VENEZUELA & Petroleos de Venezuela Cap. 3 (8 lettori)


Venezuela's top court suspends results of opposition presidential primary
Oggi 16:59 - RSF
CARACAS, Oct 30 (Reuters) - Venezuela's Supreme Justice Tribunal said on Monday it has suspended the results of an opposition presidential primary which took place just over a week ago, despite an electoral deal between the government and the opposition that allows each side to choose its presidential candidate according to internal rules.

The ruling could risk the wrath of the United States, which this month rolled back some sanctions in exchange for the electoral deal. The State Department has already said it will reinstate sanctions if the government of President Nicolas Maduro does not lift bans on some opposition candidates and free political prisoners and "wrongfully detained" Americans by the end of November.

(Reporting by Mayela Armas and Vivian Sequera Writing by Julia Symmes Cobb)


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Venezuela's top court suspends results of opposition presidential primary
Oggi 16:59 - RSF
CARACAS, Oct 30 (Reuters) - Venezuela's Supreme Justice Tribunal said on Monday it has suspended the results of an opposition presidential primary which took place just over a week ago, despite an electoral deal between the government and the opposition that allows each side to choose its presidential candidate according to internal rules.

The ruling could risk the wrath of the United States, which this month rolled back some sanctions in exchange for the electoral deal. The State Department has already said it will reinstate sanctions if the government of President Nicolas Maduro does not lift bans on some opposition candidates and free political prisoners and "wrongfully detained" Americans by the end of November.

(Reporting by Mayela Armas and Vivian Sequera Writing by Julia Symmes Cobb)
Maduro non molla la poltrona, con democrazia lui è out.


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Ven bonds weaker . Sec Blinken insisting that Barbados agreement must be upheld or US will take necessary actions meaning sanctions come back and oil licenses revoked . Next move Maduro. Pdvsa bonds off to 12sh bid and Republic bonds off 1.5-2 pts to 17.5 bid


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E mica può decidere unilateralmente di non pagare.
La sospensione del pagamento delle cedole è giustificata dalle sanzioni.
Adesso che le sanzioni sono sospese deve riprendere a pagare le cedole.
Per sospendere i pagamenti occorre un'altra dichiarazione di default perchè quella del 2017 non è più valida., almeno provvisoriamente
Invece è proprio questo il punto: uno Stato può decidere quanto pagare, come pagare, quando pagare e, soprattutto, se pagare.


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