Journal to portfolio afterlife

With the summer of Defi behind us and a new year for web3, I wondered which categories of web3 startups generate the most revenue.
L1s or blockchains, the public databases that record transactions, dominate the revenue share across the top projects producing 78% of revenue.


Setting aside sector, TVL (total value locked), trading volume, twitter followers, and revenue are the four most robust correlates to circulating market cap. TVL is at 0.71, which is strong. Volume and market cap are naturally correlated because bigger outstanding token counts should drive more volume in trading. Price to revenue is last in this analysis.
In other words, social proof in crypto is vital, demonstrated both by people voting with their dollars (TVL) and with their attention (Twitter followers).


Gli utenti MetaMax, non-custodial crypto wallet per Decentralized Finance (DeFi) della blockchain Ethereum ed altri network compatibili, sono arrivati a 21 milioni, e la crescita è impressionante. Da un articolo di fine agosto 2021 quando arrivarono a 10 milioni ...



Possono sembrare cose strane ai boomers, ma mi ricordo quelli della generazione precedente alla mia alle prese col videoregistratore ... :rotfl:

Banche italiane ... avanti o indietro tutta?

La crescita globale, seppure prevista in rallentamento rispetto al 5,5% del 2021, dovrebbe attestarsi al 4,1% quest'anno e poi scendere al 3,2% nel 2023.

Altra previsione... più o meno in linea con la precedente.

Among those Bloomberg surveyed, the consensus is that the world economy will expand 4.4% in 2022, after the 5.8% bounceback of 2021. From 2023 onward, most agree, growth will return to its long-term norm of around 3.5%, as if Covid never happened.

The evidence suggests that investors are able to benefit from the elimination of brokerage commissions, as their elimination has resulted in lower total trading costs on average. However, you should also be aware that lower trading costs should not lead you to increase trading because the evidence also shows that the more retail investors trade, the worse their performance tends to be. In other words, the average retail trader is “uniformed” and trades on what economists call “noise”. Unfortunately, an all-too-human trait is overconfidence, with most people believing that they are better than average (a mathematical impossibility).


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