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Forumer storico
Ho trovato queasta tabella sulle "preferred shares" come gli anglo chiamano le perpetual,
la cosa sorprendente sono i prezzi estremamente bassi di tutte queste emissioni espresse in dollari, per esempio c'e un ALLIANZ 8,375 US0188052007 al 21,40.
c'e' qualcuno che mi spiega questo disallinemento? possiamo accedere a questi mercati?

Ciao, non farti ingannare dal prezzo basso .
E' stata emessa a 25 USD (quindi e' come se quotasse 84) ed e' quotata al Nyse con ticker AZM , per vedere la quotazione in tempo reale :

Prospetto :


Forumer storico
Ciao, non farti ingannare dal prezzo basso .
E' stata emessa a 25 USD (quindi e' come se quotasse 84) ed e' quotata al Nyse con ticker AZM , per vedere la quotazione in tempo reale :

Prospetto :

Scusami Solenoide che cosa vuol dire emessa a 25 ed e' come quotasse a 85? gli americani usano metodi divers?i, tutte le preferred shares elencate in quella lista hanno questo trucchetto? ti ringrazio per le tue risposte


Forumer storico
non so dirti con certezza se tutti i perpetual quotati al Nyse hanno valore nominale pari a 25 USD invece che 100 USD , sicuramente 25 USD e' il valore nominale di questa Allianz come puoi vedere anche tu dalla prima pagina del prospetto.

Price to Public Per Undated Subordinated Bond.....$ 25.0000

Per questo ho scritto che e' come se valesse 84 (nel caso fosse stata emessa a 100 ) 25 : 21 = 100 : 84
Le altre perpetual quotate al Nyse di cui ho visto il prospetto sono le ING (ticker INZ - IND - ISP ) ed hanno tutte valore nominale pari a 25 USD.


Forumer storico
non so dirti con certezza se tutti i perpetual quotati al Nyse hanno valore nominale pari a 25 USD invece che 100 USD , sicuramente 25 USD e' il valore nominale di questa Allianz come puoi vedere anche tu dalla prima pagina del prospetto.

Price to Public Per Undated Subordinated Bond.....$ 25.0000

Per questo ho scritto che e' come se valesse 84 (nel caso fosse stata emessa a 100 ) 25 : 21 = 100 : 84
Le altre perpetual quotate al Nyse di cui ho visto il prospetto sono le ING (ticker INZ - IND - ISP ) ed hanno tutte valore nominale pari a 25 USD.

Sicuramente questa tua spiegazione giustificherebbe i prezzi insolitamente bassi delle preferred shares o perpetual quotate sui mercati USA, comunque rimane da valutare se a questi prezzi e con queste cedole in $ siano convenienti o meno da comprare, ti ringrazio mi hai illuminato su una cosa che non conoscevo


a difesa del gregge
Deutsche Bank opts not to call Tier 1 bond
Tue Jun 2, 2009 10:45am EDT

* Will not redeem $650 mln bond at end-June call date
* Bank says market did not expect bond to be called.

* Analysts cite high cost of refinancing

* Follows a similar move in December

(Adds analyst comment)

FRANKFURT/LONDON, June 2 (Reuters) - Germany's top lender, Deutsche Bank AG (DBKGn.DE), said it would not redeem a $650 million Tier 1 hybrid bond at its end-June call date, which analysts said was expected given the high cost of replacing it.

Deutsche Bank surprised the market in mid-December when it was the first big bank to say it would not redeem a subordinated bond -- 1 billion euros of Lower Tier 2 bonds due January 2014. The move led to a sharp widening in subordinated bank bonds across Europe.

Credit analysts at Royal Bank of Scotland said in a note that Deutsche Bank could not currently issue replacement Tier 1 capital at anything like economic levels.

Deciding not to call is "a manifestly logical course of action for issuers to take, especially in the context of having capacity to issue economic replacement capital," they added.

This week's similar decision came as no great surprise, said Jeroen van den Broek, head of investment grade credit strategy at ING.

A Deutsche Bank spokesman would not comment on whether the bank would continue to skip opportunities to call the bond, a perpetual issue with a coupon of 7.872 percent <DE009785434=RRPS>.

The spokesman said the fact this instrument was trading below par showed the market did not expect it to be called.

The statement that this is cheap capital and the market expected it is "not a particularly investor-friendly way of doing things", van den Broek said.

It may be a long time before Deutsche Bank returns to the Tier 1 market to raise financing, and then it may have to pay a premium over similar banks to attract investors, he said.

Rabobank Nederland NV last week tapped the Tier 1 market, paying 11 percent to sell $1.5 billion in perpetual notes.

"If a name like Rabobank paid 11 percent, it is going to take Deutsche Bank a long time to reach Rabo's level," van den Broek said.

(Reporting by Philipp Halstrick in Frankfurt and Jane Baird in London; Writing by Michael Shields; editing by Simon Jessop)


New Member
Deutsche Bank opts not to call Tier 1 bond
Tue Jun 2, 2009 10:45am EDT

* Will not redeem $650 mln bond at end-June call date
* Bank says market did not expect bond to be called.

* Analysts cite high cost of refinancing

* Follows a similar move in December

(Adds analyst comment)

FRANKFURT/LONDON, June 2 (Reuters) - Germany's top lender, Deutsche Bank AG (DBKGn.DE), said it would not redeem a $650 million Tier 1 hybrid bond at its end-June call date, which analysts said was expected given the high cost of replacing it.

Deutsche Bank surprised the market in mid-December when it was the first big bank to say it would not redeem a subordinated bond -- 1 billion euros of Lower Tier 2 bonds due January 2014. The move led to a sharp widening in subordinated bank bonds across Europe.

Credit analysts at Royal Bank of Scotland said in a note that Deutsche Bank could not currently issue replacement Tier 1 capital at anything like economic levels.

Deciding not to call is "a manifestly logical course of action for issuers to take, especially in the context of having capacity to issue economic replacement capital," they added.

This week's similar decision came as no great surprise, said Jeroen van den Broek, head of investment grade credit strategy at ING.

A Deutsche Bank spokesman would not comment on whether the bank would continue to skip opportunities to call the bond, a perpetual issue with a coupon of 7.872 percent <DE009785434=RRPS>.

The spokesman said the fact this instrument was trading below par showed the market did not expect it to be called.

The statement that this is cheap capital and the market expected it is "not a particularly investor-friendly way of doing things", van den Broek said.

It may be a long time before Deutsche Bank returns to the Tier 1 market to raise financing, and then it may have to pay a premium over similar banks to attract investors, he said.

Rabobank Nederland NV last week tapped the Tier 1 market, paying 11 percent to sell $1.5 billion in perpetual notes.

"If a name like Rabobank paid 11 percent, it is going to take Deutsche Bank a long time to reach Rabo's level," van den Broek said.

(Reporting by Philipp Halstrick in Frankfurt and Jane Baird in London; Writing by Michael Shields; editing by Simon Jessop)

Grazie della notizia cricket :bow: ora si tratterà di vedere come reagisce il mercato.

Sicuramente i titoli DB ne saranno ulteriormente penalizzati (già lo sono in conseguenza della decisione di dicembre scorso) e purtroppo si conferma che per almeno un altro anno o due il momento rimane delicato per tutto il settore, particolarmente per le perpetue bancarie.

P. S. Colgo l'occasione per segnalarti il I° meeting del 21 giugno prossimo (vedi 3D dedicato). Ovviamente l'invito è rivolto anche a te ed agli amici del FOL, ti prego solo nel caso di farmelo sapere in qualche modo ;)


100% perpetual
volevo capire che emissione non hanno callato ma tramite quel pezzo di isin non ho scovato nulla...


ho trovato invece due emissioni Db in usd con tasso iniziale al 7,872 che dopo il call del 06/07/09 pagano libor +297bp....

forse sono queste ?

USU2492SAA43 e US251528AA34.....

sono entrambe da 650ml di usd.

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