C'e' grosssa crise...
....seeeeeee te ce nai di conoscenzeallora kuelo rifletti qui...gradito anche il pensiero di tutti
come vedete nella tabella il sentiment raramente è salito sopra 50%
quando siamo sul 50% si inverte
Sentiment Survey Past Results | AAII: The American Association of Individual Investors
con questa ho esaurito le mie conoscenze
e' un po' questa storia che me rompe i ball
Brian Sack has just injected a record for QE Lite $5.2 billion in stock, in order to complete all the elements of today's orchestrated Obama Town Hall meeting, during which the president is now fully expected to announce that he not only managed to end the recession singlehandedly (what an opportune time for the NBER to announce its results), but that stocks are now ripping every single time he appears on TV (same goes for gold, oil, and pretty much everything else: and furthermore, Treasurys are unchanged, refuting all of Mr. Pisani's BS about capital reallocation in process). $5 billion today, add another $6 billion on Wednesday and Friday, lever up 30 times and you have some $300 billion in free buying given to the Primary Dealers so they can ramp the S&P to 1,150 by the end of the month. Job well done Mr. President. Too bad nobody but Wall Street and a few HFT prop desks care about the stock market any more.