Un Vincent ( o due ... ) al giorno ...

field of yellow flowers
field with poppies


field of yellow flowers.jpg

field with poppies.jpg
Letter to Theo van Gogh, end of October 1885

Dear Theo,

I read your letter about black with great pleasure, and it convinces me that you have no prejudice against black.

Your description of Manet’s study, “Le Toréador Mort,” was well analyzed. And the whole letter proves the same thing that your sketch of Paris suggested to me at the time, namely that if you set yourself to it, you can paint a thing in words.

It is a fact that by studying the laws of the colors one can go from an instinctive belief in the great masters to the analysis of why one admires – what one admires – and that is indeed necessary nowadays when one realizes how terribly arbitrarily and superficially people criticize.

You just have to let me stick to my pessimism about the present-day art trade, for it does not at all include discouragement. This is my way of reasoning. Supposing I am right in considering that curious haggling about prices of pictures more and more like the bulb trade. I repeat, supposing that, like the bulb trade at the end of the last century, the art trade, together with other branches of speculation, will disappear at the end of this century the same way they came, namely rather quickly. The bulb trade may disappear – the flower-growing remains. And I for myself am contented, for better or worse, to be a small gardener who loves his plants.

Just now my palette is thawing and the barrenness of the first beginning has disappeared.

It is true, I still often blunder when I undertake a thing, but the colors follow of their own accord, and taking one color as a starting point, I have clearly in mind what must follow and how to get life into it.
Intermezzo tra periodo 1 e periodo 2

Nel novembre 85 lascia l'Olanda ( forse per l'ostracismo del clero locale verso il suo voler trovare modelle per dipingere nudi femminili) per andare Antwerp , in Belgio . Meno "" menate"" , materiale disponibile , musei e gallerie accessibili ; conosce Rubens .
In gennaio si iscrive all' Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Antwerp, ma non regge la schematicità (scolastica) accademica ... aria , aria,...

PERIOD 2 ... JH973 - JH1356 ( inizio 86 - inizio 88 ) Parigi

Arriva a Parigi il 27 febbraio 86 . Si stabilisce a Montmartre dal fratello Theo (mercante d'arte) ; incontra pittori francesi (Gauguin, Toulouse-Lautrec, Bernard, Pissarro, Russell ) - prima aveva conosciuto solo la pittura olandese e quella del realismo francese. Si incammina lungo l'impressionismo , dipinge i caffè , i boulevards , i dintorni della Senna fuori città.
Perido dei ritratti (che dovrebbero portare la pagnotta , ma non deve esserci tagliato , ... , di dar la caccia alla pagnotta ..) , autoritratti (almeno 20 in poco tempo , usando uno specchio comprato ... ) , studi ed esperimenti col colore.
Periodo di intensi rapporti con gli "altri pittori" di quella stagione ; primi quadri esposti nella bottega di Père Tanguy dove """compra""" ( un poco eufemistico ... occorrebbe pagare , per poter dire comprare ... ma Père Tanguy concede largo credito ai nascenti pittori .. ) il materiale per dipingere.
E' anche il periodo delle " giapponeserie" , quelle cose tipiche orientali (stampe , soprattutto ) che trova da Père Tanguy e che lo affascinano.
Letter to Theo van Gogh, end of October 1885

Dear Theo,

I read your letter about black with great pleasure, and it convinces me that you have no prejudice against black.

Your description of Manet’s study, “Le Toréador Mort,” was well analyzed. And the whole letter proves the same thing that your sketch of Paris suggested to me at the time, namely that if you set yourself to it, you can paint a thing in words.

It is a fact that by studying the laws of the colors one can go from an instinctive belief in the great masters to the analysis of why one admires – what one admires – and that is indeed necessary nowadays when one realizes how terribly arbitrarily and superficially people criticize.

You just have to let me stick to my pessimism about the present-day art trade, for it does not at all include discouragement. This is my way of reasoning. Supposing I am right in considering that curious haggling about prices of pictures more and more like the bulb trade. I repeat, supposing that, like the bulb trade at the end of the last century, the art trade, together with other branches of speculation, will disappear at the end of this century the same way they came, namely rather quickly. The bulb trade may disappear – the flower-growing remains. And I for myself am contented, for better or worse, to be a small gardener who loves his plants.

Just now my palette is thawing and the barrenness of the first beginning has disappeared.

It is true, I still often blunder when I undertake a thing, but the colors follow of their own accord, and taking one color as a starting point, I have clearly in mind what must follow and how to get life into it.


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