Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti VENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 1

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Altre due compagnie aeree abbandonano il Venezuela

Redazione Online
25.01.2014, 10:25

La compagnia aerea americana American Airlines e la panamense Copa Airlines hanno smesso di vendere biglietti per voli diretti in Venezuela a causa di debiti non pagati dalle autorità venezuelane.

Il ritiro delle due compagnie succitate arriva dopo la decisione presa dalla compagnia aerea ecuadoriana Tame e dalla canadese Air Canada che da tempo hanno interrotto la vendita di biglietti per Caracas.

Il debito totale del governo del Venezuela nei confronti delle compagnie aeree straniere che fanno tratta nel Paese è già stimato in oltre 3 miliardi dollari.

Il governo venezuelano offre, al posto del denaro, titoli di stato venezuelano e carburante per aerei, ma le compagnie aeree non sono d'accordo.

(La Voce della Russia)
Venezuela Oil Price Jumps

Venezuela's Ministry of Energy and Petroleum reports that the average price of Venezuelan crude sold by Petroleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA) during the week ending January 24 jumped up after four straight weeks of falls

CARACAS -- Venezuela's weekly oil basket stayed below the country's desired $100 a barrel floor but bounced higher after four straight weeks of falls.

According to figures released by the Venezuela Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, the average price of Venezuelan crude sold by Petroleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA) during the week ending January 24 was $96.05, up $1.86 from the previous week's $94.19.

WTI in New York averaged $95.55 -- up $2.70 -- for the week, while Brent crude traded in London averaged $107.08 -- up $0.31 from the previous week.

At last week's $94.19, Venezuela's oil price was just above the low for the country's oil basket in 2013 of $93.98, which was set during the week ending November 22.

According to Venezuelan government figures, the average price in 2014 for Venezuela's mix of heavy and medium crude is now $95.00. In 2013, it was $99.49, down from 2012's $103.42 and 2011's $101.06, but higher than 2010's $72.43, and much higher than 2009’s average price of $57.01.

In 2013, WTI averaged $97.96 while Brent has averaged $108.70. Benchmark WTI traded on the NYMEX averaged $94.23 for 2012 while Brent averaged $111.64 for that year. Prior to 2010, Brent and the heavier Venezuelan crude had historically traded below WTI.

Venezuela's basket set its highest weekly average on July 18, 2008, when it hit $126.46 before economies around the world began crashing under the weight of expensive oil and crashing sub-prime debt.

The United States is the largest importer of Venezuela’s oil exports.

According to the US Department of Energy, the US imported 750,000 barrels a day from Venezuela in 2013 down from 2012's 906,000 barrels a day. In 2007, the US was importing 1.14 million barrels per day from Venezuela.

Oil is the main export of Venezuela and provides most of the country's foreign currency.

According to data provided by Venezuela to OPEC, PDVSA produced 2.78 million barrels per day in 2013, slightly down from 2012's average of 2.80 million barrels per day. In 1998, before the administration of Hugo Chavez, Venezuela was producing 3.6 million barrels per day.

Latin American Herald Tribune - Venezuela Oil Price Jumps
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