Hypo Real Estate sta preparando il bilancio 2008:
E' ufficiale, le perpetue di Depfa non pagheranno le cedole.
Sorprendentemente, però, Depfa chiude il 2008 in utile, anche se solo di 17 mln €.
Results of subsidiary banks; servicing of profit-participation certificates
and tier 1 and upper tier 2 instruments
As already announced, Hypo Real Estate Bank AG has posted a net loss for
the year: the result before taxes (in accordance with German GAAP - 'HGB')
was EUR -2.8 billion, with a net retained loss of EUR -2.6 billion. Interest
on profit-participation certificates issued by Hypo Real Estate
Bank AG after preparation of the 2008 financial statements and due for
payment in 2009 will not be paid. Profit-participation certificates with final
maturity on 31 December 2008 participate in the loss on a pro-rata basis;
accordingly, they will not be repaid at par, but their nominal amount will be
reduced by the amount of the pro-rata loss.
As a result of the net retained loss, Hypo Real Estate Bank AG will not make
any distributions in 2009 on its Hypo Real Estate International Trust I tier 1
bond. Furthermore, within the scope of its corporate planning, the
Management Board of Hypo Real Estate Bank AG envisages the bank to
post losses for at least the next two years. Based on this assumption, the
holders of profit-participation certificates and tier 1 bonds would not receive
any distributions for the relevant periods, and the profit-participation
certificates would share the pro-rata losses.
DEPFA Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG posted a transferable profit of EUR 17
million after taxes, resulting in a breakeven net retained profit. Therefore,
profit-participation certificates issued by DEPFA Deutsche Pfandbriefbank
AG must be serviced in full for financial year 2008.
The Board of Directors of DEPFA BANK plc has decided that tier 1
instruments guaranteed by DEPFA BANK plc and upper tier 2 instruments
of DEPFA BANK plc will not be serviced in 2009.