Bos 4 Mod
Beh, si. Vale per tutti i titoli che trattano abbondantemente sotto la pari. Tipo il 90% dei T1 bancari...

Beh, si. Vale per tutti i titoli che trattano abbondantemente sotto la pari. Tipo il 90% dei T1 bancari...
il problema è il costo della raccolta bancaria.
Se a me banca raccogliere denaro costa in questo momento circa 280 punti sopra l'euribor come faccio a darlo ,con garanzie basse, a euribor + 160/200?
E' un momento particolare.
Sembra che la quotazione sia collassata con l'annuncio dello swap.
Non vedo che senso abbia rinunciare allo status di tier1 (gia' precario) per diventare possessore di azioni di BES non capisco con quale logica facciano certe proposte.
Se le cose stanno cosi faccio come te non aderisco e la porto a scadenza 2014 per ora ha sempre pagato le cedole.
C'e' da dire che a differenza delle banche greche sia BES che BCP sono molto presenti in sud america, stanno scontando il fatto di essere portoghesi.
[Reuters] UPDATE 1-RZB capital needs above 1.9 bln eur-Raiffeisen CEO
[RBIV.VI] * RZB capital needs to surpass 1.9 bln eur based on Q3 data-RBI * Raiffeisen Bank Int'l could still sell shares if markets improve * Capital "clean-up" to help address capital requirements (Adds detail, background) FRANKFURT, Nov 17 (Reuters) - Raiffeisen Bank International <RBIV.VI> (RBI) parent RZB group will need more than 1.9 billion euros ($2.6 billion) in extra capital to reach regulators' 9 percent core capital target, RBI's chief executive said. "The final figure you will hear next week when we have our third-quarter conference. It will be over and above 1.9 billion euros," Herbert Stepic told reporters on Thursday. Speaking on the margins of a financial conference, he declined further comment on the amount or on third-quarter results due on Nov. 24. The 1.9 billion figure was based on second-quarter results. European banking regulators want banks to hit the 9 percent goal by mid-2012 to fortify lenders against a financial downturn. Stepic said the banking group had drawn up a list of 20 different actions it could take to come up with the extra capital, including identifying engagements where it was using too much capital relative to what was needed. "We will have a capital clean-up process in the entire group," he said. Stepic said he stood by plans to sell RBI shares within the next year if conditions favoured the move, but he noted they were not favourable now. "We don't want to burn money," he said of the prospects of selling shares in volatile equity markets. Asked if investors holding non-voting participation capital will agree to convert it to regular equity, Stepic said he had great hopes that investors would accept either that or the other possibility on offer, which was to convert it into contingent capital. "I'm pretty confident that we will find a positive agreement with the participation capital investors," he said. Asked if investors should expect further writedowns in eastern Europe, Stepic said: "The fact that we didn't have to come with an ad hoc statement should give you some indication of the status." Raiffeisen will continue to support its Hungarian unit and had low exposure to European peripheral states, Stepic said. "We have almost no peripheral exposures. In Italy we have some because they are a neighbouring country (where) we have the banks to do the business and with Portugal and Spain we have less than 10 million euros," he said.
Se ho capito beneIl passaggio sembra preoccupante vorrebbero convertire le Tier 1 in azioni o sbaglio? Cosa si intende per "contingent capital"?
[Reuters] UPDATE 1-RZB capital needs above 1.9 bln eur-Raiffeisen CEO
[RBIV.VI] * RZB capital needs to surpass 1.9 bln eur based on Q3 data-RBI * Raiffeisen Bank Int'l could still sell shares if markets improve * Capital "clean-up" to help address capital requirements (Adds detail, background) FRANKFURT, Nov 17 (Reuters) - Raiffeisen Bank International <RBIV.VI> (RBI) parent RZB group will need more than 1.9 billion euros ($2.6 billion) in extra capital to reach regulators' 9 percent core capital target, RBI's chief executive said. "The final figure you will hear next week when we have our third-quarter conference. It will be over and above 1.9 billion euros," Herbert Stepic told reporters on Thursday. Speaking on the margins of a financial conference, he declined further comment on the amount or on third-quarter results due on Nov. 24. The 1.9 billion figure was based on second-quarter results. European banking regulators want banks to hit the 9 percent goal by mid-2012 to fortify lenders against a financial downturn. Stepic said the banking group had drawn up a list of 20 different actions it could take to come up with the extra capital, including identifying engagements where it was using too much capital relative to what was needed. "We will have a capital clean-up process in the entire group," he said. Stepic said he stood by plans to sell RBI shares within the next year if conditions favoured the move, but he noted they were not favourable now. "We don't want to burn money," he said of the prospects of selling shares in volatile equity markets. Asked if investors holding non-voting participation capital will agree to convert it to regular equity, Stepic said he had great hopes that investors would accept either that or the other possibility on offer, which was to convert it into contingent capital. "I'm pretty confident that we will find a positive agreement with the participation capital investors," he said. Asked if investors should expect further writedowns in eastern Europe, Stepic said: "The fact that we didn't have to come with an ad hoc statement should give you some indication of the status." Raiffeisen will continue to support its Hungarian unit and had low exposure to European peripheral states, Stepic said. "We have almost no peripheral exposures. In Italy we have some because they are a neighbouring country (where) we have the banks to do the business and with Portugal and Spain we have less than 10 million euros," he said.
c'e' senz'altro del vero in quello che dici e per questo che e' tanto piu' utile l'niziativa di Claudio e Zorba stiamo uniti documentiamoci e facciamoci sentireanche io lo interpreto male questo passaggio.....commenti?
piovono le tender offer mi pare di capire....su bnp che idee vi siete fatti?
hanno call date 2016-2017, chissa se è solo l'inizio.....
cmq mi frulla di nuovo un dubbio che avevo nel 2009 quando i corsi erano a 30 o meno...allora mi chiedevo perchè nessuno si riacquistasse il proprio debito con sconto notevole....semplice non avevano soldi e forse perchè è stato tutto così improvviso....ora invece inizio a pensare che ci possa essere una strategia ben consapevole....spero di sbagliarmi ma a questo giro mi sembrano molti gli istituti pronti a ridursi i propri debiti a sconto alla faccia anche nostra che per lungo tempo abbiamo ragionato sui rendimenti vs call date....e questo vale per gli emittenti più validi mentre non vorrei che per quelli più distressed iniziassero a fare ragionamenti ancora più "terroristici"....in stile irlanda...mah....![]()
io se mantengono le quotazioni vicine ai prezzi di scambio le venderei ... se le avessi.Ciao a tutti, cerco le vostre opinioni
io ho questo bond voi cosa fareste lo scambiereste?
XS0552743048 Lower
Tier 2
6.25% 26 October
€500,000,000 73 BBB+ by Standard & Poor's
Ratings Services and Baa2 by
Moody's Investors Service
con questo nuovo
type: Senior 450 bps over
the Euro 5 Year
Mid-Swap Rate
Expected to be 30
November 2016
The New Exchange Securities are expected to be rated Aby
Standard & Poor's Ratings Services and Baa1 by
Moody's Investors Service.
The exchange price is 73 per cent superiore di poco al mio prezzo medio di carico
dal fol ho preso il file allegato (EXCHANGE OFFER MEMORANDUM dated 17 November 2011) che spero possa essere utile anche ad altri
Grazie per ogni suggerimento
anche io lo interpreto male questo passaggio.....commenti?
piovono le tender offer mi pare di capire....su bnp che idee vi siete fatti?
hanno call date 2016-2017, chissa se è solo l'inizio.....
cmq mi frulla di nuovo un dubbio che avevo nel 2009 quando i corsi erano a 30 o meno...allora mi chiedevo perchè nessuno si riacquistasse il proprio debito con sconto notevole....semplice non avevano soldi e forse perchè è stato tutto così improvviso....ora invece inizio a pensare che ci possa essere una strategia ben consapevole....spero di sbagliarmi ma a questo giro mi sembrano molti gli istituti pronti a ridursi i propri debiti a sconto alla faccia anche nostra che per lungo tempo abbiamo ragionato sui rendimenti vs call date....e questo vale per gli emittenti più validi mentre non vorrei che per quelli più distressed iniziassero a fare ragionamenti ancora più "terroristici"....in stile irlanda...mah....![]()
[Reuters] UPDATE 1-RZB capital needs above 1.9 bln eur-Raiffeisen CEO
[RBIV.VI] * RZB capital needs to surpass 1.9 bln eur based on Q3 data-RBI * Raiffeisen Bank Int'l could still sell shares if markets improve * Capital "clean-up" to help address capital requirements (Adds detail, background) FRANKFURT, Nov 17 (Reuters) - Raiffeisen Bank International <RBIV.VI> (RBI) parent RZB group will need more than 1.9 billion euros ($2.6 billion) in extra capital to reach regulators' 9 percent core capital target, RBI's chief executive said. "The final figure you will hear next week when we have our third-quarter conference. It will be over and above 1.9 billion euros," Herbert Stepic told reporters on Thursday. Speaking on the margins of a financial conference, he declined further comment on the amount or on third-quarter results due on Nov. 24. The 1.9 billion figure was based on second-quarter results. European banking regulators want banks to hit the 9 percent goal by mid-2012 to fortify lenders against a financial downturn. Stepic said the banking group had drawn up a list of 20 different actions it could take to come up with the extra capital, including identifying engagements where it was using too much capital relative to what was needed. "We will have a capital clean-up process in the entire group," he said. Stepic said he stood by plans to sell RBI shares within the next year if conditions favoured the move, but he noted they were not favourable now. "We don't want to burn money," he said of the prospects of selling shares in volatile equity markets. Asked if investors holding non-voting participation capital will agree to convert it to regular equity, Stepic said he had great hopes that investors would accept either that or the other possibility on offer, which was to convert it into contingent capital. "I'm pretty confident that we will find a positive agreement with the participation capital investors," he said. Asked if investors should expect further writedowns in eastern Europe, Stepic said: "The fact that we didn't have to come with an ad hoc statement should give you some indication of the status." Raiffeisen will continue to support its Hungarian unit and had low exposure to European peripheral states, Stepic said. "We have almost no peripheral exposures. In Italy we have some because they are a neighbouring country (where) we have the banks to do the business and with Portugal and Spain we have less than 10 million euros," he said.
Se ho capito beneIl passaggio sembra preoccupante vorrebbero convertire le Tier 1 in azioni o sbaglio? Cosa si intende per "contingent capital"?
anche io lo interpreto male questo passaggio.....commenti?
piovono le tender offer mi pare di capire....su bnp che idee vi siete fatti?
hanno call date 2016-2017, chissa se è solo l'inizio.....
cmq mi frulla di nuovo un dubbio che avevo nel 2009 quando i corsi erano a 30 o meno...allora mi chiedevo perchè nessuno si riacquistasse il proprio debito con sconto notevole....semplice non avevano soldi e forse perchè è stato tutto così improvviso....ora invece inizio a pensare che ci possa essere una strategia ben consapevole....spero di sbagliarmi ma a questo giro mi sembrano molti gli istituti pronti a ridursi i propri debiti a sconto alla faccia anche nostra che per lungo tempo abbiamo ragionato sui rendimenti vs call date....e questo vale per gli emittenti più validi mentre non vorrei che per quelli più distressed iniziassero a fare ragionamenti ancora più "terroristici"....in stile irlanda...mah....![]()
nel comunicato del 27 ottobre RBI si era espressa in altro modo