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Mitico Rott :up:

Il bond mi sembra che lo tradino anche con lotto da 50k o mi sbaglio?

Ciao Bulogna,

come saprai il prospetto parla di "denomination of €100,000 each and integral multiples of €1,000 in excess thereof up to and including €199,000". Non si può escludere che tradino già anche le pezzature più disparate.


Forumer storico
Ciao Bulogna,

come saprai il prospetto parla di "denomination of €100,000 each and integral multiples of €1,000 in excess thereof up to and including €199,000". Non si può escludere che tradino già anche le pezzature più disparate.

Mi sembra di aver letto da qualche parte di qualcuno che affermava la possibilità di acquisto della pezzatura da 50K. Se qualcuno ha già avuto esperienza o riesce a vedere su blg ci illumini.


Forumer attivo
La terminologia usata da SNS Reaal a proposito del bond emesso dalla sua divisione assicurativa lasciava perplessi per la terminologia usata: si poteva pensare ad una emissione Solvency II compliant, mentre dalla lettura del prospetto non vi era evidenza di questa cosa.
Così ho scritto all'IR di SNS.
Risposta:il bond è un classico LT2 e si scusano per il wording usato:

grazie Rott.
sai quanto quota la nuova per curiosità?(o hai l'isin)
la vecchia LT2 048 tg50k oggi era in area 86 con rendimento dell'8,7%


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UBS poses (then withdraws) question to Isda on AIB credit event

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
UBS yesterday submitted but subsequently withdrew a question to the determinations committee on whether a restructuring credit event had occurred on Allied Irish Banks, the Isda website shows. The reason for the swift withdrawal is not given, but UBS’s question follows the Irish high court having last week granted a subordinated liabilities order to change the terms on AIB’s dated and perpetual subordinated debt. S&P downgraded AIB subordinated debt on the high court action, as previously reported by Creditflux.


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Dopo il discorso di Bernanke...

...l'USD ne esce indebolito.
Da seguire soprattutto per chi punta su perp in quella valuta.
Notizie a questo link:

U.S. Stocks, Gold, Euro Gain as Fed Keeps Plans for Low Rates -

Passaggi significativi:

U.S. stocks rose, sending benchmark indexes to almost three-year highs, as the Federal Reserve renewed its pledge to stimulate growth with low interest rates and said a pickup in inflation is likely temporary. Gold gained and the dollar weakened versus the euro.

The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index climbed 0.2 percent to 1,350.02 at 1:52 p.m. in New York after falling as much as 0.2 percent before the Fed’s statement. The dollar lost 0.5 percent to $1.4721 against the euro, falling for a seventh-straight day in its longest slump in two years, and gold for June delivery advanced 1.2 percent to $1,521.10 an ounce. Oil reversed losses, rising 0.6 percent to $112.92 a barrel in New York.

Stocks rebounded from earlier declines as Fed policy makers also said they agreed to finish $600 billion of bond purchases on schedule in June as the economic recovery proceeds at a “moderate pace.” The statement eased concern that central bankers were preparing to begin halting record stimulus measures in an effort to prevent gains in prices from accelerating.

“The Fed isn’t ready to press the brakes just yet,” said Alan Gayle, senior investment strategist at RidgeWorth Capital Management in Richmond, Virginia, which oversees $45 billion. “They’re maintaining the status quo while the economy, and in particular the consumer, gets on firmer footing. An accommodative Fed is good for equity markets and the statement doesn’t suggest the Fed’s anywhere close to taking steps to slow the economy through tightening.”


Forumer attivo
l'Isin è: XS0616936372. Il prospetto lo trovi nell'altro thread. Mi risulta che quoti (Stoccarda) attorno a 100.

grazie ancora.
per ora resto arroccato sulla 048 perche 50k mi sembrano anche troppi x SNS (dato che sono in grecia :titanic:).
se tu dovessi investire 5-600k (cosi evitiamo il discorso taglio) su uno dei 2, quale sceglieresti e perche?
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