Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 3

Ciao Abu,

Dow Jones newswires says the deal would centre on the proposals on the table before Sunday’s referendum (where they were rejected by the people) but with some pledge on debt relief....

Esattamente....credo che in questo caso si rivelerebbe fondamentale l'accordo con l'opposizione perche' qualcuno dei suoi potrebbe storcere la bocca
Arriva la ciccia ?

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras came to a meeting of eurozone leaders in Brussels with a proposal for interim financing until the end of the month, a senior Greek government official said.

“In return, Greece will pass some of the overhauls demanded by the country’s international creditors, the official said, adding that Greece remained open to other ideas for “a big viable solution.”

France, which has been Greece’s biggest eurozone ally, is pushing for a deal in which Athens accepts and passes the budgetary measures—with limited changes—that were in the plan that was rejected by Greek voters in their referendum Sunday.

Greece would then receive immediate financing and the prospect of a future restructuring of its debt, a senior French official said....
Arriva la ciccia ?
Greece would then receive immediate financing and the prospect of a future restructuring of its debt, a senior French official said....

Strappata dalle carni anche di noi obbligazionisti.. questa la chiave di volta del teatrino?
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Strappata dalle carni anche di noi obbligazionisti.. questa la chiave di volta del teatrino?

:no:....in quel caso noi non c'entriamo.

EuroSummit on Greece finished. Soon joint press conference by eucopresident Tusk & JunckerEU on the results.

Italian PM Renzi confirms leaders will meet again on Sunday. Summit will be called "in next few hours".
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Soon joint press conference by eucopresident Tusk & JunckerEU on the results.
EC Audiovisual Service - EbS Live


Austria's Faymann says if there is no agreement with Greece on sunday, there must be a preparation for a Plan B
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