Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 2 (2 lettori)

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Γένοιο οἷος εἷ
Threat of power cuts looms

By Chryssa Liaggou

Having been operating on emergency reserves for the last few days, the country’s power and natural gas systems are now at a critical point.

Bulgaria has stopped exporting electrical energy for the time being owing to the current cold weather in that country. These exports cover 4 percent of Greece’s demand, and Sofia’s decision is likely to create pressure on the Greek grid, which has been has operating with limited plant availability for the last few months.

The natural gas system is also facing serious problems as Turkey continues to withhold all quantities destined for Greece due to its own requirements, while the Public Gas Corporation (DEPA) is having a hard time finding emergency quantities of natural gas on the spot market to satisfy its needs. Demand registered a new record on Thursday, soaring to 248,000 megawatt hours.

Conditions worsened due to the reported refusal of the natural gas grid operator (DESFA) to issue a permit for Algerian company Sonatrach’s ship to unload the emergency quantities that DEPA had acquired due to an absence of the necessary papers.


Γένοιο οἷος εἷ
The 30 measures Athens must pass

The interventions that form a condition for the first tranche of the new package

By Sotiris Nikas

Thirty tough legislative interventions affecting key sectors have to be rushed through Parliament for the government to secure the first tranche of the new bailout package. The measures are the following:

- Reductions in pharmaceutical spending by 1.076 billion euros, in defens by 300 million euros, in arms by 300 million euros and in doctors’ overtime by 50 million euros.

- The abolition of 550 deputy mayor posts, saving 30 million euros.

- Cuts in consumer spending and election allowances amounting to 270 million euros, in other allowances and grants by 190 million euros, and in the Public Investment Program by 400 million euros.

- Ministerial decisions for the application of objective criteria for the self-employed, for the full application of the single salary system for all state corporations, for the Public Power Corporation to pay its revenues from the special property tax paid through the electricity bills to the state within two days (instead of 20), and on the cost of permits for new trucks for public use.

- A 22 percent reduction of the minimum wage, with people below the age of 25 years taking a 32 percent cut.

- The suspension of the additional allowance for every two years of work that civil servants were paid.

- The maximum period for collective labor contracts to be set at three years, the duration of existing contracts to be up to one year, the extension of expired contracts to be by just three months. Other allowances for past experience, children etc will be maintained after contract expiry until a new contract is signed.

- An end to the unilateral resort to arbitration and to contracts with a specific time limit that expire with retirement.

- The reduction of social security contributions by 2 percent.

- The abolition of the organizations providing state-subsidized housing (OEK and OEE).

- The amendment of regulations for expired debts.

- The completion of inspections for value-added tax payment.

- A pension cut in healthy funds by 15 percent and by the same rate in auxiliary pensions, whose funds will also be reformed.

- A restructuring of the banking system and strengthening of the fund safeguarding bank deposits.

- A revision of the operation of the Credit Stability Fund.

- The deregulation of 17 closed-shop professions.


Γένοιο οἷος εἷ
Yacht owners are looking abroad for cheaper berths

By Iphigenia Diamanti

A rising number of yacht owners in Greece are setting sail for the marinas of Turkey, Montenegro and Croatia, escaping from additional taxes for 2012, something which has also compelled around 4,000 owners to pull their boats out of circulation, according to figures from the Greek coast guard.

This fact, combined with a 50 percent drop in pleasure craft sales since 2008 (according to an ICAP study) and the 25 percent decline in boats moored at Greek marinas, paints a rather depressing picture for the country’s yachting sector.

According to the president of the Greek Marinas Association, Stavros Katsikadis, “over the past three years, the Greek state has missed out on revenues amounting to at least 120 million euros because of the slump in activity in the yachting sector.” However, he adds, “this downward trend made its appearance with the enactment of Law 3790/2009, which imposed a special tax on private and professional pleasure craft, through which more emergency taxes were levied on boats of over 10 meters in length.”

For example, an engine-powered craft of 20 meters flying a non-European Union flag and berthed at a Greek marina will be charged 5,000 euros a year in mooring fees and basic services, while paying an additional 2,500 euros in taxes and other charges.

The combination of high value-added tax and extensive red tape, meanwhile, is another disincentive for seafarers, as in Greece mooring fees and services are charged 23 percent VAT, which comes on top of emergency levies and special taxes. Vessels sailing under a non-EU flag, moreover, are charged according to their length.

In contrast to Greece, Turkey does not charge VAT for mooring foreign private pleasure craft, the process for checking that all permits and documents are in order is much simpler, and visitors’ visas are issued immediately.

The picture is not all bleak, however, as there are some points that continue to make Greek marinas attractive. “They are competitive in terms of pricing, offer much fuller technical support and are staffed by very experienced personnel,” said Katsikadis. “Some Greeks who tried Turkey for permanent mooring have returned,” he added.

However, according to the head of the Hellenic Professional Yacht Owners Association, Antonis Steliatos, “the total number of 19 marinas in a country like Greece is quite low compared to our competitors in the neighborhood. In Turkey, meanwhile, there has been an orgy of marina construction.”

Another issue that is of serious concern to professionals in the sector is that pleasure craft sailing under non-EU flags and with a capacity for under 49 passengers are subject to cabotage restrictions, as a recent law ostensibly lifting cabotage does not cover all pleasure craft.

“The result,” says Steliatos, “is that big yachting operators prefer marinas in Turkey for homeporting, and they can still enjoy the Aegean and the Greek islands. However, this means that the Greek state is losing out on significant economic gains.”


Γένοιο οἷος εἷ
PM presents stark choice between bailout, default

Five cabinet members resign their posts ahead of critical vote on new debt deal

Prime Minister Lucas Papademos told the Cabinet on Friday that anyone objecting to the terms of Greece’s new bailout would have no place in the government, stressing that the alternative to the rescue plan agreed with foreign creditors was a catastrophic default that must be avoided at all costs.

“We cannot allow the country to go bankrupt,” Papademos said in a televised speech to the Cabinet.

A Greek bankruptcy would inevitably lead to an exit from the eurozone “and the country would be dragged into a spiral of recession, instability, unemployment and misery,” he said.

“The priority now is to do whatever it takes to approve the new economic program and move forward with the new loan agreement,” the premier said. Papademos added that “whoever disagrees and does not vote for the new program cannot stay in the government,” setting the stage for a reshuffle.

Sources suggested on Friday that the cabinet shake-up would probably take place on Monday following a parliamentary vote on the debt deal which is expected to take place late on Sunday.

Papademos was speaking a few hours after the leader of the right-wing Popular Orthodox Rally (LAOS) party, Giorgos Karatzaferis, said he would not support the new austerity measures as they were too harsh. His announcement was followed by five ministerial resignations, four from LAOS and one from socialist PASOK.

Transport Minister Makis Voridis, Deputy Merchant Marine Minister Adonis Georgiadis, Deputy Defense Minister Giorgos Georgiou and Deputy Agriculture Minister Asterios Rontoulis -- all from LAOS -- resigned following Karatzaferis’s speech. Two of them, Voridis and Georgiadis, said they would defy their leader and vote in favor of the debt deal.

Later on Friday, Deputy Foreign Minister Mariliza Xenogiannakopoulou also resigned, a day after Deputy Labor Minister Yiannis Koutsoukos stepped down in protest at the new austerity bill.

In total, six of the Cabinet’s 47 ministers and deputy ministers had resigned by late Friday.

The atmosphere in the ranks of PASOK was said to be tense, as sources put the number of likely dissenters at 15 or even 20. Only a handful have publicly stated their intention to vote down the deal.

The mood within PASOK was darkened by the resignation of Xenogiannakopoulou, as well as that earlier on Friday of Arta deputy Pavlos Stasinos, who however gave up his seat to another Socialist MP.

In a bid to curb further dissent, PASOK spokesman Panos Beglitis called on MPs to show “a responsible stance and positive vote so that the country can safely emerge from the crisis.”

In conservative New Democracy, the level of dissent was said to be low, with only two or three MPs said to be considering voting “no.” Sources said that ND leader Antonis Samaras plans to clarify during a session of his party’s parliamentary group on Saturday that any MPs going against the party line will be ejected. George Papandreou is due to address PASOK MPs on Saturday too.


Γένοιο οἷος εἷ
Eurozone wants written pledges from party leaders

Should Parliament approve the terms of Greece’s new bailout, the European Union will then demand written commitments from the country’s political leaders before eurozone finance ministers meet next week to decide whether to move ahead with the 130-million-euro package.

Amadeu Altafaj, a spokesman for European Union Economic Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn, said on Friday that the commitments from the leaders “have to be bold, in writing and categorically binding.” Given that the coalition government’s junior partner, Popular Orthodox Rally (LAOS), ended its involvement in the interim administration, the pledges will have to be signed by PASOK leader George Papandreou and his New Democracy counterpart Antonis Samaras.

The conservative chief reluctantly gave written pledges to the eurozone late last year when it was demanded that he commit to the October 26 agreement on a new bailout and restructuring scheme, so the Europeans are adamant that he will have to sign up to the new deal. They are also seeking a commitment from the party leaders that they will adhere to the agreement even after general elections.

The head of the Eurogroup, Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, set out on Thursday two more conditions that Greece would have to meet before eurozone finance ministers meet again on Wednesday, which were Parliament’s approval for the package and details about where the government would find another 300 million euros in savings to prevent deeper pension cuts.

”In short, no disbursement before implementation,” said Juncker.

Sources said that Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos was bombarded with criticism about Greece’s failure to keep up over the last two years with the reform program it had committed to as well as questions about whether it would be more successful this time.

An opinion poll conducted by German state broadcaster suggested that 66 percent of Germans doubt whether Greece is making serious efforts to stick to the measures agreed as part of its bailout.


il Fankazzista
Greek cabinet approves EU/IMF bailout bill- sources

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ATHENS | Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:51pm EST

Feb 10 (Reuters) - The Greek cabinet approved on Friday a draft bill committing the country to reforms required by the EU and the IMF in return for a new 130-billion euro bailout Athens needs to avoid a messy bankruptcy, government officials said.
"It was approved," a minister who took part in the cabinet meeting said.
The bill is scheduled to be voted in parliament on Sunday, which would take Greece one step closer to getting the loan.
The EU also wants Greece to identify further 325 million euros of spending cuts and clear commitments by main party leaders that the reforms will be implemented.
finalmente una buona notizia


Forumer storico
Schäuble: Voglio un impegno di leader politici, "a prescindere dall'esito delle elezioni"

Pubblicato: Venerdì 10 Febbraio 2012

Ultimo aggiornamento: 2012/02/11 08:33

Solo per il web

Garantire l'attuazione del programma di sostegno della Grecia e l'impegno dei leader politici ", a prescindere dal risultato delle elezioni", ha chiesto al ministro delle finanze tedesco Wolfgang Schaeuble, parlando a rete televisiva tedesca RTL.

Egli ha aggiunto che "c'è qualcosa di eccessivo" e di cui gli esempi di Portogallo e Irlanda, e ha ribadito che l'adozione di misure da parte del parlamento greco è una condizione per l'approvazione dell'intervento.
I paesi della zona euro non possono permettersi tali obblighi alta sui contribuenti, quando non è possibile garantire che la Grecia onorerà i suoi obblighi ", ha detto Schäuble.
"Noi", ha detto, "non vogliamo per torturare le persone con le misure di austerità greco. Queste condizioni porterà la Grecia a un sano sviluppo economico in modo che una volta che il paese di gestire i propri debiti.
Non possiamo continuare a versare miliardi in un barile senza fondo. Se il parlamento greco non approvare il pacchetto, non possiamo offrire questa assistenza ".

(Ta Nea)


Forumer storico
Drammatico avvertimento del Primo Ministro ad un governo scosso

Il voto determinerà il nuovo accordo di prestito

Pubblicato il: Sabato 11 Febbraio 2012

Ultimo aggiornamento: 2012/02/11 08:44

Solo per il web

Con l'urgenza presentato domani e Domenica sera ha votato il disegno di legge per il nuovo programma economico che è stata presentata dopo la mezzanotte. Il disegno di legge contiene tre capitoli riguardanti: la prima, la chiamata - una chiamata per lo scambio di obbligazioni (PSI), il secondo, di ricapitalizzare le banche e la terza, la fornitura di autorizzazione al Primo Ministro e Ministro delle Finanze di firmare il nuovo Contratto di prestito.

In allegato al disegno di legge è il testo dell'accordo di negoziato con la troika concordato in una riunione dei leader politici del primo ministro, Lucas Papademos.

Secondo le regole della Camera, il disegno di legge sarà introdotto per elaborare il Comitato Finanza di oggi alle 2 del pomeriggio, in una sola riunione, che durerà fino a sei ore.
Domenica sarà introdotto nella House of Assembly, anche in un incontro e verrà posto ai voti non oltre la mezzanotte.

Subito dopo si posiziona un evidente votazione per appello nominale che ha già annunciato che avrebbe chiesto al Partito Comunista.

La legge è stata approvata dalla maggioranza relativa, ma in nessun caso essere inferiore a 120 voti.

Riunione di Gabinetto drammatica

Il disegno di legge firmato ieri da tutti i membri del governo, piuttosto che le singole prenotazioni.

Secondo quanto ha detto il portavoce del governo Pantelis Kapsis, il discorso del Primo Ministro, Lucas Papademos e ampiamente discusso dai ministri hanno rilevato che le telecamere dovrebbero essere diffuse in tutto il discorso del signor Papademos.

Come l'onorevole Capsis Vice Primo Ministro e Ministro delle Finanze Evangelos Venizelos, fatto ampio riferimento a quanto detto durante l'Eurogruppo e l'atteggiamento cauto e negative che ha mantenuto
un po 'verso la Grecia.

Il signor Venizelos, in linea con ciò che l'onorevole, Capsis, l'atteggiamento è stata correlata con quanto la questione è stata discussa in Grecia come pure, secondo il signor Venizelos, il modello del dibattito ha creato dubbi circa la
Paese impegno nell'attuazione del programma ora e dopo le elezioni.

Il vice primo ministro ha detto che l'accordo concluso il governo greco è stato descritto come programma credibile e seria, nonostante l'incertezza di ottenere 300 milioni di euro.

Il portavoce del governo ha aggiunto che il signor Venizelos ha detto che riassumere in conclusione, i nostri partner assume il debito e la Grecia il governo per creare l'avanzo primario al fine di
2012 e migliorare la competitività dell'economia.

Il signor Venizelos ha detto come si comporterà la negazione di ratifica dell 'accordo e il fallimento, rilevando che le coordinate di fallimento significherebbe austerità ancora più dura.

Riforma amministrativa, valutazione e licenziamenti

Sotto l'ombra degli sviluppi politici, il secondo posto è andato al punto di partenza ufficiale per la riforma amministrativa dello Stato, che è stata accettata all'unanimità dal Consiglio dei Ministri.

Con la legge quadro, elaborato in collaborazione con gli esperti francesi, dopo il memorandum d'intesa è stato firmato tra il francese e il governo greco, la riforma raccomandata del Consiglio direttivo della pubblica amministrazione, enti pubblici e gli enti locali, che assicura la continuità Stato della trasformazione continua a beneficio del cittadino.

Il MOU e il piano per la riforma amministrativa dello stato greco aveva presentato poche settimane fa il ministro della riforma amministrativa Dimitris Reppas, dopo l'accordo del capo della task force Horst

Mr. Reppas, informando il Consiglio dei ministri, ha detto che "si è passati a sviluppare una roadmap che include obiettivi specifici, le azioni e delle attività necessarie per raggiungerli, e il calendario, in cui devono essere completati ogni azione. Si basa sulle iniziative prese a 7 colonne, vale a dire: la struttura e gli organi dello stato, gestione delle risorse umane, gestione del bilancio, e-governance, una migliore regolamentazione, la lotta contro la burocrazia e l'indirizzamento corruzione ".
Egli ha sottolineato che la Road Map per la Riforma Amministrativa fornisce un punto di partenza l'annuncio del primo ministro, e questo è sotto il Cabinet-avviare questo processo con la creazione di un comitato di alto livello, che non è altro che il governo raccomanda di oggi Consiglio di riforma della pubblica amministrazione composto dal Presidente del Governo e dei singoli membri del Comitato governativo.
Egli ha aggiunto con enfasi che "la promozione della riforma amministrativa è il lavoro di tutto il governo, direi che il lavoro di dirigenti, di tutti i dipendenti e risponde alla necessità fondamentale per una
strutture statali funzionali semplice, efficiente e cordiale dei cittadini ".

Si osserva che il lavoro del Consiglio e dei suoi gruppi di lavoro, in base all'accordo di cooperazione tra il governo greco e francese è entrato in vigore dal 6 gennaio e si avvale già dei dati, studi e proposte con particolare attenzione alla documentazione e l'integrità operativa processo per promuovere la riforma amministrativa.

Il portavoce del governo ha detto che il signor Christos Papoutsis problema sollevato il salario minimo e l'abolizione dell'Accordo generale collettivo di lavoro, dicendo che può essere materia legale, tuttavia, era il
etichettatura che ha qualcosa di simile di nuovo nel 1985 con l'articolo 4 la cui validità era temporanea.

Mr. Capsis non esclude la possibilità di un intervento pubblico del Consiglio dei Ministri di oggi, mentre per quanto riguarda la sostituzione dei ministri dimissionari, ha detto l'installazione di nuovi ministri più probabili che si terrà il Lunedi, ma non preclude fatto in precedenza.

(Ta Nea)
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