Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 3 (2 lettori)


It's time to play the game
Non solo per quello.. (cmq parzialmente si)

Vedendo la 307 5,2% che quota 96,5 con post call basso. (so che è cum..)

In effetti è già qualche gg che le cum di C.A. (con call relativamente vicina e post call basso) si sono alzate tantissimo, mentre la 6% è rimasta "al palo".
Boh... non so spiegarmelo... :mmmm:


Forumer storico

VIENNA (MF-DJ)--Raiffeisen Bank International ha archiviato il 1*
trimestre con una flessione del 71% a/a dell'utile netto consolidato a 157
mln euro, rispetto ai 541 mln euro dell'analogo periodo dell'anno
precedente, quando la banca aveva beneficiato di plusvalenze una-tantum.

Il margine netto d'interesse e' sceso dell'1,2% su base annua a 865 mln

Le spese amministrative generali sono cresciute del 4,6% a 788 mln euro,
a causa dell'integrazione della polacca Polbank, ha spiegato l'istituto di
credito austriaco.

Nel periodo al 31 marzo del 2013 il Core Tier 1 si e' attestato al
10,6%, in lieve calo rispetto al 10,7% della fine del 2012.

Nello stesso periodo i prestiti in sofferenza hanno raggiunto il 9,9% a
fronte del 9,8% della fine del 2012.

La capogruppo Raiffeisen Zentralbank Oesterreich ha reso noto che il
consiglio di sorveglianza si riunira' il 7 giugno per nominare il
successore del Ceo di Raiffeisen Bank International, Herbert Stepic, che
ha rassegnato le dimissioni per motivi personali.


2810:42 mag 2013


Forumer storico
MAPFRE 5,921% LT2 callable 2017 , poi giuro che non la citero' piu'...
Mapfre is a leader in non-life and strongly positioned in life and it has transformed itself from primarily a Spanish insurer into a diversified insurance conglomerate (Spain was 2/3 of premiums in 2007 and was just 1/3 in 2012; we expect it to be ¼ in 2016). Mapfre should deliver a 2013-16 net income CAGR of more than 10%, driven by an increasing share from fast-growing markets, which is currently close to a half. In particular, its exposure to the LatAm markets, where Mapfre should fuel this above-average growth in the European sector. The key concerns regarding Mapfre’s balance sheet have been related to its Spanish debt exposure, high intangibles, and elevated financial leverage. However, these concerns have been largely addressed: the bulk of its Spanish debt is matched with life liabilities, the solvency 1 ratio has reached 261% and financial leverage has fallen to 18%. The stock trades at a 2014E P/NAV of 1.2x for a 16% RoNAV versus the sector at 1.3x for a 13% RoNAV.
Given the stock’s recent outperformance, we think the sale by Bankia of its 15% stake in Mapfre may happen sooner rather than later. This should end overhang concerns and could be the catalyst for a further re-rating.

non credi che a 95 sia un rischio eccessivo per la struttura del tasso cedolare post call ?

mi spiego. se nel 2017 non richiama, paga 2,05 + euribor 3 mesi (se non ricordo male) e questo eventualmente fino al 2037.

Unipol, che non ha la reputazione di Mapfre ma è pur sempre un assicurativo tranquillo, ha la lt2 già in post call scadenza 2021 che paga 2,50 + euribor 3 mesi e prezza 82 circa.

è vero che 4 anni sono tanti ma pagare la mapfre 95 significa puntare alla call nel 2017, senza però avere margini di apprezzamento del sottostante almeno fino a inizio 2017. O no ?

warren baffo

Forumer storico
non credi che a 95 sia un rischio eccessivo per la struttura del tasso cedolare post call ?

mi spiego. se nel 2017 non richiama, paga 2,05 + euribor 3 mesi (se non ricordo male) e questo eventualmente fino al 2037.

Unipol, che non ha la reputazione di Mapfre ma è pur sempre un assicurativo tranquillo, ha la lt2 già in post call scadenza 2021 che paga 2,50 + euribor 3 mesi e prezza 82 circa.

è vero che 4 anni sono tanti ma pagare la mapfre 95 significa puntare alla call nel 2017, senza però avere margini di apprezzamento del sottostante almeno fino a inizio 2017. O no ?

premesso che non ho mapfre, credo tu abbia ragione ma che l'opinione diffusa della call dipenda da un report JPM che fu postato qualche sett fa:

Un estratto (non dovrei)

In Tier II: Buy MAPFRE 5.921 €17-37 versus selling ASSGEN
7.75% €22-42
Extract from “MAPFRE: Initiating with an Overweight”, 7th March 2013:
We recommend investors buy the MAPSM 5.921% €17 versus selling the ASSGEN
7.75% €22 which allows for a significant pick-up in yield while at the same time
allowing the investor to express views on a range of credit-specific and macro drivers
which we think differentiate these credit, namely;
 Solid solvency at Mapfre with a solvency ratio of 261% as at YE’12
which contrasts with a solvency ratio of 140% at Generali as at Q3’12,
with both these indicators referring to Solvency I;
 Lower relative degree of sovereign exposure at Mapfre with holdings of
Spanish sovereign debt representing 96% of the equity capital base as at
YE’12, which contrasts with Generali’s Italian sovereign holdings of
311% as at HY’12. In addition we note that Mapfre has reduced the
market risk component of 52.8% of its Spanish Government holdings by
matching it with life assurance reserves, thereby reducing the potential
valuation impacts in the event of a potential increase in sovereign risk
 While the relative degree of sovereign exposure is much lower for Mapfre,
we would also postulate that investors are likely to take a more sanguine
view on Spain where progress has been made in key areas such as bank
restructuring. We would contrast this progress with the degree of political
stasis post the recent election which may be an obstacle to continuing the
reform work of the previous Italian technocratic government. In essence
this would be an expression of the Spain versus Italy trade.
 While both Mapfre and Generali both enjoy a degree of geographical
diversification outside of their domestic market, we note that Mapfre
enjoys a greater degree of diversification outside of the Eurozone, in
particular, exposure to fast-growing LATAM markets which accounted
for 37.5% of GWP in 2012. As a result, we would expect that Mapfre’s
exposure to fast-growing markets would offset the weakness in the
European markets, with Generali’s core market remaining Italy, France
and Germany.
 We note that the MAPSM 5.921% €17 has a shorter call than the
ASSGEN instruments and we believe that Mapfre will be calling this
instrument at the first call date. This is due to the fact that as a 30NC10
structure, the extension of the instrument beyond the first call date will
result in a complete loss of the equity treatment by S&P given that the
instrument will have a residual maturity of less than 20 years if left
outstanding beyond first call. We also note that an additional incentive for
the issuer to call the instrument will be in terms of debt market access
given the more recent strategy of diversifying away from bank lending
facilities to wholesale funding. We think that this places a greater onus on
corresponding to investor expectations and note that the MAPSM 5.921%
€17 has a 100bp step-up at the first call date. Additionally, we note that a
Mapfre had a solvency ratio of
261% as at YE’12
Mapfre has a lower degree of
exposure to domestic sovereign
exposure as a proportion of its
capital base
We expect that investors will be
more sanguine relative to Spain
rather than Italy in 2013 due to a
more convoluted political
scenario for the latter
Mapfre has a greater degree of
exposure outside of the
Eurozone (LATAM 37.5% of
GWP) whereas Generali is more
Eurozone centric
Our base case is that the
MAPSM 5.921% €17 is called at
the first call date and would
therefore price this on a yield to
call basis

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