effettivamente abbiamo sottovalutato il fallimento MF Global che non é proprio piccolino.
estraggo due passaggi importanti dall'aricolo sotto riportato.
MF Global Files for Bankruptcy After Bad Bets on European Debt - BusinessWeek
Unsecured Creditors
A list of unsecured creditors filed by MF Global includes JPMorgan Chase, as trustee for holders of $1.2 billion in debt, and Deutsche Bank AG, as trustee for holders of more than $1 billion in notes due in 2016 and 2018.
JPMorgan itself holds less than $80 million of the debt, said Joseph Evangelisti, a spokesman for the New York-based bank. JPMorgan also has $26 million in collateral belonging to MF Global that “may be subject to liens in favor” of the bank, MF Global said.
Armin Niedermeier, a spokesman for Frankfurt-based Deutsche Bank, declined to comment. Other unsecured creditors include Headstrong Services LLC, owed $3.9 million; CNBC, owed $845,397; and law firm Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, owed $596,939.
European Debt
MF Global owns $6.3 billion of Italian, Spanish, Belgian, Portuguese and Irish debt, the company said in an Oct. 25 presentation. Concerns that it might lose money on the holdings amid Europe's debt crisis led to demands from regulators to boost capital, credit downgrades, margin calls and bankruptcy, MF Global President Bradley Abelow said.
p.s probabilmente non é vero, ma questi stanno dicendo che sono falliti a causa della troppa esposizione ai GIIPS, tra cui anche l'italia, direi che non é una buona cosa

se qualcuno voleva comprare, ora ci pensa 2 volte....