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Si é parlato oggi della correttezza di Ernst & Young nella storia Wirecard
Quanto sotto lo scrive Seekingalpha, non io o Noway (che pure la pensiamo allo stesso modo)
Ernst & Young, a big 4 auditor, was unable to confirm almost €2B in cash with the adhoc message spooking investors. How is that possible? Why does EY suddenly hold back on approving Wirecard's statements when it has never done that in the past despite the fact that Wirecard has been using these trust accounts and third-party partners for a long time? Even though an audit is not really suited to discover large-scale fraud, it is absolutely stunning that the revelation that €1.9B in cash is missing only became public on the very same day the audited financial statements were scheduled to be released.
Quanto sotto lo scrive Seekingalpha, non io o Noway (che pure la pensiamo allo stesso modo)
Ernst & Young, a big 4 auditor, was unable to confirm almost €2B in cash with the adhoc message spooking investors. How is that possible? Why does EY suddenly hold back on approving Wirecard's statements when it has never done that in the past despite the fact that Wirecard has been using these trust accounts and third-party partners for a long time? Even though an audit is not really suited to discover large-scale fraud, it is absolutely stunning that the revelation that €1.9B in cash is missing only became public on the very same day the audited financial statements were scheduled to be released.