Certificati di investimento - Cap. 3 (52 lettori)

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UniCredit SpA's (UCG.MI) third-quarter net profit soared, surpassing analysts' expectations, as the bank completes its strategic plan
The improved earnings were expected as they come against a previous-year quarter that was hit by an impairment related to the lender's stake in Turkish bank Yapi Kredi and provisions. However, net profit grew more than analysts had forecast.
Net profit for the period was 1.10 billion euros ($1.22 billion) compared with a profit of EUR29 million a year earlier, the bank said Thursday. On an adjusted basis, which excludes one-offs, net profit rose almost 26% on year.
Revenue rose 1.7% to EUR4.70 billion.
Analysts had expected a net profit of EUR1.03 billion on revenue of EUR4.58 billion, according to a consensus forecast provided by the bank.
Net interest income--the difference between what lenders earn from loans and pay for deposits, and a key profit driver for retail banks--fell 5% to EUR2.56 billion.
Fees and commissions rose 3%, while trading income was up 29%.
The results come as Italy's largest bank gears up for a new plan that it will present in December. Under the current strategy, it sold assets, cut costs and disposed of bad loans worth billions of euros. It also raised EUR13 billion of fresh capital.
The bank confirmed its cost and revenue guidance for the year.
"With yet another strong quarter we have successfully delivered Transform 2019," Chief Executive Jean Pierre Mustier said.
"We have already met or will exceed our key targets by the end of this year,"


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Assicurazioni Generali SpA (G.MI) said Thursday that its net profit for the first nine months of the year rose roughly 17%, boosted by the sale of some businesses and stronger operating results.
Net profit for the period was 2.16 billion euros ($2.39 billion), the Italian insurance giant said. This compares with a profit of EUR1.86 billion a year earlier.
Adjusted net profit, which excludes one-offs, rose 6.2%.
Gross written premiums increased 3.2% to EUR51.38 billion.
Operating results grew 9.1% to EUR3.93 billion, supported by improving performance at the company's main business lines. The property and casualty segment grew 3.1%, while the life division was up 5% and the asset-management business was up 17%.
The group solvency ratio fell to 204% from 217% in September last year, hit in part by low interest rates.
The company is in the first year of its new strategic plan, under which it wants to cut its debt and is targeting growth in earnings per share at an annual rate between 6% and 8% through 2021.


It's time to play the game
Reuters ha scritto stanotte che Pechino avrebbe rifiutato la proposta della Casa Bianca di far incontrare i due presidenti negli Stati Uniti, Iowa, o in Alaska. Pare che le parti stiano ragionando su un vertice in luogo neutro, probabilmente in Europa, Londra potrebbe essere in pole position. Ma ci vorrà tempo per i preparativi, quindi si va avanti di un mese, a dicembre.

Quel che sembra essere un bisticcio dell’ultimo minuto su un aspetto all’apparenza secondario sta fornendo una valida giustificazione a chi ritiene esagerato il rally delle attività più rischiose e pensa sia arrivato il momento di puntare di nuovo sui beni rifugio.


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Reuters ha scritto stanotte che Pechino avrebbe rifiutato la proposta della Casa Bianca di far incontrare i due presidenti negli Stati Uniti, Iowa, o in Alaska. Pare che le parti stiano ragionando su un vertice in luogo neutro, probabilmente in Europa, Londra potrebbe essere in pole position. Ma ci vorrà tempo per i preparativi, quindi si va avanti di un mese, a dicembre.

Quel che sembra essere un bisticcio dell’ultimo minuto su un aspetto all’apparenza secondario sta fornendo una valida giustificazione a chi ritiene esagerato il rally delle attività più rischiose e pensa sia arrivato il momento di puntare di nuovo sui beni rifugio.


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Sì, ma a sottostante invariato paghi 1000 qualcosa che quoterà 1000 - i costi di collocamento... è un regalare soldi...
Ma con la fame dei rendimenti che ci sono in giro questo certificato in poco tempo puo' andare a 102,00 e poi purtroppo vedo che a parte qualche specialista degli" scarichi" la maggioranza di NOI se vuole acquistare un certificato deve beccare la lettera....... per cui secondo me ha senso quello che ha fatto TOWER.......
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