Titoli di Stato area non Euro ARGENTINA obbligazioni e tango bond (38 lettori)


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Sembra di stare nel thread della Grecia alcuni anni fa. :grinangel:

Così ci si rivede è

Un abbraccio a tutti.....

Ho swappato qualche vecchia Grecia a 114 la scorsa settimana per qualche ladrones bond ma solamente perché a questi prezzi secondo me pure che succede qualcosa il rischio è perdere tempo e una parte di capitale limitata tutto sommato....

A 100 non gli avrei dato un centesimo invece....

Mi spiace un po’ per il cambio che ora come ora è un po’ svantaggioso per l’Euro però amen...

Sono dentro con una 47 in dollari 7.625 e una 47 in euro 6.25

E vediamo come va....

Certo che questi confronto a Tsipras sembrano rubagalline


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Argentina opposition candidate Fernandez says working on plan for mining sector: source - Reuters

Fernandez met with mining companies on Monday in capital Buenos Aires to discuss his plans for the sector, two sources who attended the meeting said.

Fernandez, the front-runner for October’s presidential election, told the companies that his team has been working on a plan to benefit the Vaca Muerta shale oil play and the country’s mining sector, one of the sources added.

Fernandez also said he wanted to promote the flow of dollars into Argentina, without putting controls on taking money out, the source said.

Reporting by Cassandra Garrison


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IMF to meet with advisers to Argentina opposition candidate

BUENOS AIRES, Aug 26 (Reuters) - A team from the International Monetary Fund was to meet on Monday with economic advisers to opposition candidate Alberto Fernandez, the front-runner for October’s presidential election, according to a spokesman for Fernandez.

The IMF team will sit down with at least four representatives from Fernandez’s “Frente de Todos” coalition, according to state-run news agency Telam.

Fernandez, a critic of Argentina’s $57 billion IMF standby agreement negotiated in 2018 by pro-reform President Mauricio Macri, has pledged to “rework” the program if elected.

His economic advisers told Treasury Minister Hernan Lacunza last week that Fernandez would seek an “alternative economic model” to the current administration’s policies.

Meetings between the IMF team and Argentina’s Treasury Ministry will also continue on Monday, a ministry spokesman said.
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Thousands March in Argentina in Support of Macri’s Re-Election
John Quigley
25 agosto 2019, 03:39 CEST

  • Macri supporters marched in Buenos Aires and other cities

  • President is fighting back after stunning loss in primary vote

Thousands of Argentines marched in support of President Mauricio Macri’s re-election on Saturday in a boost for his campaign following his stunning defeat in primary elections earlier this month.

Supporters marched through downtown Buenos Aires to the Plaza de Mayo square in front of the presidential palace, where Macri emerged to greet them from a balcony draped with the blue and white Argentine flag.

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........adesso sono THOUSANDS....due settimane fà erano qualche HUNDREDS...MAGARI DIVENTANO MILIONS....
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Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Hedge Funds From Autonomy to Odey Tumble on Argentine Swoon
Katia Porzecanski
Nishant Kumar
26 agosto 2019, 15:02 CEST Updated on 26 agosto 2019, 17:03 CEST

  • The nation’s market rout was fueled by election results

  • Melkman’s Light Sky, BlueBay avoided the August bloodbath
Big hedge funds thought they could maneuver through the minefields of Argentine politics. Instead, they got clobbered.

Autonomy Capital and VR Capital Group saw their gains for the year wiped away after starting August with wagers on the South American nation. Famed short seller Crispin Odey and Glen Point Capital also saw losses.

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