FTSE Mib Futures solo fib fatto "ad quazzum" 2010

buondì trader ad cazzum

direi che dax ad un passo dal wolf
secondo il graphic tool di iw il punto 5 è già stato toccato e la direttrice 1-3 già rotta al ribasso.


  • gdaxi.gif
    25,9 KB · Visite: 89
il DJ con la rottura della barra outside daily ha dato segnale long, il dax si é inventato un bel wolfe ribassista.....
io per non capirci un quazzo me ne rimango fermo :D
March details

Motor vehicle sales jumped 6.7% in March after falling 1.9% in January. It was the biggest increase since last October.
Sales of building materials climbed 3.1% - the biggest gain since November 2007 - to indicate a pickup in construction as the weather improves.
Sales at clothes stores also surged, up 2.3%, in the biggest one-month increase since February 2009.
Shoppers also went furniture hunting as sales rose 1.5%.
Sales at stores catering to leisure-time pursuits, such as hobbies, sports and reading, rose 1.0%. Department stores also posted a 1.0% increase.
The biggest drop in consumer demand occurred in electronics and appliance stores. March sales fell 1.3%, the sharpest decline since December.
Sales at gas stations also declined 0.4%. It was the largest drop since last October.

c'è chi direbbe che meno benzina si vende, meno tutto si muove... poi sono opinioni.

Sei il solito catastrofista...in USA hanno ormai tutti macchine ad idrogeno....anzi direi che è un buon risultato

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