Obbligazioni in default Obbligazioni Lehman Brothers: LBHI/LBT Status e Prospettive (1 Viewer)


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Ti porta in tasca il danno di non poter disporre della cifra che ti spetta per un mese. Per questo periodo tutto giace virtualmente sul conto corrente a tasso zero. Ora ti è chiaro il concetto? :(
E' vero. Su questo punto hai ragione. Se i soldi arrivano subito uno li puo' investire o comunque avere a disposizione. Hai ragione.:)
Ultima modifica:


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Secondo le ultime stime, LBHI attualmente beneficia dei seguenti maggiori introiti:

Circa 10 miliardi di dollari rinvenienti da minori debiti e maggiori crediti.

Circa 4/5 miliardi di dollari di partecipazione azionaria nelle due real estate grazie all'operazione Archestone.

Circa 10 miliardi di dollari con LBF.

Altro valore allo stato non quantificabile scaturisce dalle varie cause ancora in corso, per un totale di circa 10/15 miliardi di dollari.

Ovviamente tutti questi dati devono essere presi con ......molto beneficio di inventario dato che, a mio parere, neppure quelli che ci stanno dentro alle cose di Lehman potrebbero essere più precisi.

Stesso discorso per la tempistica.

Registro repentine accelerazioni e brusche frenate durante tutta la procedura fallimentare. Per cui tutte le previsioni che si sono fatte sino ad ora ( 1 anno, 2 anni, ecc. ) non hanno gran valore.

Ma l'aspetto più importante non è rappresentato tanto dal quantum ma dal come verranno usati questi maggiori introiti. Per dotare Lamco ( o qualunque sia il nome della società operativa ) di fondi, oppure destinarli agli obbligazionisti ( ricordo che più volte Marsal ha sostenuto che lo scopo della sua azione è quello di massimizzare il recupero degli obbligazionisti ).

E nel primo caso, Lamco potrebbe convertire parzialmente il credito degli obbligazionisti con azioni della nuova società?

Come vedi la situazione è complessa e difficile da interpretare.

Quello che possiamo fare è continuare a monitorare la procedura.


La OBS non dovrebbe detenere il 51% della nuova LEH?
A me risulta questo per avvantaggiarsi del NOL.
Inoltre una parte delle azioni, secondo dichiarazioni precedenti, dovrebbero essere emesse per alcune LEH internazionali


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Magari arriva presto qualche $

By epiq11.com

"Case Information"
Plan Trust – Beneficiary and Grantor Statement

To see a copy of the Plan Trust – Beneficiary and Grantor Statement, please click here.


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On December 6, 2011, the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York entered an order confirming the Modified Third Amended Joint Chapter 11 Plan of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. ("LBHI") and its Affiliated Debtors (the "Plan"). On March 6, 2012 (the "Effective Date"), the Plan became effective.

The Plan provided for the creation of the Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. Plan Trust (the "LBHI Plan Trust"). Pursuant to the Plan, LBHI and certain individuals designated pursuant to the Plan as trustees (the "Trustees") entered into a trust agreement (the "Plan Trust Agreement"), effective as of March 6, 2012, establishing the LBHI Plan Trust.

Pursuant to the Plan, as of the Effective Date, all existing shares of common stock and preferred stock issued by LBHI were cancelled, and LBHI issued one new share of common stock (the "Plan Trust Stock") to the LBHI Plan Trust, which holds such share for the benefit of such former stockholders of LBHI consistent with their former relative priority and economic entitlements. The Plan Trust Stock comprises the sole asset of the LBHI Plan Trust, and the beneficial interests in the LBHI Plan Trust are nontransferable.

[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]i.e[/FONT][/FONT]., the Plan Trust Stock) in accordance with its former relative priority and economic entitlements as a stockholder.

LBHI Plan Trust Reporting

[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Pursuant to § 3.6(a)(i) of the Plan Trust Agreement, and the letter sent to each stockholder in August and September of 2012, within seventy-five (75) days following the end of each calendar year or as soon as practicable thereafter, the Trustees will annually furnish to each beneficiary a separate statement setting forth the holder’s share of items of income, gain, loss, deduction, or credit, if any, for U.S. federal income tax purposes by posting on our website, at www.lehman-docket.com and shall provide instructions to report such items on their federal income tax returns
U.S. Federal Income Tax Reporting

The following income, deductions, and credits are the income, deductions, and credits of the LBHI Plan Trust and, as to their allocable portion, to be reported on the U.S. federal income tax return of the grantors and beneficiaries, if required. All holders must report all allocable items on their U.S. federal income tax returns in accordance with relevant tax laws or forward the information to the holders with instructions to report such items on their U.S. federal income tax returns. Each grantor and beneficiary should consult with his or her tax professional to determine his or her individual reporting requirements.

Taxable income under §§ 671 through 678 of the Internal Revenue Code……… $0

Deductions applied to income above……………………………………………... $0

Credits applied to income above…………………………………………………. $0
Liquidating Trust Status

For U.S. federal income tax purposes, the LBHI Plan Trust is treated as a "liquidating trust" taxable as a "grantor trust" of which the former LBHI stockholders are regarded as the grantors. Each former stockholder of LBHI that is a beneficiary of the LBHI Plan Trust is treated for U.S. federal income tax purposes as a direct owner of the underlying assets of the LBHI Plan Trust (




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Pg. 44-POR Equity Interest ( One big share)

(c) Distributions. Each holder of an Equity Interest in LBHI (through their
interest in the new share of LBHI common stock or otherwise) shall neither receive nor retain
any Property of the Estate or direct interest in Property of the Estate of LBHI on account of such
Equity Interests;​
provided, however, that in the event that all Allowed Claims in LBHI Classes 1
through 11 have been satisfied in full in accordance with the Bankruptcy Code and the Plan, each
holder of an Equity Interest in LBHI may receive its share of any remaining assets of LBHI
consistent with such holder’s rights of payment existing immediately prior to the
Commencement Date. Unless otherwise determined by the Plan Administrator, on the date that
LBHI’s Chapter 11 Case is closed in accordance with Section 6.6 of the Plan, the Plan Trust
Stock issued pursuant to subsection (b) above shall be deemed cancelled and of no further force

and effect provided that such cancellation does not adversely impact the Debtors’ estates.


Forumer storico
Ciao Jerri5, benvenuto nel mondo Lehman, vedi che sei molto preparato.:rolleyes::D
Chi sarà il prossimo?


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Cari amici di sventura.
Io penso che tra di Voi ci siano delle diatribe quasi insanabili.
Ad ogni modo non facciamo il gioco del nemico che e' comune.
Teniamoci informati tra di noi risparmiatori Lehman e cerchiamo di darci una mano uno con l'altro.
Io non ho fatto studi classici, ma mi sembra che dicessero DIVIDI ED IMPERA.
Ciao a tutti.:)


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Docket 22973-POR

Pg. 169
in the event that all Allowed Claims in LBHI Classes 1

through 11 have been satisfied in full in accordance with the Bankruptcy Code and the Plan, each

holder of an Equity Interest in LBHI may receive its share of any remaining assets of LBHI


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Pg. 169
in the event that all Allowed Claims in LBHI Classes 1

through 11 have been satisfied in full in accordance with the Bankruptcy Code and the Plan, each

holder of an Equity Interest in LBHI may receive its share of any remaining assets of LBHI

Sembrerebbe manchino 3B.Non di piu a pagare i creditori.
Credo que como Paulson e Goldman Sachs sono nel management di LEH, i creditori ricevino una parte in azioni della nuova LEH( attuale LAMCO).

Comunque, speriamo ricevere la pensione anticipata, grazie a LEH:)
Inoltre como il potere di aquisto é calato molto, credo tutto il sistema per tornare a funzionare deve dare soldi in mano alla gente.
LEH e WAMU puo essere un modo per aiutare il sistema.

Non é un caso que la nuova torre di LEH, sará ultimata dicono nel 2014-2015.ë nella Park Avenue.
Proprio quando dovrebbe tornare in borsa

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