Lazio (SSL) Capitalizza 36 milioni. Lotito ne vuole 300. KPMG la valuta oltre 200.

SSLazio is'nt a "normal" stock (about shareholders)

That is very very true.
There is so many peculiar things.

But why should Lazio pay any Dividend.

In general a share buy buck is a great way for companies to create value for company (and shareholders) and of course such is the more attractive for a company the more cheap shares atre listed.

33% Free float in Lazio all together is just valued at 17 million euro... but last 1/3 part in Sergej is already worth some 20 million euro, and soon maybe over 30 milion euro.

So if Lazio would want to reinvest surplus transfer money, the very best way is to initiate a buy back of its own shares.

These shares at some time in future could be brought again to market at very much higher prices and Lazio were suddenly very rich.
And/or for Lotito this would be an ideal manner to grow his own percentage in Lazio, and even without having to invest cash himself.
Ultima modifica:
Doesn't matter about Orgoni....and about buy back: to the point of view of SS Lazio i think is better to buy players than own stocks.

The dividend is for Lotito a way to earn money
Of course they should buy players as well.

But if you have excess money, you can either put it at the bank, which brings nothing, or as a listed soccer club there is the possibility of buying back your own shares.
If you then in a later stage are in need of cash you will sell these shares again.
For companies listed some 80-90% under par this is a great opportunity.
Lazio buying back own shares now for say 30 million, then would have within two years or so some100 million to spend from that.
It would require however some better IR activity as well.
Off course Atitlan, i wrote the same things;

"A quanto letto nella semestrale l'EV era circa 90 ml€ ai prezzi di oggi. Ora è da vedere chi compra con i soldi incassati dalle cessioni.
KPMG la valuta (in caso di cessione aggiungerei io) tra 219 e 247 di EV.
Certo 4 volte di più del prezzo di mercato."

I mean:

Market price 0,763€ then CAPITALISATION = 52ML€
Net Debt = 40ml€ (former situation, and now?) and fiscal debt is in?

EV = 92ml€ (52+40)

Kpmg valuation (Range 219+247)/2 = 233ml€ on EV
Market cap impied: 233-40 = 193ml€
Price implied 2,83€ on Kpmg range or 4X actual price ("Certo 4 volte di più del prezzo di mercato."")

The reason of this theorical undervaluation are in my six points, in my opinion (mabie too much undervalued!)

If you bought Apple 10 yeasr ago you made +800%.
Buy Lazio now and hold 10 years, but the business model is'nt a cash cow like Apple.
Lotito was born on 9 maggio 1957...on 2027 he turn 70.
But the brand Lazio sounds like "BURINI":)

lasciamo perdere...stavo cercando di avere una discussione seria.
3 Pere a Balottelli e compagni e la Lazio conferma per l'ennesima volta quest'anno che non e' piu' la squadretta allenata da Pioli che quando passava in svantaggio poi non riusciva a ribaltare la partita.

Da agosto ha perso una sola partita, contro il Napoli, in circostanze anomale, considerando tutti gli infortuni del secondo tempo.

Volevo farvi presente che nella prossima assemblea dei soci del 27 ottobre, sara' presente un mio delegato per porre alcune domande a Lotito pertanto se avete anche voi domande da fare inerenti il bilancio, potete inviarmele e le girero', purche' mi arrivino entro lunedi'.
Sto facendo un gran gain su Lazio altri che il cesso Tiscali in mano al vecchio babbeo che ride.

Credo dara' ancora più soddisfazioni questa estate in sede di cessioni ...

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