Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 2 (7 lettori)

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Eurogroup signs off on 8 bln euro aid payment to Greece
BRUSSELS, Nov 29 (Reuters) - Euro zone finance
ministers agreed on Tuesday to release an 8 billion euro ($10.7
billion) aid payment to Greece, part of a 110 billion euro
package of support agreed with Athens last year, an EU diplomat
The joint EU/IMF payment is the sixth installment of loans
to help Greece finance itself since being cut off from financial
markets. Without the payment, Athens risks going bankrupt.
The payment was dependent on a written commitment from
Greece that it would meet its obligations to cut its budget
deficit and keep finances in check.
"The Eurogroup endorsed the payout of the sixth tranche to
Greece," the diplomat said.
The payment has been held up for a month because of delays
in Greece's commitment to cut spending and increase taxes.
($1 = 0.750 Euros)

(Reporting by Ilona Wissenbach; Writing by Luke Baker)
(([email protected])(+32 2 287 68 32))

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