Certificati di investimento - Cap. 3

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La futura CEO di Wirecard?
Investitrice Venture-Capital che, per il cv che ho letto, penso che abbia avuto parecchie alternative ai calci in c...

Ihr erstes Geld hat die studierte Betriebswirtin mit einem Videospiel namens Winamax verdient. Später leitete die fußballbegeisterte Anhängerin von Real Madrid gemeinsam mit dem ehemaligen Adidas-Chef Robert Louis-Dreyfus den TV-Lizenz-Vermarkter Infront, der unter anderem die Fernsehrechte an der Weltmeisterschaft 2006 in Deutschland hielt. Seit 2011 die Beteiligungsgesellschaft Bridgepoint für mehr als 500 Millionen Euro Infront kaufte, investiert Junkermann in ihren eigenen Fonds.

2012 gründete Junkermann die Investmentplattform NJF Holdings für Risikokapital, Direktinvestments und Immobilien. Zu ihrer Holding gehört die Tochter NJF Capital, über die sie in junge Technologieunternehmen investiert. Derzeit gehören gut 30 Beteiligungen zum Portfolio. Die Themen Gesundheit, Biotechnologie und künstliche Intelligenz bilden einen Schwerpunkt, der Junkermann besonders am Herzen liegt. Zu den Firmen, aus denen NJF Capital wieder ausgestiegen ist, gehört Dollar Shave Club, ein Abo-Service für Rasierklingen und andere Kosmetikartikel, den Unilever 2016 für eine Milliarde Dollar übernahm. Die Beteiligung am Musik-Streaming und -Empfehlungsdienst Songza ging 2014 an den Internetriesen Google.

Comunque per aver piazzato una sua intervista in apertura, qualche qualita´ dovra´ pure avercela :wow:
American Airlines meno 6 %, ho venduto il certificato IT0005383275 con aa a 15 e c'è denaro a 536!
Ultima modifica:
isin DE000HV4CBL8 scade il 30.6.2020 oggi ultimo giorno di negoziazione - bid MM pari al prezzo di rimborso + cedola (chi non vole aspettare l'accredito....)
Avete mica un certificato a scadenza breve o che rimborsa sicuramente a breve. Mi serve per un parcheggio liquidità per un paio di mesi.
Visto che sei molto attento agli scenari peggiori,
questo è su indici DE000UD6ZLB9
il peggiore S&P è al momento al 13% dallo strike (2783,3600)
si compra a 100,97
e rimborsa a 104 il 15 10 2020 se sopra strike
Wirecard's lenders have mandated FTI Consulting as financial adviser in talks with company, people close to the matter told Reuters.
The 15 banks are in discussions on whether to waive covenants on roughly 1.75 billion euros ($2 billion) in loans to the German payments firm, which earlier this week disclosed a 1.9 billion euro hole in its balance sheet.
Some of the banks have signalled that they do not for now favour cancelling their loans and sending Wirecard into insolvency, but have demanded full transparency as they seek to recover their money, people close to the matter said. RTRS
Tornando sul CH0535744020 il MM è sparito dalle 12:30
per fortuna sono riuscito a vendere in quel frangente.

Attualmente non vedo motivi per essere assente se non un problema tecnico.
Wirecard's lenders have mandated FTI Consulting as financial adviser in talks with company, people close to the matter told Reuters.
The 15 banks are in discussions on whether to waive covenants on roughly 1.75 billion euros ($2 billion) in loans to the German payments firm, which earlier this week disclosed a 1.9 billion euro hole in its balance sheet.
Some of the banks have signalled that they do not for now favour cancelling their loans and sending Wirecard into insolvency, but have demanded full transparency as they seek to recover their money, people close to the matter said. RTRS

Mi sembra di capire che c'è ragionevolezza….
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