Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato / 2

Mi sembra di averle viste, se mi dai un isin controllo
Queste sono le new:
GR0114030555 REPUBBLICA GRECA 3.5% 30.01.2023 EUR
GR0124034688 REPUBBLICA GRECA 3.75% 30.01.2028 EUR
GR0128015725 REPUBBLICA GRECA 3.9% 30.01.2033 EUR
GR0133011248 REPUBBLICA GRECA 4% 30.01.2037 EUR
GR0138015814 REPUBBLICA GRECA 4.2% 30.01.2042 EUR
Fosse vero che sul MOT Lotto minimo 1.000... :-o
2018-01-06 09_21_48-Web2Sign.jpg
2018-01-06 09_22_47-gr0138015814.pdf.jpg
Una domanda "educational": chi fissa l'entità del lotto minimo? L'emittente o la piattaforma di negoziazione?
Io ho lotto minimo 1k sia su mot che su tlx. Se mi spiegate come si posta l'immagine la metto
Strano... :mmmm:
Parrebbe quindi che le banche possano derogare al rialzo rispetto ai mercati TLX/MOT.
Sul TLX le spezzature circolano tranquillamente.

(OT: per fare screenshot io uso un ottimo programma free che si chiama Greenshot, salvo la porzione di schermo come immagine e poi la allego al post.)
Saturday, 6 January 2018 - 21:18

Greek lenders’ sour loans set to face reality check in 2018







Beware of Greeks bearing gifts was the apocryphal advice one ancient skeptic offered upon seeing the Trojan horse. According to Reuters Breakingviews column after years of heavy losses, investors in Greek banks have learned to be similarly wary. Lenders have ambitious plans to shed more than a third of their bad and doubtful debts. But without a clearer idea of what buyers might pay, shareholders have little clarity over how much more pain lies ahead.

Almost eight years since the Greek debt crisis, banks are still saddled with gross dodgy loans worth €101 billion equivalent to half their total lending. Under pressure from the European Central Bank, lenders aim to reduce that to €64.6 billion by 2019, helped by selling loans with a face value of €11.6 billion.

That target is optimistic: banks sold loans worth just €1.8 billion in the nine months to the end of September.

Historically, buyers have been put off by costs, legal risks, and political uncertainty. Better economic growth — GDP is expected to expand by 2.7% this year — and falling bond yields should help.

So could a government plan to expand online auctions of repossessed properties. That will help banks recover the collateral, and could also persuade some defaulters to begin servicing their debts again.

The absence of any big loan sales, however, makes it hard to know whether banks have set aside sufficient provisions to avoid further writedowns. Take Piraeus, Greece’s second-largest lender by assets. Cash provisions cover 70% of the value of its €22.1 billion of defaulted loans. However, throw in €11.7 billion of loans that have been restructured in the past or are at risk of going sour, and coverage drops to a less impressive 46%. To raise provisions to 70% of the entire portfolio, Piraeus would have to set aside a hefty €8.1 billion.

Much distress is already priced in: Piraeus has a market value of just €1.6 billion and trades at less than half its book value. A healthier economy has helped shrink outstanding bad debts by 7.6% from their peak in March 2016, according to Bank of Greece data. But banks will need to offload more loans at decent prices before shareholders can be reassured that they will avoid another mauling.

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