Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti VENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 1

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EIA Chief: Boundless Natural Gas, Boundless Opportunities | Zero Hedge

Il governo del Venezuela e, non solo, dovrà pensare secondo me e, anche in fretta, alle cause ed effetti che, l'ingresso degli USA come esportatori di Oil & Gas più che in veste di consumatori, comporterà per le sorti del proprio paese.

Questo lo sappiamo, è già timidamente visibile sull'import dell'Oil dal Venezuela ... (lasciamo stare i picchi stagionali).

Ma lo sanno anche a Caracas ... e da un'annetto sono alla ricerca di nuovi mercati asiatici (India?) e di joint venture europee.

Il problema, come dice Policeman, il Texas è ad un giorno di navigazione ... mentre gli altri mercati sono oltreoceano.

La Cina compra ... ma vende ad altri?
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"La prigione, giustificata o meno, ha lavorato come una catapulta politico a diversi personaggi che sono venuti al Palazzo di Miraflores. Da quando il governo di Romulo Betancourt, che fu imprigionato e poi esiliato a Hugo Chavez, quasi tutti i capi di stato erano precedentemente incarcerati.
Chavez, per esempio, si arrese alle autorità dopo aver fallito nel tentativo di colpo di Stato del 4 febbraio 1992 contro Carlos Andrés Pérez. Il colonnello poi ha rinunciato e ha tenuto un discorso in cui ha chiesto ai suoi compagni di lasciare le armi, perché "per ora" i suoi obiettivi non sono stati raggiunti. Imprigionato due anni e quando ha lasciato era una celebrità. E 'stato eletto presidente nel 1998.
Consegnato il Martedì prima della Guardia Nazionale, Lopez ha tenuto un discorso a Caracas, in piedi accanto alla statua di eroe nazionale cubano José Martí, in cui ha detto: "Questa lotta è per tutte le persone che soffrono code, scarsità. I giovani non hanno futuro per un modello sbagliato, esportato in altri paesi. Abbiamo bisogno di costruire una via d'uscita da questo pasticcio. Questa uscita deve essere pacifica, nel rispetto della Costituzione, ma deve essere in strada, perché non siamo più liberi di esprimerci in Venezuela significa. Se i media tacciono, parlano la strada della democrazia. "

Los caminos de Leopoldo López | ELESPECTADOR.COM

Se è vero che la storia si ripete...

Direi che è una caratteristica comune di molti paesi latinoamericani ... ;).
Venezuela's Maduro wants talks with Obama

By Karl Penhaul, Esprit Smith and Chelsea J. Carter, CNN
February 22, 2014 -- Updated 0337 GMT (1137 HKT)

Caracas, Venezuela (CNN) -- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro called Friday on the United States to exchange ambassadors just days after expelling three American diplomats from the country.

The request came during an hours-long news conference aired on state-run TV, where Maduro called on President Barack Obama to begin talks, even as he repeatedly accused the United States of interfering in Venezuelan internal affairs and stoking sometimes violent anti-government protests in recent days.

"I call for a dialogue with you, Obama," Maduro said. "You can designate (U.S. Secretary of State John) Kerry or whoever you want to come to this dialogue and I will send my foreign minister ... for this high-level meeting."

At the same time, Maduro accused Obama of failing to live up to a commitment not to "interfere with Venezuelan affairs."
"What you have said has not been carried out," he said.

The United States and Venezuela have not had resident ambassadors since 2010, although they have maintained diplomatic missions and active embassies.

Maduro's call to exchange ambassadors comes after his government accused American diplomats of using a visa program as cover to meet with with youth organizers at private universities "for training, financing and creating youth organizations through which violence is promoted in Venezuela."

The expulsion, which President Nicolas Maduro first announced Sunday, comes after the State Department expressed concerns about rising tensions in Venezuela.

Maduro's news conference comes amid questions of whether he can hold onto control of the country amid rising demonstrations.
Venezuela's western state of Tachira became a flashpoint Friday between anti-government protesters and security forces.

Protesters blocked off some of the main roads in the capital, San Cristobal, public transportation was paralyzed, and few businesses were open.

Maduro's government has responded strongly to protests in Tachira as he faces the largest demonstrations since coming to power almost a year ago.

The country's interior minister, Miguel Rodriguez Torres, has announced a new plan to restore order in Tachira, which, he said, may include sending a battalion of paratroopers there.

"This battalion will reinforce the units that find themselves on the major roadways that converge in this city," Rodriguez said Thursday.

The military is necessary because the government believes that people from across the border in Colombia are crossing into Tachira to make trouble, Rodriguez said.

Meanwhile, the government on Friday said that eight people have died in the violence related to the protests and clashes.

Attorney General Luisa Ortega Diaz said another 137 have been injured.
Four people were killed in Caracas, two in Carabobo state, one in Sucre state and one in Lara state, he said.

The government and the opposition blame each other for the deaths.
Maduro singled out one opposition leader, Leopoldo Lopez, as responsible for calling for the protests.

Lopez turned himself in to authorities this week, and he was charged Thursday with arson and conspiracy. More serious charges of murder and terrorism were dropped.

If convicted, Lopez could face up to 10 years in prison.

The unrest

During the demonstrations, supporters of the country's socialist government and anti-government protesters have flooded social media with reports of violence, making drastically different claims about who's behind it.

Since February 13, more than 2,000 stories from Venezuela have been uploaded to iReport, CNN's user-generated platform. Many of the videos and photos depict violent scenes between demonstrators and government forces.

He also called out called out CNN, Fox and other U.S.-based media, claiming that they are encouraging opposition forces against the government

Alejandro Camacho Beomont told iReport that students Wednesday blocked streets and burned debris in San Cristobal, from where he sent photos -- and he said he didn't blame them.

"Even though I am always looking for peace to make a better place to live, I think people have the right to express themselves in the ways they can, and it is not easy to express yourself in this country now," he said. "I support the protesters. There have been more than 15 years that the majority of the Venezuelan citizens are going through tough times. There are so many problems we have to face every day, and there seems to be not a sincere attitude from the high government officials to rectify (them)."

In a nationally televised broadcast Wednesday night, Maduro described bullet wounds sustained by government forces during protests and showed videos that he said depicted opposition protesters throwing stones and setting buses ablaze.

"You think this is a novel? This is the reality that you with your hatred have created," he said. "If you don't like Venezuela, leave."

Dopo la stretta di mano tra Obama e Raul Castro, ho visto pochi progressi.
Vediamo se qualcosa comincia a muoversi, Maduro è un pò "rozzo" ... ma non difetta nella tattica.
VENEZUELA: Crudo venezolano sube 0,84 dólares y cierra la semana en USD 98,61 por barril​

Globovision / El precio del barril de petróleo venezolano subió 0,84 dólares y cerró la semana en 98,61 dólares, en un mercado marcado por las bajas temperaturas en Estados Unidos, informó el viernes el gobierno.

"Los precios del petróleo se fortalecieron en la semana apuntalados por la demanda de combustible para calefacción en Estados Unidos, las interrupciones de suministro en Libia y el debilitamiento del dólar", señaló el Ministerio de Petróleo y Minería en su reporte semanal.

El crudo venezolano lleva sin embargo una tendencia a la baja desde que empezó el cuarto trimestre de 2013, que situó al barril por debajo de los 100 dólares después de que en el tercer trimestre cerrara en una media de 101,60 dólares.

A principios de noviembre de 2013 el petróleo llegó a tocar los 92 dólares por barril. Sin embargo, en las últimas semanas ha vuelto a recuperarse por encima de los 95 dólares −alcanzando en febrero un promedio de 97,45 dólares por barril− cifra que varios expertos venezolanos auguran de media para 2014.

La canasta petrolera venezolana promedia 96,30 dólares en lo que va de 2014, contra los 99,49 de 2013 y los 103,42 que registró en 2012.

Venezuela, cuyo gobierno estimó su presupuesto de 2014 con un barril a 60 dólares, es el mayor productor de crudo de Sudamérica y la renta petrolera es fuente de más del 95% de las divisas que recibe.

En promedio, el país sudamericano produce tres millones de barriles diarios (mbd), según la estatal Petróleos de Venezuela (Pdvsa), aunque la Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo (OPEP) asegura que su oferta de crudo es de 2,3 mbd.

Venezuela posee las mayores reservas mundiales de petróleo con 297.570 millones de barriles, según cifras oficiales divulgadas en marzo de 2012.
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