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Greek website | Online ????????? ????????? reports that so far around €156bl out of €206 bl or 76% have offered to participate in the PSI. The breakdown is:
GR ISINs (Greek law) €135-136 bl out of € 177.4 bl or 76.6% participation
XS ISINs (Foreign law) €13.5-14 bl out of € 18 bl or 77% participation
Loans €6-7 bl out of € 7.9 bl
The last date for voting is tomorrow Thursday, 9 pm CET, though many custodians
have imposed prior deadlines and are already on a best effort basis. If the participation rate in bonds under Greek law is confirmed then it would enable the enforcement of CACs and almost certainly require it. Officials are indicating that it is likely that CACs will be used unless participation significantly increases (triggering the CDS). There are reports that 5 state owned pension funds are refusing to participate, total holdings €2 bl. Minister of Finance would most likely force them to participate with an executive order. It was also stated that if PSI does not go ahead the official sector financial support would disappear. Furthermore, there will be no cash sweeteners for holdouts. Assuming that CACs are activated this could only be referring to foreign law bonds where blocking minorities have been accumulated and implies that Greece will default on them Market rumours that the deadline will be extended (the deadline for this is 4pm CET) have been denied by the Head of the Debt office. Hard talk which could get even harder as the deadline approaches while the market rhetoric remains unconvinced. Did we really go through this process to get a hard default in the end? At the very least a disorderly one will have been avoided. Foreign law bonds (GREECE, HELNRR) bonds continue to be the main focus in the market. For all trades language as to bonds tendered status will apply.