Traduzione google di articolo di oggi sulla vicenda Bawag/Linz. L'originale in tedesco qui:
Swap: Klagen, halbe Wahrheiten und ein Geburtstags-Gast |
Swap: complaints, half truths and a birthday guest
The city of Linz laments Bawag - and possibly the city of Linz Bawag: We reserve the right legal steps, the Bank had, as of the OÖNachrichten reported on Thursday in response to the Linz city council decided on swap payments stop. This could lead to the curious situation that both parties bring to the swap tiresome Causa 4175 action against each other.
It's about a lot of money: According to current state threatens the city from the calamitous franc interest rate bets, a loss of 300 million €.
Linz is expected in early November in any case bring his action for the recovery of previously made payments to the swap Bawag. "This remains a possible lawsuit Bawag nothing," says Professor
Meinhard Lukas, the legal advisor to the city of Linz.
For all mutual claims still remains the possibility of an out-of-court settlement. The franc is likely to Linz at the current level but not below 80 to 100 million € have to be - anything but a trifle.
It also implies that for the borrowing required for a two-thirds majority in the council found.
They expect payment from the swap-stop of Linz "no negative impact on net income or capitalization of the Bank for the fiscal year 2011," said the Bawag further on Thursday.
This is not wrong, but not the full information: In fact, the stop payment should be well impact on the capitalization of the bank - but only in the 2012 fiscal year.
This is evident from Bawag internal documents available to the OÖNachrichten. "In the event that the next payment Linz (October 15, 2011) does not pay" shall, after 90 days - that is mid-January 2012 - created a "default", says a report by the Department "Commercial & Institutional Risk" by second August 2011. This is apparent for the bank the duty to place the business with its own resources, the internal risk rating of BAWAG.
When they wanted it yesterday Bawag neither confirm nor deny. It was "basically still too early to talk about the year 2012," was the reply to the request OÖNachrichten.
The Swap Control of the Linz City Council, meanwhile tried again on Thursday next week, to shed light on the political responsibility for the financial disaster. In the center is still the question: What did or should the competent tax council and mayor
Mayr Johann Franz Dobusch (both SP) need to know about the fateful bet interest?
Should be decided at the meeting on Thursday, including the charge of the former BAWAG Director General and now Governor
Ewald Nowotny National Bank as an informant.
Which is a few days later, by the way already performed in Linz - and as the guest speaker at a symposium on 24 October on the occasion of the 60th Birthday of SP-Provincial
Hermann Kepplinger takes place in the Chamber of Labour. The theme of the event: "General interest policy: How does the public sector back on the offensive?"
At least not with the use of currency and interest rate bets, that's for sure.