Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti VENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 1

probabilità recovery

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Crónica Uno‏ @CronicaUno

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$ 5.234 millones de la deuda de PDVSA tiene como garantía acciones de Citgo

NOTICIAS | Marzo 16, 2017 - 1:38am

El Balance de la Deuda Financiera Parte de Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) señala que los bonos y préstamos que la estatal contrató en 2016 en los que se puso como garantía a su filial en Estados Unidos, Citgo, implica una hipoteca sobre las refinerías de Corpus Christi, Lake Charles y Lemont en los estados de Texas, Lousiana e Illinois, respectivamente.

A esto se suma, según indica el informe, que también las cuentas por cobrar comerciales de Citgo se incluyeron como parte de ese derecho que tienen los acreedores en caso de que PDVSA incurra en un incumplimiento en el pago de estas obligaciones de su deuda financiera.

En total, PDVSA realizó tres operaciones durante el año pasado por 5.234 millones de dólares en las cuales 2.799 millones se corresponden a la emisión de bonos con vencimiento en el año 2020 que se colocaron como parte de un canje por títulos o bonos que vencían en 2016 y 2017. En este caso se comprometió 50,1% del capital social de la filial estadounidense.

La segunda transacción fue por 1.985 millones de dólares por parte de “uno de los clientes” de PDVSA sin especificar cuál fue la empresa que concedió ese monto, pero se ha señalado que se trata de la empresa rusa Rosneft.

La tercera transacción fue por 450 millones de dólares que formó parte de una facilidad de crédito aprobada por BNP Paribas , que tuvo como garantía justamente las cuentas por cobrar.

$ 5.234 millones de la deuda de PDVSA tiene como garantía acciones de Citgo | Petroguia
Crucial Loans to Venezuela Are Held Up by Dispute With Congress
Fabiola Zerpa
Andrew Rosati
15 marzo 2017, 15:31 CET

The bitter political standoff between Venezuela’s government and opposition may have cost the crisis-torn country nearly half a billion dollars in loans from one of its last active multilateral lenders as a fourth year of recession grips the economy.

The Development Bank of Latin America, or CAF, is said to be reconsidering whether to issue fresh loans to Venezuela -- a principal member and home to its headquarters -- due to a legal dispute between the National Assembly and the Supreme Court, according to three people with direct knowledge of the matter. As the government struggles to stock store shelves and make good on billions of dollars in bond payments, the opposition-controlled legislature has refused to approve a debt financing law for 2017.

Insisting that the National Assembly is in contempt, President Nicolas Maduro has sought budgetary approval from the Supreme Court, which he’s packed with his supporters. In response, Maduro’s opponents in the legislature have sent a stern warning: Any new debt approved without the Congress would be considered illegal and future governments would not be obligated to honor it.

With the world’s highest sovereign risk of default, Venezuela, which has depended on loans from China in recent years for liquidity, is finding it harder and harder to obtain financing as reserves tumble and debt service becomes more burdensome.

“By trying to bypass the National Assembly, the government now doesn’t have the means to obtain financing,” said Jose Guerra, the head of the legislature’s Finance Committee and former director of economic research at the central bank.

Loan Requests

Leery of providing any new financing that has not been approved by Venezuela’s legislature, CAF has put a $40 million credit for water infrastructure as well a $400 million loan request on hold as it evaluates Venezuela’s uncertain political and economic outlook.

Bond yields and country risk have effectively priced the government out of the market so any additional financing could be considered a respite. Next month alone, Venezuela’s state oil giant, PDVSA, has $2 billion of payments coming due.


Given the country’s finances and investor anxieties, the half billion dollars in play is “a massive amount of money for this government,” says Alejandro Grisanti, director of the Caracas-based consultancy Ecoanalitica. “Every moment that passes, the government loses options to escape from the crisis.”

Calls placed to Venezuela’s Finance Ministry were not immediately returned. Nicolas Abreu, a spokesperson for CAF, said the bank is in the process of reviewing the situation, so the funding “has not been neither approved nor denied,” and the institution “respects the autonomy of public authorities in each member country.”

Board Meeting

CAF provides Venezuela funding for everything from hydroelectric dams, water ways, sanitation and major transportation projects. In recent years, however, many of the initiatives have stalled as the country’s economic crisis has deepened. This week is the first board meeting of the year, where financing to Venezuela is likely to be discussed.

Venezuela’s dueling political factions have been at loggerheads since the opposition won control of the National Assembly in December 2015 elections, riding a wave of anger over triple-digit inflation and chronic shortages of basic staples. The optimism engendered by a landslide victory after nearly two decades of socialist rule gave way to a hard political reality: The opposition could do little more than watch as the Supreme Court and Maduro government blocked their legislation and stymied their initiatives.

Yet, beyond the political divide, an equally serious issue remains. After years of spendthrift policies coupled with the global collapse in the price of oil, Venezuela’s only significant export, the government’s coffers are nearly depleted. Reserves stand near a 15-year-low of $10.4 billion.

“The government has hung itself,” said Guerra, who says he has met with representatives of CAF and the Inter-American Development Bank, another major multilateral lender to Venezuela.

Founded in 1970, as Venezuela’s oil bonanza began to take off, CAF is comprised of 19 countries and over a dozen private banks. According to CAF’s financial statements, Venezuela accounts for over 15 percent of the bank’s portfolio -- more than any other country -- with more than $3.3 billion in outstanding loans.

Far beyond questions over budgetary authority in Venezuela, reasons abound for CAF to deny the country additional funding due to economic mismanagement, says Ramiro Molina, a professor of international finance at Andres Bello Catholic University, in Caracas.

Pointing to examples of countries racked by conflict -- such as Nigeria and Mozambique -- Molina says additional multilateral loans may still be possible with improved management. “It’s not impossible,” he said, “but it’s by no means easy."

Jose Guerra‏ @JoseAGuerra

Debe ser ruda la estrechez de liquidez de $ del BCV que anda buscando desesperadamente $ 400 millones para pagar deudas inminentes

Todo acuerdo de interés nacional debe ser aprobado por la AN. Art 150 CRBV. Si PDVSA vende 10 de PetroPiar a Rosneft esa venta será nula

Carta presidente de AN @JulioBorges al presidente de @AgendaCAF advirtiendo sobre ilegalidad de créditos al gobierno

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