Obbligazioni in default Lehman Brothers - sviluppi Chapter 11

Nuovi arrivi

Il 29 aprile la Lehman Brothers Bankhaus AG, unità tedesca della LBHI già sottoposta a procedura di insolvenza, ha fatto richiesta di ammissione al Ch15 USA:

Lehman’s German Affiliate Seeks U.S. Court Protection (Update1)

By Tiffany Kary
April 29 (Bloomberg) -- Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.’s German-based affiliate filed for bankruptcy protection today in New York, seeking a shield from U.S. lawsuits as it reorganizes.
The petition for Chapter 15 bankruptcy listed more than $1 billion each in debts and assets. Lehman Brothers Bankhaus AG, based in Frankfurt, joins the Lehman holding company, which filed the largest bankruptcy in history on Sept. 15 with debt of $613 billion.
“The bulk of LBB’s debtor-creditor relationships involve entities that are not based in the U.S.,” lawyers for Michael C. Frege, the affiliate’s insolvency administrator, said in court documents. As of April 1, 457 creditors had filed claims against the German unit, of which 22 were based in the U.S.
The German affiliate, established in 1987, has branch offices in South Korea, London and Milan. The offices in London and Milan are being wound down as part of the German court proceedings and the Korean office is subject to a moratorium on business activities by local banking authorities.
Under Chapter 15 of the bankruptcy code, a company can win a stay on U.S. lawsuits and better organize U.S. assets while it reorganizes or liquidates overseas in a so-called “foreign main proceeding.”
The case is In re Lehman Brothers Bankhaus AG, 09-12704, and Lehman’s case is In re Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., 08- 13555, both U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan).
To contact the reporter on this story: Tiffany Kary in New York at [email protected]
Last Updated: April 29, 2009 17:02 EDT


Nuovi arrivi 2

Questa mi era sfuggita...

Il 23 aprile un'altra società del gruppo, la LB 2080 Kalakaua Owners LLC, si è unita alla compagnia del Ch11 (ora sono di nuovo in 20, fra uscite e new entry).

Hanno già chiesto una proroga per presentare i SOFA, di soli 24 giorni... ormai la procedura si è consolidata e riescono a trovare informazioni più in fretta :)
Incredibile... mi sembra di rivedere Clarke Kent che nasconde la sua identità segreta dietro un paio di occhiali :lol:
... Lehman Brothers Holdings has almost half a billion dollars in equity in the thrift, according to bankruptcy filings. Given the financial consequences if the thrift collapsed, it’s in the interest of both the creditors and the federal government to keep the bank afloat, at least for now.

Insomma, nonostante abbia contribuito al crollo, ora dobbiamo tutti tifare per Aurora Bank :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Docket 3553 - Agenda Omnibus 13/5/09

In allegato l'agenda dell'udienza di oggi: pochi argomenti, fra cui spicca la contestazione della signora Hall, che è stata inserita e riferita a tutti i conti presentati, non solo a quello dello studio Weil.

Sarà interessante leggere i commenti di Peck, quando avremo a disposizione la trascrizione... chissà se sono arrivate anche le lettere dall'Italia?


Benefattori... quasi quasi gli mando 5€ di tasca mia, non so come facciano ad arrivare a fine mese :-o
Ma una volta che venisse appurato che Barclays ha lucrato parecchio in questa svendita, ci sono possibili conseguenze pratiche o "chi ha avuto ha avuto, chi ha dato ha dato..."? :rolleyes:
Mor Marzo 2009

Li allego, ma a parte le solite spese professionali non c'è nulla.

Invece credo sia interessante il docket 3588 (è pesante e non lo allego), ma non riesco a decifrarlo tutto... da quel poco che ho capito cominciano a fare trasferimenti con l'IMD per potenziare la società.

Scusate la latitanza, è un periodo un po' complicato...


Lehman Brothers Treasury Co. B.V.

Intanto, sul sito della Lehman olandese è comparsa una nuova pagina, dedicata al Cross-Border Protocol:

Cross-Border Protocol

On this page the bankruptcy trustee of Lehman Brothers Treasury Co B.V. (the “Trustee”) has posted the execution version of the Cross Border Insolvency Protocol for the Lehman Brothers Group of Companies (the “Protocol”). The Trustee intends to sign the Protocol on 4 June 2009. The Trustee believes that entering into the Protocol is in the best interest of the joint creditors of Lehman Brothers Treasury Co B.V. (“LBTC”) because, inter alia, it provides a starting point for cooperation and coordination between the various debtor entities in the Lehman Brothers Group. Within the Lehman Brothers Group, LBTC was - and to a certain extent still is - dependent on other Lehman Brothers Group entities. As a result, it is inevitable that the Trustee will need to cooperate and coordinate with these other entities. The Protocol provides for a framework to streamline cooperation and coordination efforts. Please note that Protocol is a statement of intentions and it in no way intends to prejudice any rights LBTC has or may have against other entities. The Trustee also stresses that the Protocol does not aim to restrict or limit any rights the Trustee or creditors may have under Dutch law.

Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 19 May 2008.

Per ora lo allego, a più tardi per qualche commento...

PS Nemmeno io sapevo che Mennea avesse tutte quelle lauree :eek::eek:


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