Certificati di investimento - Cap. 3

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Mediaset said Friday that the board has voted to bar Simon Fiduciaria SpA from its extraordinary general meeting.
The Italian broadcasting company said that Simon Fiduciaria--an asset trust which holds a 19.9% stake in Mediaset on behalf of Vivendi--wouldn't be able to exercise voting rights at the meeting.
Mediaset shareholders will vote on changes to plans to create a Dutch holding company through the merger of its Italian and Spanish operations, which is opposed by Vivendi.
However, Mediaset said Vivendi would be able to vote at the meeting.
A court hearing over Mediaset's merger-related dispute with Vivendi is set for Jan. 21. RTRS
Grazie, conosci per caso anche i codici Isin e se per caso distribuiscono cedole?
scusa se non mi faccio i ca..i miei ma non ci riesco. I fondi a cedola lasciali stare, se non raggiungono l'obiettivo di cedola ti danno il capitale e tu ci paghi il 26%.
Fineco non conosco i prodotti, dai un occhio al
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