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Shares of Hertz Global Holdings Inc. HTZ, +71.33% soared 25% in active premarket trading Monday, to add to the recent rocket ride higher in which the stock has more than tripled in two days. The stock is set to open above May 22 closing price of $2.84; after that close, the car rental company filed for bankruptcy. The company hasn't released any material news the past two sessions, while the stock shot up 8.8% on Thursday on volume of 268 million shares and ran up 71.3% on Friday on volume of 342 million shares. The company did not immediately respond to a request for comment or information. Meanwhile, filings with the Security and Exchange Commission showed that Director Henry Keizer sold 7,438 shares of common stock on Thursday, Director Daniel Ninivaggi sold 3,000 shares on Friday and Joseph McPherson, Executive Vice President of North America Operations, recently sold 11,865 shares. (MW)
Volevo condividere con voi questo momento, per la prima volta da inizio 2020, P&L positivo!
Sono testa a testa col Nasdaq, per ora vince lui ma ce la posso ancora fare
e già........ ma ci sono minus da recuperare (per me). Generate qualcuna sbagliando (vendite da stress) e qualcuna swichando. Il verde (potenziale) non copre assolutamente le minus reali e realizzate.
e già........ ma ci sono minus da recuperare (per me). Generate qualcuna sbagliando (vendite da stress) e qualcuna swichando. Il verde (potenziale) non copre assolutamente le minus reali e realizzate.