Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 3 (8 lettori)


Forumer attivo
Fin. Quick XS1054087496

Richiesta variazione prospetto.

Chi mi aiuta a capire in sostanza cosa chiedono?
Non per l´inglese ma per il contenuto della richiesta.


Proposed Amendments
The Issuer, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Consent Solicitation Statement, is soliciting the Consents
of Holders of Notes to:
● amend certain definitions related to the Change of Control provisions in the Indenture so as to ensure that the
Acquisition (as defined below) in the manner described under “Background and Purposeof theSolicitation” would
be deemed not to trigger a Change of Control under the Indenture and therefore not require the Issuer to make an
offer to each Holder to repurchase its Notes at a purchase price in cash equal to 101% of the principal amount thereof
plus accrued and unpaid interest thereon to the date of repurchase;
● amend the Limitation on Transactions with Affiliates covenant in the Indenture so as to ensure that the rebranding of
the restaurants in our network in France (other than halal-only restaurants) under the Burger King brand as
contemplated in connection with the BKF Transaction (as defined below) would not qualify as an Affiliate
Transaction under the Indenture;
● add a provision in the Indenture to the effect that none of the restrictive covenants would be construed in a manner to
prohibit or restrict the BKF Transaction (as defined below); and
● authorize and direct the Trustee and the Security Agent to enter into a supplemental indenture (the “Supplemental
Indenture”) amending the Indenture for the purpose of implementing the amendments described above.

See “TheProposed Amendments.”
Upon delivery of a Consent by a Holder of the Notes in accordance with the terms and conditions set out herein, such
Holder will be deemed to have delivered a Consent to all (and not only some) of the Proposed Amendments.
The Solicitation is being made on the terms and is subject to the conditions set forth in this Consent Solicitation
Statement. The Issuer expressly reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to amend, terminate or extend the Solicitation at any

Consent Payment
An amount of €2.50 for each €1,000 principal amount of Notes (the “Consent Payment”) will.

Ciao Biagio, come promesso se trovavo un commento di un analista lo mettevo , è di Exane

Given the terms proposed by Groupe Bertrand, we recommend to hold both the secured (=) and unsecured FRN (=, upgraded from -) and to consent to amendments to the change of control provisions.

Exclusive negotiations with Groupe Bertrand - bondholders’ consent required – HOLD both bonds (unsecured upgraded from SELL)
While financial investors had recently looked in pole position in the race to take over Quick, an industrial buyer will finally swallow the Franco-Belgian fast-food chain.

Qualium Investissement (owner of Quick) and Groupe Bertrand (Burger King France’s majority shareholder) have entered into exclusive negotiations for the acquisition of Quick by Burger King France.

We do not have any financial profile available for the acquirer (Burger king France) while the extent of financial support from its ultimate shareholder (Groupe Bertrand) is also uncertain. However, it is worth mentioning a number of points:
- Groupe Bertrand is a mid-size restaurant and hotel chain, founded by Olivier Bertrand in 1997 who remains the majority shareholder in the company alongside Naxicap Partners (Natixis private equity arm) which took over L Capital’s 37% stake in 2012.
- Groupe Bertrand owns 280 restaurants, including Brasserie Lipp (acquired in 2002), Bert’s, Café Leffe and Angelina. It is also the exclusive franchisee for Burger King in France and is behind the reentry of the brand into the French market in 2013. It also owns two hotels: the Saint-James and Relais Christine, both in Paris. Groupe Bertrand’s total consolidated revenues of EUR620M broadly match Quick’s EUR600M.
- The strategy would be to transform Quick restaurants (509 as of end-June) into Burger King restaurants in France, thereby accelerating the expansion plans of the US fast-food chain which would become the 2nd largest fast-food chain in France behind Mc Donald’s. In Belgium, Luxembourg and outside Europe, the Quick banner would remain.

Quick’s valuation and the consideration paid by Burger King France have not been disclosed.

However, we expect the equity value to be relatively limited (probably below EUR50M) while a large part of the financial investment made by Burger King France will be through a cash contribution made to Quick in order to fund the redemption of EUR90M of the secured and unsecured tranches (total outstanding amounts of EUR440M and EUR155M respectively).

Moreover, the proposed acquisition is conditional on three factors:
i) The EUR90M redemptions,
ii) The renewal of the RCF for EUR30M+ with a looser leverage covenant
ratio and a maturity until at least 30 June 2018,
iii) Consent of bondholders to give up on the change of control provision included in the bond documentation and which otherwise would have allow ed bondholders to put their bonds at 101.

It is worth mentioning that Quick will need to obtain the consent from a majority of each series of notes. The deadline is set for 7 October and the consent fee is 25bp.


Forumer storico
da notare la salita di azione Bcp

dopo il +12% di ieri.

oggi anche un altro +12% per ora...

bho io news non le trovo

certo la salità è sospetta


In Hoc Signo Vince..
magari ricordo male , ma secondo me fino ieri o altro giorno l'81 non c'era...


Se osservi qui vedi che nulla su queste piazze é cambiato:

Cmq nn fanno testo, bisognerebbe sentire i prezzi e capire l'effettiva operatività.
Su questo titolo l'unico mercato é otc e bisogna applicare.


Nuovo forumer
bancari tv

oltre alla già citata cred.agric. anche la bfcm, le baca. e le caixa non scherzano nei prezzi, in particolare se devi vendere. Dove si posizioneranno attorno ai 60/55? Però vederle scendere da 75/80 senza una motivazione lascia perplessi,forse bisognerà aspettere un rialzo dei tassi a 10Y per rivederle attorno a 80, Aspetteremo.

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