Titoli di Stato Italia Trading Titoli di Stato "volume VI" (Gennaio 2014-Dicembre 2014)

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Fmi:Us inflation remaining low, suggesting the Fed could keep rates at zero for longer than the middle of 2015.Piano piano anche il Fondo Monetario sembra accorgersi dell'andamento stagnante dell'economia a stelle e strisce.Altro che aumento dei F.F. sooner :lol: rather than later.


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Mattarellum, porcellum, democratellum...più avanti seguirà il democretinellum.
Finiscono tutti in lum ma fanno poca luce sul nostro futuro :uhm:.
according to the FT, "Federal Reserve officials have discussed imposing exit fees on bond funds to avert a potential run by investors, underlining regulators’ concern about the vulnerability of the $10tn corporate bond market."
FT justifies this latest unprecedented pseudo-capital control by sayng that "officials are concerned that bond-fund investors, as with bank depositors, can withdraw their money on demand even though the assets held by their funds are long-term debt and can be hard to sell in a crisis. The Fed discussions have taken place at a senior level but have not yet developed into formal policy, according to people familiar with the matter."

World business, finance and political news from the Financial Times? FT.com Europe
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