Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti VENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 1

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Venezuela says inflation was 4.8 pct in Nov, 2.2 pct in Dec

CARACAS Mon Dec 30, 2013 10:53am EST

Dec 30 (Reuters) - Venezuela's consumer prices rose 4.8 percent in November and 2.2 pct in December, the central bank said on Monday, compared with 5.1 percent in October.
President Nicolas Maduro launched an aggressive campaign of forced price reductions in November, ordering inspections of thousands of businesses accused of price gouging
Pdvsa recorded at least 31 malfunctions and fatalities during 2013

Early on Monday, a small fire was reported at the Amuay refinery, in northwestern Falcón state

Tuesday December 31, 2013 01:48 PM

Petróleos de Venezuela is ending 2013 with at least one security event, accident or fatality every 12 days, according to reports released throughout the year by both the workers and the state company.

At least 31 accidents were recorded, including explosions, power outages, fires, the sinking of a barge and electrical discharges on operating facilities, where several workers were injured.

On Monday, at 5:35 in the morning, the latest incident was recorded, a "minor fire (took place) at the Distillation Unit No. 3 of Amuay refinery, belonging to the Paraguaná Refining Center (CRP), which was quickly controlled and extinguished by firefighters of the oil industry," Pdvsa reported .

Two of the most outstanding events were the fires reported on the same date (August 12) in the Puerto La Cruz and El Palito refineries, in the states of Anzoátegui (northeast) and Carabobo (central north), caused by two lightning strikes that hit oil pits at the two refineries.

The string of safety problems at refineries came as the imports of oil byproducts from the United States climbed by some 87,000 bpd during 2013. In 2012, the number was 70,000 barrels a day.
PDVSA quedó fuera de la lista mundial de empresas petroleras


Miércoles, 1 de enero de 2014

Todas estas acciones desacertadas tienen la respuesta de que la inversión extranjera en Venezuela ha caído continuamente en los últimos 14 años, y sería ocioso repetir según los analistas, que les deben a las empresas mixtas, a los proveedores nacionales y extranjeros, y las compras de equipos son bajo el esquema de prepago

Se publicó la lista de Platts de las 250 petroleras más grandes del mundo y no apareció en la relación Petróleos de Venezuela, lo cual originó preocupación de los expertos, porque Venezuela está cumpliendo 100 años de ser un país petrolero y dispone de las mayores reservas de crudos pesados y extrapesados según un trabajo realizado por Tal Cual.

Platts envía todos los días despachos por Internet donde se realizan transacciones petroleras, registrando los nombres de los buques que salen y entran a los puertos con petróleo y gas, volúmenes y calidad de los cargamentos y los precios consignados en el board of loading. Esto se ha convertido en un instrumento de confiabilidad para la firma de los contratos y la fijación de los precios entre compradores y vendedores alrededor del mundo.

Los números de Platss y de otras compañías que siguen el movimiento de los negocios petroleros incorporan a los informes las reservas de las empresas, producción, refinación, ventas, ganancias netas y número de empleados. El objetivo final es el beneficio final de las compañías, y no uno solo de los indicadores.

Los técnicos consultados dijeron que se trata de analizar los beneficios finales del negocio, ya que no es un club de amigos, o una asociación benéfica.

Dijeron, por ejemplo, que Venezuela tiene 147 TCF de gas y tiene que importar gas de Colombia, posee las mayores reservas de petróleo del mundo y dos refinerías de conversión profunda y debe que importar gasolina de Estados Unidos, lo cual significa que hay una debilidad de alguno de los parámetros.


Pdvsa se retiró voluntariamente de la bolsa de valores de Estados Unidos (Securities Exchange Comisión) en el 2003, cortando el suministro transparente de sus operaciones, alegando “soberanía”, aunque las empresas petroleras chinas y rusas y todas las occidentales permanecen para demostrar la transparencia de sus negocios. Eso explica que los bancos de EEUU no le otorgan préstamos a Pdvsa.

Esa pieza fundamental ausente permite que Pdvsa diga lo que quiera y anuncie lo que le convenga desde su punto de vista político, pero también los inversionistas pueden hacer otras conjeturas y hacer lo contrario.
La opinión pública no se imaginaba qué sucedía con Petrobras, que hizo los grandes descubrimientos petroleros costa afuera, y los compradores de acciones seguían vacilantes y el precio de las acciones no subían.

El motivo se supo cuando el gobierno de Lula abandonó el poder, y la nueva administración de Petrobras anunció que durante 9 años seguidos Petrobras no había cumplido las metas de producción. Ahora Petrobras está vendiendo sus activos en todas partes del mundo para sincerar sus operaciones y recuperar su ganado prestigio.

Usando las cifras más recientes de este año, la producción ha bajado más de 400.000 barriles diarios, exporta de 300.000 a 500.000 barriles diarios menos, y su aporte al fisco ha bajado significativamente. Pdvsa se ha visto envuelta en sucesos que debilitaron su transparencia, como la famosa valija que fue decomisada en Buenos Aires, con casi un millón de dólares, que es un negocio no petrolero.

Es muy significativo el éxodo de Petronas de Malasia, la rusa privada Lukoil, PetroVietman y la firma de Bielorrusia preparan las maletas, al igual que Petrobras. No es un buen récord que cinco empresas petroleras se distancien de los proyectos de la Faja del Orinoco.

Las irregularidades descubiertas por tribunales estadounidense, con la utilización de fondos de los trabajadores de Pdvsa, o los recientes del Bandes cometidas en territorio estadounidense, originan advertencias adversas. En el aspecto comercial internacional la percepción es negativa cuando se habla de que el flujo de caja de Pdvsa está exhausto, porque la petrolera estatal incursiona en una gran variedad de negocios no productivos.

Todas estas acciones desacertadas tienen la respuesta de que la inversión extranjera en Venezuela ha caído continuamente en los últimos 14 años, y sería ocioso repetir según los analistas, que les deben a las empresas mixtas, a los proveedores nacionales y extranjeros, y las compras de equipos son bajo el esquema de prepago.

La producción sigue retrocediendo, la Faja del Orinoco registra una producción muy frágil en contraste con las exposiciones grandilocuentes y la extracción en las áreas de reservas desarrolladas están paralizadas. Las nuevas emisiones de bonos de Petróleos de Venezuela son consideradas como “bonos chatarra” en el mercado bursátil.
Venezuela's Gold Crisis Is Spurring Chinese Investment

By Andrew Foote | More Articles | Save For Later
December 31, 2013 | Comments (0)

China has had long-standing interests in South America since the Cold War. As times have changed, so has the nature of its involvement turning from the spread of Communism, to foreign direct investment (FDI). Venezuela is a lucrative opportunity mainly because it sits on some of the largest oil deposits in the world, and is the fifth largest supplier of oil to U.S. markets. As a member of OPEC it also has considerable leverage on pricing and supply.

Ironically, Chavez was against U.S. FDI and nationalized many U.S. oil assets. He also paved the way forward for Chinese FDI with the creation of the Sino-Venezuelan JVs, most notably Sinovensa. These commercial arrangements are part of a greater Sino-Latin American strategy valued in excess of $250 billion. China is here to stay and will be a major force to contend with in regional markets and investments.

President Nicolás Maduro was well positioned to continue FDI initiatives since he was the former Minister of Foreign Affairs and had created close ties with China's President, Xi Jinping. Venezuela has a full spectrum of joint ventures with China extending to over 300 agreements of cooperation to the creation of three new power plants by 2016. It is also invested heavily in rail and port construction that will enable the production of oil and other goods.

Venezuela is also in a position where it needs to rapidly secure FDI to offset its reliance on gold prices to value its liquid reserves. Currently, 70% of their reserves are pegged to the gold market. "World Gold Council indicate that Venezuela is the most vulnerable country in Latin America to the drop of gold price as two thirds of its international reserves are made up of gold."

A delicate balance

Venezuela has an estimated 297 billion barrels of oil, surpassing Saudi Arabia's reserves of an estimated 265 billion barrels. Continued partnerships between both nations will create an interesting market hedge and leverage against U.S. markets. The U.S. can't upset relations with either nation for fear of creating a backlash that would affect the U.S.'s ability to import oil or other commercial interests.

Already, Maduro is showing signs of continuing the bias against the U.S. In November, two American-owned oil rigs were seized by Venezuelan court order. These rigs were owned by Superior Energy Services (NYSE: SPN ) . In October, a Panamanian flagged vessel that was under contract with Anadarko Petroleum (NYSE: APC ) was conducting seismic surveys in the disputed waters between Guyana and Venezuela. It was impounded because it did not have a permit to survey in Venezuelan waters. Meanwhile, China continues to pour money into JV's and increase their growing presence.

Areas of development

China's FDI spans all areas of economic development in Venezuela to include: military, political, energy and infrastructure. The growing preference for the China brand positions Beijing as an extremely influential partner. The more China develops the infrastructure that is critical for E&P the more U.S. markets can rely on Venezuelan oil. The question for investors is this: Will Venezuela or China be in a position to dictate higher prices or hoard commodities?

The recent $14 billion investment of the Junin 10 block in the Orinoco Oil Belt along with an additional $14 billion investment in nearby Junin 1 block show that Sinopec is planning on working closely with the state run oil company Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA). It is expected to reach a projected export of 1 million barrels in the coming two years from Venezuelan oil fields to foreign markets where the U.S. is the majority consumer.

What does this mean for U.S. investors?

The demand for oil is growing, and existing supplies are dwindling. ExxonMobil (NYSE: XOM ) and Chevron (NYSE: CVX ) have invested greatly in deep-sea drilling to develop previously unattainable oil reserves. While Sinopec and CNOOC have been very successful at securing sites in the interior of Venezuela. The overall investment strategy and the amount of FDI demonstrate a growing Chinese presence and bolstering of the petro-Yuan.

Investors are hoping that post Chavez Venezuela will be more willing to engage FDI. The Orinoco Oil Belt has the largest oil reserves on the planet and has attracted oil majors Eni (NYSE: E ) and Rosneft. These companies will provide investors alternatives to Beijing-controlled companies. PDVSA is planning on investing $257 billion to double Venezuela's oil output to 5.8 million bpd by 2019.

Part of the reforms could be a change to the 60:40 ratio on joint ventures that guaranteed PDSVA the majority share. There has been talk in Venezuela that the JV ratio could be 51:49, a signal to investors that Venezuela is ready to seriously develop its oil reserves for a profit.
Analisi Tecnica EUR / USD - 02.01

Kristian A. Kerr, DailyFX ricerca

Giovedi, 02 January periodo 2014 - 15:31


EUR / USD: record di declino significativo oggi la coppia con il tasso più basso di 1.3700.
Sostegno sostanziale se continua tendenza al ribasso è 1,3655 e sotto il 1.3580.
Se la tensione viene invertita la resistenza si trova a 1.3720 e 1,3775 sopra.

Valutazioni per il bond in dollari.
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