Obbligazioni MPS (1 Viewer)


errate tutti e due. originariamente era eur3+3,9 successivamente è stata alzata a eur3+6,3 vedi anche file
A me il linguaggio usato non è chiaro... è pagata ogni 4 mesi ma il tasso è annuale?

Interest on the Subsidiary Subordinated Instrument will be

payable on a cumulative basis (i) from the Issue Date to and

including the First Call Date annually in arrears on February 7

of each year, commencing February 7, 2002 (or. if any such

date is not a Business Day. the next succeeding Business Day)

at a fixed rate per annuni on the principal amount from time to

time outstanding equal to 7.7908 (calcul.ated on an

.4ctual/Actual. (Bond) Basisj, and (ii) thereafter. quarterly on

each May 7, -4ugust 7. November 7 and February 7 (or. if any

such date is not a Business Day. the next succeeding Business

Day) at a variable rate per annum on the principal amount eqiial

to 2.40%, above three-month EURIl3OR (calculated on an

Rctua1/360 Basis) determincd on the Determination Date for

such lnterest Period.


low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
A me il linguaggio usato non è chiaro... è pagata ogni 4 mesi ma il tasso è annuale?

Interest on the Subsidiary Subordinated Instrument will be

payable on a cumulative basis (i) from the Issue Date to and

including the First Call Date annually in arrears on February 7

of each year, commencing February 7, 2002 (or. if any such

date is not a Business Day. the next succeeding Business Day)

at a fixed rate per annuni on the principal amount from time to

time outstanding equal to 7.7908 (calcul.ated on an

.4ctual/Actual. (Bond) Basisj, and (ii) thereafter. quarterly on

each May 7, -4ugust 7. November 7 and February 7 (or. if any

such date is not a Business Day. the next succeeding Business

Day) at a variable rate per annum on the principal amount eqiial

to 2.40%, above three-month EURIl3OR (calculated on an

Rctua1/360 Basis) determincd on the Determination Date for

such lnterest Period.
l'interesse è fissato annuale ma pagato trimestrale


Nuovo forumer
stanno a pensare alla nuova area clienti, possono pensare alla Exchange mps...
Finalmente IW Bank ha reso disponibile la procedura per aderire (ovviamente via Fax)

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