se riuscite a caricare zerohedge (io non riesco ad accedere) qualcuno mi fa la cortesia di copincollare un articolo "JPM hedging illegal trading" o qualcosa di simile che appariva in alto alla pag??

bon vado a magnare occhio a shottare. oggi si gioca tanto e quelli che stan dietro non sono mica racazzi . :-o

oggi si fa' un botto impressionante!
i tds tengono , voglio il rimbalzo :wall::wall: non c'è una quazzo di decisione che esce dalla riunione dei ministri delle finanze :help: domani G8 :eek: ormai sembra il grande fratello :wall: equity martoriato dalla speculazione facile :down: non rimane che sperare angelona che si ammorbidisca :-o


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perchè una banca nomina a capo del personale un vice capo del personale di SKY ?

può essere anche il più bravo del mondo .. ma se non hai conoscenza di come funziona una banca .... puoi fare solo danni ....

mi sa che stiamo tutti fori de capu... :wall::wall:
se riuscite a caricare zerohedge (io non riesco ad accedere) qualcuno mi fa la cortesia di copincollare un articolo "JPM hedging illegal trading" o qualcosa di simile che appariva in alto alla pag??


Smart people like Sajiat Das, Karl Denninger, Tyler Durden, Yves Smith and Janet Tavikoli have all demolished JP Morgan’s argument that it’s recent multi-billion loss was caused by a hedge gone wrong.
Now, former senior S&L prosecutor – and current professor of economics and law – Bill Black provides a succinct and memorable take-down of the faux hedges:

The claim from out of JPMorgan is nobody was looking very carefully at the supposed hedge, and the hedge didn’t perform to offset losses, instead it increased the losses and increased the losses dramatically. And supposedly, no one was looking, and no one adjusted for this. And they woke up, and they had a $2 billion loss. So that’s the story from JPMorgan [which] doesn’t make sense.


If you have distressed European debt [the underlying asset holding that Dimon against which JPM's so-called "hedge" was made], you’re supposed to have already reserved against the losses in it. So, why hedge the position at all? Just sell it. Get rid of these incredibly risky assets before they can suffer any additional losses. If you’ve already got loss reserves, you don’t even have to recognize a loss, because you’ve already reserved for it. So, you shouldn’t have had to hedge, period.

Second, if you were going to hedge, he should have hedged. And the way you would hedge something like this is to buy a credit default swap protection against the bad assets. That would hedge. In other words, if you lost on the value of the European debt, the credit default swap would go up in value, and you would be protected against loss. Instead, they have allegedly bet in the opposite direction by buying this derivative of a derivative. If the European debt lost value, the derivative of the derivative was also likely to lose value. Well, that’s not a hedge. That’s a double speculation in the same direction. You’re doubling down on the bet.

And the reason you’re calling it a hedge is because it’s illegal, under the Volcker Rule, to speculate in this fashion. So the story coming out of JPMorgan doesn’t make any sense as a financial matter. It seems reasonably clear that this is faux hedges. This is, you know, to hedging like truthiness is to truth. So this is hedginess: not really a hedge, but you call it a hedge to evade the law.


Even when the Volcker Rule was adopted, over their opposition and over the opposition of the Federal Reserve and of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, who remains true to his former boss, Jamie Dimon, after that, they gutted the rule—at least the draft rule to implement the Volcker Rule. And unless it is changed, the Volcker Rule will be essentially unenforceable, because you’re allowed, under the current draft, to simply call something a hedge, even though it operates in the exact opposite of a hedge. And voilà, this hedginess is OK, and the losses just mount up and produce the next disaster.
E glila faranno finire prima o poi di fare 'sto gioco al massacro ,o no??:wall:
e' solo unidebit che romep la minghia come sempre.

il resto no problem
i tds tengono , voglio il rimbalzo :wall::wall: non c'è una quazzo di decisione che esce dalla riunione dei ministri delle finanze :help: domani G8 :eek: ormai sembra il grande fratello :wall: equity martoriato dalla speculazione facile :down: non rimane che sperare angelona che si ammorbidisca :-o
E' questo silenzio... questa inerzia che mi spaventa. Sembra che anche loro non sappiano più nemmeno cosa dire (il fare è già da mo'). Tutti parlano di crescita... ma nessuno ha ancora detto come strutturarla. Sembra che aspettino superman che arriva e risolve tutto :rolleyes:
rakazzi dopo decenni di autarchia, regime militare....un paese appena liberato .vi organizza la festa :eek:..... cosa volete di piu' :D

Birmania: domani il primo gay pride
Rompe tabu' omosessualita',nessuna sfilata ma eventi in 4 citta'
17 maggio, 12:07

nogay sara' il portabandiera dell 'itaglia :D:D

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