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noi eleggiamo della gente che non andrebbe nemmeno incaricata di gestire un condomini

E a proposito di quanto su detto, or ora mi sono accorto di un nuovo video dek mio mito :D Maurizio Piglua su Vloganza.tv
Evidentemente siamo dello stesso avviso :D

Vi posto qui il video.
Signori, il conto è sul tavolo - YouTube

Visto il video, in notturna!
Desolante la situazione finanziaria europea che ne viene fuori.
Domani è un altro giorno! O come dice il Vangelo: ogni giorno ha il suo affanno.
Notte Stock,


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PM appeals for backing ahead of crucial summit in Brussels

Prime Minister George Papandreou on Tuesday appealed for political unity, once again, before heading off for Brussels where his European counterparts are struggling to hammer out a second bailout for debt-ridden Greece within the framework of a broader rescue package for the bloc.
Papandreou, who met with President Karolos Papoulias for the second time in as many days, stressed that this was “a critical time.” “There is a need for a clear-headed and calm approach by all political parties, by everyone,” he said.
He ruled out early elections once again and, according to sources, said that the government would not insist on a qualified majority of 180 in Greece’s 300-seat Parliament for the rescue package produced in Brussels. Government sources told Kathimerini that a stronger yes vote would be desirable but that a simple majority would be acceptable. Late on Monday Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos had suggested that the government would seek the support of 180 MPs when a bailout package goes to Parliament.
In his comments on Tuesday, the premier stressed that banks must also contribute to extracting Greece from its debt crisis. “They must also shoulder some of the burden,” he said. Papandreou added that he hoped today’s summit would yield solutions. “We want to bring matters to a head, to turn the page as Greece and as a country,” he said.
However, the prospects for a concrete solution being reached on Thursday appeared dim late on Tuesday. A European Union finance ministers’ (Ecofin) meeting, which also had been due to take place on Wednesday, was canceled pending the outcome of the EU leaders’ summit. There were suggestions that the Ecofin was canceled because EU leaders might not reach a final agreement on Wednesday and that another summit might have to take place on the weekend.
Meanwhile, political tensions within the ranks of ruling PASOK have been simmering. Transport Minister Yiannis Ragousis and Administrative Reform Minister Dimitris Reppas, who have clashed over the liberalization of the taxi drivers’ sector, on Tuesday had another run-in. Reppas intimated that Ragousis was overstepping his authority after the latter sent a circular to the state bodies under his supervision, citing the deadline by which they must draft their lists of employees to join a labor reserve scheme, foreseeing early retirement or redundancy.

ekathimerini.com , Tuesday October 25, 2011 (22:44)


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Cross-party support appears unlikely

New Democracy made clear Tuesday its intention to reject the government’s attempt to get cross-party support for any debt deal agreed this week. The conservatives also said that any attempt to form a coalition would be tantamount to a “parliamentary junta.”
Dimitris Stamatis, a close adviser to ND leader Antonis Samaras, rejected PASOK’s proposal for a qualified majority of 180 MPs to be required to approve the Brussels agreement as “an attempt at escape by the [George] Papandreou government.” Were the prime minister to set this condition for the vote and fail to get the necessary support, he would be forced to call a snap election.
Stamatis also poured cold water on any possibility of cooperation between PASOK and New Democracy without general elections being held first. “A coalition between the two parties at the moment would be a parliamentary junta,” he said.
The stance of the other opposition parties also suggests there is little chance of the deal receiving 180 votes. Popular Orthodox Rally (LAOS), Democratic Left and Democratic Alliance welcomed the idea of a qualified majority but none indicated it would support the agreement. The Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) called for elections.
A collection of authors, academics, economists and journalists including the head of the IOBE think-tank Yiannis Stournaras and graphic novelist Apostolos Doxiadis unveiled Tuesday a movement that backs the idea of a government that includes members from a broad range of non-partisan backgrounds.
The members of the Social Connection (Koinonikos Syndesmos) said they favor the creation of a Greek plan to improve public finances, an overhaul of the structure of the Greek economy, the creation of primary budget surpluses and the shrinking of the public sector.

ekathimerini.com , Tuesday October 25, 2011 (23:09)

L'opposizione fa sempre il suo gioco ...


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FinMin offers banks a new plan

It combines the issue of devalued bonds with some cash, as haircut is likely to come to 50 pct


All eyes are on Brussels on Wednesday for the eurozone summit that could determine the future of the Greek debt and of the bloc in general, with the likeliest scenario on Tuesday being for a 50 percent haircut, which Eurogroup president Jean-Claude Juncker said private investors will have to accept.
The plan on the table, according to sources in the Belgian capital, provides for the replacement of the existing Greek bonds held by private investors with new ones with their value slashed in half, combined with the payment of cash. As a result the total amount of bonds held by private investors would go down from 205 billion to 102.5 billion euros.
According to this plan, which Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos presented to the managers of Greek banks as the likeliest solution, for every 100 euros of Greek debt that private investors own, they will get 15 euros in cash and 35 euros in 30-year bonds with a 6 percent voucher, although the ratio of cash and bonds could change.
The payment of cash is the carrot for the private sector to participate in this plan, as unlike the plan presented last July, it does not include any guarantees for the new bonds by the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF).
Venizelos also met with the head of the Institute of International Finance (IIF), Charles Dallara, on Tuesday, with government sources qualifying the meeting as “very positive,” while Dallara stated that there is no agreement on the level of the haircut.
Ahead of the crucial summit meeting on Wednesday, Austria’s Finance Minister Maria Fekter said on Tuesday that there is a limit to the funds the eurozone countries with a triple A credit rating can provide to Greece: “We’re committed to our contribution, but the measures can’t cost much more than that because we’ve got to look after our AAA ratings,” she stated.
Meanwhile, Venizelos reassured Parliament that there is no danger for social security funds from a debt haircut.
“Any solution for the long-term sustainability of public debt will be accompanied by measures which not only maintain but also visibly improve the current level of assets held by Greek social security funds,” Venizelos said in a statement.
“The government has planned and is decided to undertake all necessary measures to ensure its social and insurance policies.”

ekathimerini.com , Tuesday October 25, 2011 (23:05)

Da leggere.


Forumer storico
In tarda serata qualche lieve movimento in restringimento sui GGB.
Clima d'attesa per Irlanda e Portogallo mentre Spagna e Italia cedono posizioni ma vengono sostenute dalla BCE.
Lieve recupero interlocutorio anche su Belgio, Francia e Austria.
Tutti in attesa dell'apertura dell'Eurogruppo di oggi.

Grecia 2234 pb. (2305)
Portogallo 1049 pb. (1050)
Irlanda 635 pb. (635)
Italia 390 pb. (283)
Spagna 348 pb. (343)
Belgio 225 pb. (237)
Francia 113 pb. (119)
Austria 92 pb. (97)


Utente Senior
FinMin offers banks a new plan

It combines the issue of devalued bonds with some cash, as haircut is likely to come to 50 pct


All eyes are on Brussels on Wednesday for the eurozone summit that could determine the future of the Greek debt and of the bloc in general, with the likeliest scenario on Tuesday being for a 50 percent haircut, which Eurogroup president Jean-Claude Juncker said private investors will have to accept.
The plan on the table, according to sources in the Belgian capital, provides for the replacement of the existing Greek bonds held by private investors with new ones with their value slashed in half, combined with the payment of cash. As a result the total amount of bonds held by private investors would go down from 205 billion to 102.5 billion euros.
According to this plan, which Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos presented to the managers of Greek banks as the likeliest solution, for every 100 euros of Greek debt that private investors own, they will get 15 euros in cash and 35 euros in 30-year bonds with a 6 percent voucher, although the ratio of cash and bonds could change.
The payment of cash is the carrot for the private sector to participate in this plan, as unlike the plan presented last July, it does not include any guarantees for the new bonds by the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF).
Venizelos also met with the head of the Institute of International Finance (IIF), Charles Dallara, on Tuesday, with government sources qualifying the meeting as “very positive,” while Dallara stated that there is no agreement on the level of the haircut.
Ahead of the crucial summit meeting on Wednesday, Austria’s Finance Minister Maria Fekter said on Tuesday that there is a limit to the funds the eurozone countries with a triple A credit rating can provide to Greece: “We’re committed to our contribution, but the measures can’t cost much more than that because we’ve got to look after our AAA ratings,” she stated.
Meanwhile, Venizelos reassured Parliament that there is no danger for social security funds from a debt haircut.
“Any solution for the long-term sustainability of public debt will be accompanied by measures which not only maintain but also visibly improve the current level of assets held by Greek social security funds,” Venizelos said in a statement.
“The government has planned and is decided to undertake all necessary measures to ensure its social and insurance policies.”

ekathimerini.com , Tuesday October 25, 2011 (23:05)

Da leggere.

ecco ora mi torna qualche numero:
privati non Grecia: 125,9 mld
banche greche 73,9 mld
fondi pens e priv greci 26 mld - che non parteciperebbero all'haircut
quindi 125,9+73,9= circa 200 mld oggetto dello swap
da questi da sottrarre chi non aderisce però


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China's top political advisor: China to expand trade with Greece​

English.news.cn 2011-10-26 13:14:52

BEIJING, Oct. 26 (Xinhuanet) -- China's top political advisor Jia Qinglin said here on Tuesday that China encourages its enterprises to invest in Greece, and is ready to strengthen cooperation in ocean shipping and expand trade with the debt-ridden European country.
Jia, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), made the remarks during a meeting with the first deputy president of Greece's New Democracy Party Dimitris Avramopoulos
China is willing to join hands with Greece to uplift the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries to a new high, Jia said.
Noting that New Democracy Party has always upheld friendly policies towards China, Jia said the Greek opposition party plays an important role in the development of friendly collaborations between the two sides.
China is ready to further enhance its cooperation with the New Democracy Party so as to push forward the overall Sino-Greek bilateral ties, said Jia.
For his part, Avramopoulos said Jia's visit at a time when Greece was confronted with utmost difficulties has offered great support and encouragement to the Greek people.
The New Democracy Party attaches great importance to developing ties with China, and is willing to strengthen cooperation with China in order to further contribute to the development of Sino-Greek ties, he said.
Jia arrived in Athens on Sunday for a five-day visit to Greece. The country is the first stop of Jia's three-nation tour to Europe, which will also take him to the Netherlands and Germany.
(Source: CNTV.cn)

(Agenzia Nuova Cina)


Forumer storico
ecco ora mi torna qualche numero:
privati non Grecia: 125,9 mld
banche greche 73,9 mld
fondi pens e priv greci 26 mld - che non parteciperebbero all'haircut
quindi 125,9+73,9= circa 200 mld oggetto dello swap
da questi da sottrarre chi non aderisce però

Dovremo osservare con particolare attenzione i fondi pensionistici ...
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