of 10.1 per cent in the first quarter of the year. This measure of the bank’s financial strength was at the low end among its European peers and has raised concerns that regulators may push the bank to boost its capital base.
Mr Ghizzoni’s move follows growing restlessness about the company’s weak share performance among UniCredit’s non-Italian investors, which include its biggest shareholder Abu Dhabi-based Aabar Investments, according to insiders.
The bank’s shares are up 2 per cent over the past 12 months compared with a 50 per cent rise for its Milan-based rival Intesa Sanpaolo. UniCredit trades at 0.8 times the value of its tangible assets while Intesa is at 1.4 times that measure. That compares with an average for European banking stocks of 1.3 times, according to Bloomberg data.
UniCredit has declined to give guidance for net profit this year as it struggles to boost earnings squeezed by cheap funding, volatility in key markets of Ukraine and Russia, and weak growth in Italy.
Measures being considered before an updated strategic plan which is to be presented in the autumn include an aggressive restructuring of UniCredit’s German and Austrian operations, where the cost to income ratio stands at about 80 per cent. According to some market estimates the bank could save €500m a year as it seeks to avoid a rights issue.
“They are definitely under pressure to do a rights issue, especially since Commerzbank did one earlier this year,” said Filippo Alloatti, senior analyst at Hermes Credit, which invests in the debt of UniCredit.

“But that would be the fourth time in seven years they have raised capital from shareholders so there would be pressure for management change.”
Two people close to Mr Ghizzoni, who met the chief executive in the past month to discuss strategic options, said if he came under pressure from regulators over the bank’s capital position he could consider a domestic purchase to justify a rights issue, with the most likely target being Banca Popolare di Milano. One of them said Monte dei Paschi di Siena could also be a target.
UniCredit management had tried to improve profits and capital through cost cuts and the sale of non-core assets. But Mr Ghizzoni admitted in June that a year-old business plan was already under review as low interest rates called that strategy into question.
The opening salvo of UniCredit’s shake-up will come this week when the Milan-based lender will unveil a reorganisation of senior management to coincide with its second-quarter earnings announcement.
Marina Natale, chief financial officer, will be given more management powers in a move that will also see the sidelining of the bank’s chief risk officer and head of Italy, according to insiders.

oggi l'azione fa oltre +6%...:mumble:
come sempre le previsioni degli analisti sono affidabili come la borsa di Hermes acquistata in spiaggia...
Ultima modifica:

Joe Silver

Forumer storico

In tema di sub, oggi buy Vicenza 8.5% 2018 ammort IT0004781073: un buon 5.5% di rendimento per un bond che rimborsa in tranches annuali

Chiedo scusa, ma a me non torna questo rendimento. Da un rapido conto fatto sul tovagliolo di carta del gelato :) mi viene che per acquistare 10k nominali devi scucire ora circa 11k ed alla fine ne prendi (in rate annuali) un totale di 11,5k più o meno. Anche considerando di reinvestire quanto ti ridanno annualmente, mi sembra dura arrivare al 5,5% (annuo?).

Dove sbaglio?


Money Never Sleeps
tengo anch'io ,mi fa inca++are non aver preso il sub oevag del mio post di ieri alle 21,09
Ci son news ?
Su quel bond abbiamo visto spesso movimenti erratici però.
Ho chiesto ora il prezzo della veneto XS0337685324 mi danno tre controparti 77/82, confermate prezzi così bassi ???!!!


Money Never Sleeps
Chiedo scusa, ma a me non torna questo rendimento. Da un rapido conto fatto sul tovagliolo di carta del gelato :) mi viene che per acquistare 10k nominali devi scucire ora circa 11k ed alla fine ne prendi (in rate annuali) un totale di 11,5k più o meno. Anche considerando di reinvestire quanto ti ridanno annualmente, mi sembra dura arrivare al 5,5% (annuo?).

Dove sbaglio?
A che prezzo lo fai il calcolo ?


Forumer storico
Ci son news ?
Su quel bond abbiamo visto spesso movimenti erratici però.
Ho chiesto ora il prezzo della veneto XS0337685324 mi danno tre controparti 77/82, confermate prezzi così bassi ???!!!
Oevag non é più una banca ,è solo una bad bank che deve vendere assets e con quelli ripagare i debiti,ora si chiama Immigon e pare che possa ripagare a scadenza il lt2 ,nel novembre 2016


Forumer storico
Chiedo scusa, ma a me non torna questo rendimento. Da un rapido conto fatto sul tovagliolo di carta del gelato :) mi viene che per acquistare 10k nominali devi scucire ora circa 11k ed alla fine ne prendi (in rate annuali) un totale di 11,5k più o meno. Anche considerando di reinvestire quanto ti ridanno annualmente, mi sembra dura arrivare al 5,5% (annuo?).

Dove sbaglio?

Ho fatto a manina con excel (non mi fido di bloomberg quando ci sono rimborsi parziali. In questo caso il mio calcolo coincide con Bloomberg):

investo 88 ora (110*0.8, in quanto 0.2 sono stati già rimborsati, probabilmente sbagli qui), e prendo 20+interessi ogni anno a dicembre (la sequenza dei flussi di cassa è quindi 26.8/25.1/23.4/21.7). Il tasso di attualizzazione che da 88 è 5.5%

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