Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 2 (22 lettori)

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A report just out by Reuters' Harry Papachristou and Deepa Babington points out that whatever happens in the Greek confidence vote later today, "political instability will almost certainly keep markets guessing whether Athens will be able to ratify a 130 billion euro bailout deal in time to avoid a messy default in December."

Finance Minister Evengelos Venizelos told the Greek parliament on Thursday the state can meet its obligations until December 15.


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TESTO INTEGRALE - Comunicato finale del G20 di Cannes

venerdì 4 novembre 2011 15:28

CANNES, Francia 4 novembre (Reuters) - Di seguito il testo integrale del comunicato finale del vertice del G20 del 3-4 novembre a Cannes, in Costa Azzurra.
1. We, the Leaders of the G20, met in Cannes on 3-4 November 2011.
2. Since our last meeting, global recovery has weakened, particularly in advanced countries, leaving unemployment at unacceptable levels. In this context, tensions in the financial markets have increased due mostly to sovereign risks in Europe; there are also clear signs of a slowing in growth in the emerging markets. Commodity price swings have put growth at risk. Global imbalances persist.
3. Today, we reaffirm our commitment to work together and we have taken decisions to reinvigorate economic growth, create jobs, ensure financial stability, promote social inclusion and make globalization serve the needs of the people.

A global strategy for growth and jobs.
4. To address the immediate challenges faced by the global economy, we commit to coordinate our actions and policies. Each of us will play their part.
5. We have agreed on an Action plan for Growth and Jobs to address short term vulnerabilities and strengthen medium-term foundations for growth.
Advanced economies commit to adopt policies to build confidence and support growth and implement clear, credible and specific measures to achieve fiscal consolidation. We welcome the decisions by European Leaders on October 26th, 2011 to restore debt sustainability in Greece, strengthen European banks, build firewalls to avoid contagion, and lay the foundations for robust economic governance reform in the Euro area and call for their swift implementation. We support the measures presented by Italy in the Euro Summit and the agreed detailed assessment and monitoring by the European Commission. In this context, we welcome Italy's decision to invite the IMF to carry out a public verification of its policy implementation on a quarterly basis. Taking into account national circumstances, countries where public finances remain strong commit to let automatic stabilizers work and take discretionary measures to support domestic demand should economic conditions materially worsen. Countries with large current account surpluses commit to reforms to increase domestic demand, coupled with greater exchange rate flexibility. We all commit to further structural reforms to raise output in our countries. Monetary policies will maintain price stability over the medium term and continue to support economic recovery.
6. We are determined to strengthen the social dimension of globalization. We firmly believe that employment and social inclusion must be at the heart of our actions and policies to restore growth and confidence. We therefore decide to set up a G20 task force which will work as a priority on youth employment. We recognize the importance of social protection floors in each of our countries, adapted to national situations. We encourage the ILO to continue promoting ratification and implementation of the eight core Conventions ensuring fundamental principles and rights at work.
7. Convinced of the essential role of social dialogue, we welcome the outcomes of the B20 and L20 and their joint statement.

Towards a more stable and resilient International Monetary System
8. We have made progress in reforming the international monetary system to make it more representative, stable and resilient. We have agreed on actions and principles that will help reap the benefits from financial integration and increase the resilience against volatile capital flows. This includes coherent conclusions to guide us in the management of capital flows, common principles for cooperation between the IMF and Regional Financial Arrangements, and an action plan for local currency bond markets. We agree that the SDR basket composition should continue to reflect the role of currencies in the global trading and financial system. The SDR composition assessment should be based on existing criteria, and we ask the IMF to further clarify them. To adjust to currencies' changing role and characteristics over time, the composition of the SDR basket will be reviewed in 2015, or earlier, as currencies meet the existing criteria to enter the basket. We are also committed to further progress towards a more integrated, even-handed and effective IMF surveillance and to better identify and address spill-over effects. While continuing with our efforts to strengthen surveillance, we recognize the need for better integration of bilateral and multilateral surveillance, and we look forward to IMF proposals for a new integrated decision on surveillance early next year, and for increased ownership and traction.
9. We affirm our commitment to move more rapidly toward more market-determined exchange rate systems and enhance exchange rate flexibility to reflect underlying economic fundamentals, avoid persistent exchange rate misalignments and refrain from competitive devaluation of currencies. We are determined to act on our commitments to exchange rate reform articulated in our Action plan for Growth and Jobs to address short term vulnerabilities and restoring financial stability and strengthen the medium-term foundations for growth. Our actions will help address the challenges created by developments in global liquidity and capital flows volatility, thus facilitating further progress on exchange rate reforms and reducing excessive accumulation of reserves.
10. We agreed to continue our efforts to further strengthen global financial safety nets and we support the IMF in putting forward the new Precautionary and Liquidity Line (PLL) to provide on a case by case basis increased and more flexible short-term liquidity to countries with strong policies and fundamentals facing exogenous shocks. We also support the IMF in putting forward a single facility to fulfil the emergency assistance needs of its members. We call on the IMF to expeditiously discuss and finalize both proposals.
11. We welcome the euro area's comprehensive plan and urge rapid elaboration and implementation, including of country reforms. We welcome the euro area's determination to bring its full resources and entire institutional capacity to bear in restoring confidence and financial stability, and in ensuring the proper functioning of money and financial markets.
We will ensure the IMF continues to have resources to play its systemic role to the benefit of its whole membership, building on the substantial resources we have already mobilized since London in 2009. We stand ready to ensure additional resources could be mobilised in a timely manner and ask our finance ministers by their next meeting to work on deploying a range of various options including bilateral contributions to the IMF, SDRs, and voluntary contributions to an IMF special structure such as an administered account. We will expeditiously implement in full the 2010 quota and governance reform of the IMF.

Reforming the financial sector and enhancing market integrity
12. In Washington in 2008, we committed to ensure that all financial markets, products and participants are regulated or subject to oversight, as appropriate. We will implement our commitments and pursue the reform of the financial system.
13. We have agreed on comprehensive measures so that no financial firm can be deemed "too big to fail" and to protect taxpayers from bearing the costs of resolution. The FSB publishes today an initial list of Global systemically important financial institutions (G-SIFIs). G-SIFIs will be submitted to strengthened supervision, a new international standard for resolution regimes as well as, from 2016, additional capital requirements. We are prepared to identify systemically important non-bank financial entities.
14. We have decided to develop the regulation and oversight of shadow banking. We will develop further our regulation on


Forumer storico
Pare che qualcuno si sia accorto che anche il retail è interessato alla vicenda greca:

The ECB, the Greek bonds have been bought in a big way, will not join in the debt section. The central bank expects that their money - financed by the EFSF - get paid back one hundred percent.
It should also be geared to retail investors, says Gottfried Urban, Director New Asset AG.
Only for the banks there was a "voluntary must".

Traduzione Google di un paragrafo di questo articolo: Privatanleger: Griechischer Schuldenschnitt? Ohne uns! - Börse + Märkte - Finanzen - Handelsblatt
Gli amici "tedeschi" in lettura vorranno illustrarci i punti salienti senza il filtro di Google


Triplo Panico: comprare
Perdita di sovranità: vergogna!

"" Sosteniamo le misure presentate da Italia nel vertice di euro e la valutazione d'accordo dettagliato e monitoraggio da parte della Commissione europea. In questo contesto, accogliamo con favore la decisione di invitare in Italia il FMI di effettuare una verifica pubblica della sua attuazione politica su base trimestrale.""

Ecco il punto che parla del monitoraggio e verifiche nei nostri confronti!
Dopo i risolini noti, anche questa umiliazione!
Ci tengo alla mia Patria e questa non mi va giù!
Ciao, Giuseppe


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Interferenze con gli sviluppi

Τα γεγονότα στην Ελλάδα αποδεικνύουν την ανάγκη για γοργά ευρωπαϊκά βήματα, λέει ο Ομπάμα​
Gli eventi in Grecia dimostrano la necessità di fast-piattaforma europea, dice Obama

ΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΘΗΚΕ: Παρασκευή 04 Νοεμβρίου 2011​
Pubblicato: Venerdì, 4 novembre 2011

La necessità di muoversi rapidamente europei per attuare le decisioni del 27 ottobre riportato Barack Obama, parlando con i giornalisti al G20.

«Τα γεγονότα στην Ελλάδα αποδεικνύουν την ανάγκη η Ευρώπη να δράσει άμεσα» τόνισε, λέγοντας ότι και η αμερικανική οικονομία επηρεάζεται από τις εξελίξεις στη Γηραιά Ήπειρο.​
"Gli eventi in Grecia dimostrano la necessità per l'Europa di agire ora", ha sottolineato, dicendo che l'economia americana è influenzata dagli sviluppi sul continente.

(Ta Nea)


Forumer storico
Pare che qualcuno si sia accorto che anche il retail è interessato alla vicenda greca:

The ECB, the Greek bonds have been bought in a big way, will not join in the debt section. The central bank expects that their money - financed by the EFSF - get paid back one hundred percent. It should also be geared to retail investors, says Gottfried Urban, Director New Asset AG. Only for the banks there was a "voluntary must".

Traduzione Google di un paragrafo di questo articolo: Privatanleger: Griechischer Schuldenschnitt? Ohne uns! - Börse + Märkte - Finanzen - Handelsblatt
Gli amici "tedeschi" in lettura vorranno illustrarci i punti salienti senza il filtro di Google

Ci associamo con la BCE ...


Triplo Panico: comprare
Pare che qualcuno si sia accorto che anche il retail è interessato alla vicenda greca:

The ECB, the Greek bonds have been bought in a big way, will not join in the debt section. The central bank expects that their money - financed by the EFSF - get paid back one hundred percent. It should also be geared to retail investors, says Gottfried Urban, Director New Asset AG. Only for the banks there was a "voluntary must".

Traduzione Google di un paragrafo di questo articolo: Privatanleger: Griechischer Schuldenschnitt? Ohne uns! - Börse + Märkte - Finanzen - Handelsblatt
Gli amici "tedeschi" in lettura vorranno illustrarci i punti salienti senza il filtro di Google

Per carità, sembra positivo per noi. Attendiamo precisazioni!
Ciao, ciao, Giuseppe


Forumer storico
"" Sosteniamo le misure presentate da Italia nel vertice di euro e la valutazione d'accordo dettagliato e monitoraggio da parte della Commissione europea. In questo contesto, accogliamo con favore la decisione di invitare in Italia il FMI di effettuare una verifica pubblica della sua attuazione politica su base trimestrale.""

Ecco il punto che parla del monitoraggio e verifiche nei nostri confronti!
Dopo i risolini noti, anche questa umiliazione!
Ci tengo alla mia Patria e questa non mi va giù!
Ciao, Giuseppe

Le riforme in Italia sono quasi sempre avvenute su pressioni esterne.
Andrà bene anche questa volta.


Forumer storico
L'occhiello dell'articolo dice: "When the Greek debt is cut, no private investor is forced to participate. Everyone has it in their own hands: Who zockt and rejects the rescheduling could stand on end even as the winner." (dall'originale "Wenn der griechische Schuldenschnitt kommt, ist kein Privatanleger gezwungen, mitzumachen. Jeder hat es selbst in der Hand: Wer zockt und die Umschuldung ablehnt, könnte am Ende sogar als Gewinner dastehen.").
Zockt (ormai l'ho imparato frequentando i forum di finanza) vuol dire scommettere...


Sono un tipo serio
"" Sosteniamo le misure presentate da Italia nel vertice di euro e la valutazione d'accordo dettagliato e monitoraggio da parte della Commissione europea. In questo contesto, accogliamo con favore la decisione di invitare in Italia il FMI di effettuare una verifica pubblica della sua attuazione politica su base trimestrale.""

Ecco il punto che parla del monitoraggio e verifiche nei nostri confronti!
Dopo i risolini noti, anche questa umiliazione!
Ci tengo alla mia Patria e questa non mi va giù!
Ciao, Giuseppe

Se gli italiani davvero tenessero alla loro Patria (e non intendo riferirmi a te in particolare, bene inteso) avrebbero evitato di votare per 20 anni un mafioso corrotto...e la sua indegna cricca di yes-men...
Chiusa ad ulteriori risposte.

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