Certificati di investimento - Cap. 3 (11 lettori)

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Commercio – Alibaba: gli acquisti online nel lockdown spingono i ricavi (+22%) nel 4Q19-20

Nel quarto trimestre 2019-20, chiusosi lo scorso 31 marzo, il gruppo Alibaba ha registrato ricavi complessivi sopra le attese, aumentati a 114,31 miliardi di yuan, in crescita del 22% su base annua.
In particolare le vendite del core business hanno registrato un progresso del 19% a 93,87 miliardi di yuan mentre i ricavi dei servizi di cloud computing sono aumentati del 58%.
Risultati che hanno beneficiato dei maggiori acquisti online di beni di prima necessita' durante il lockdown.
Per contro l’utile netto dei soci e' crollato dell’88% a 3,162 miliardi di yuan, scontando una perdita netta dei proventi da investimenti riconducibile principalmente a una riduzione, rispetto all’anno prima, dei prezzi di mercato delle partecipazioni in societa' quotate.
Alibaba prevede ricavi a oltre 650 miliardi di yuan nell' anno fiscale 2021.

Forse questo è l'elemento negativo per gli azionisti


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Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. said that volume on its China retail marketplaces was back to growing at near pre-pandemic rates, but its shares dropped about 4% in Friday morning trading on a weak day for Chinese internet stocks given new fears about U.S.-China relations.
The Chinese e-commerce giant reported better-than-expected results for its March quarter before the opening bell, clearing a lowered bar after the COVID-19 crisis pressured its business and prompted analysts to lower their forecasts in the months leading up to Alibaba’s BABA, -4.63% report.
Chief Executive Daniel Zhang said on the company’s earnings call that Alibaba saw “signs of recovery in certain major markets starting in April” but that the business also faces “uncertainties.”
Among the positive points is that gross merchandise volume since the start of April has shown “year-on-year growth at a similar rate to the December quarter’s level,” Zhang said. Alibaba saw a 8% decline in revenue from its local consumer services businesses, but volume growth for the company’s food-delivery business swung into positive territory during April.
While Alibaba hasn’t seen any major changes in terms of the “consumption power” of Chinese consumers on its platform, according to Zhang, the company has noticed some differences in purchasing trends, including heightened food purchases and shifts in beauty preferences. “When ladies wear facemasks, the need for makeup is getting lower,” he said, though skin-care demand is still “very strong.”
Alibaba argued that the global nature of the COVID-19 crisis and the simmering tensions between the U.S. and China represent potential challenges ahead.
“Although China has made good progress in fighting and controlling the spread of the coronavirus with most business reopening and people returning to normal life, the stretch of the pandemic is still looming in the rest of the world, and the timing and the pace of recovery is still uncertain,” Zhang said.
For the fiscal year ahead that ends next March, Alibaba expects to generate more than RMB650 billion ($91 billion) in revenue, in line with the FactSet consensus that called for RMB659 billion.
Chief Financial Officer Maggie Wu said that it was “hard for us to factor in” uncertainties around vaccine timing or whether there will be a second wave of COVID-19 infections and that the company’s forecast “basically reflects assumptions that we believe to be reasonable today” based on recent hints about the recovery rates and growth levels of Alibaba’s various businesses.
She also addressed a recent bill that passed the U.S. Senate and that aims to place greater auditing restrictions on foreign companies listing their shares on U.S. exchanges. Wu said that Alibaba’s financial statements are “prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP” standards and are audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers.
“We will endeavor to comply with any legislation whose aim is to protect and bring transparency to investors who buy securities on U.S. stock exchanges,” she said.


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Data from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) show the number of travelers that went through TSA checkpoints on Thursday topped 300,000 for the first time in two months, but was still down significantly from a year ago. The daily average per week through Saturday is on track to show improvement for the fourth-straight week. Total TSA traveler throughput reached 318,449 on May 21, down 88% from a year ago, but up 38% from Wednesday. The daily throughput was the highest since March 23, and was nearly four times the COVID-19 pandemic low of 87,534 recorded on April 14. The daily average for the week to date has increased to 247,455, the highest since the week ended March 22.
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