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Mr. Tentenna
baca 4k8 a 55,5 non me la danno:sad::sad:

c'è ma non operativo al momento:sad::sad:

mi danno lettera a 56,5:wall::wall:

sns XS0310904155
buy a 65,5

chi vivrà vedrà ormai è andata...

llyods è cumulativo e quota di più.

boi quota simili nonostante la mancata cedole e i molti problemi.

I SU PAZZO:lol::lol:

sto mm di hsbc è terribile riuscire a trovarlo è un terno al lotto:sad::sad:

speriamo che verso le 15.00 come di solito fa, ritorni...

p.s stavo pensando se sia il cado si riprendere ing NL0000116127 sotto i 60

la stavo guardando anche io

ragazzi, dove li vedete i grafici di 'ste P??

:ot: bos, è arrivato il mac? se hai bisogno......'aisposiziò' ;)


Forumer storico
la stavo guardando anche io

ragazzi, dove li vedete i grafici di 'ste P??

:ot: bos, è arrivato il mac? se hai bisogno......'aisposiziò' ;)

si sono vari siti in cui ci sono grafici e quotazioni.

alcuni titoli come ing sono quotati anche su euronext
Euronext -

la maggior parte sulle borse tedesche:

qui alcuni siti per ricerca quotazioni, e grafici

p.s il mac ancora non arriva. mi hanno dato una tempistica lunghetta:(:(
quando arrivà non esiterò a contattarti se ho qualche domanda:):) visto che non ho mai avuto mac in passato

p.p.s ho anche una quotazione: Alpha DE000A0DX3M2 denaro 50 lettera 51


Forumer storico

Ho notato che operando con con IW vanno via un sacco di euro in commisioni.

Io sono abituato all'applicazione di commissioni fisse per cui nel caso di ordini ingenti mi sembra uno sproposito il risultato della proporzionalità .

Qualcuno di voi opera con IW con commissioni fisse sull'OTC?

E con altre banche?


Forumer storico
acquistata baca 4k8 a 55,75

penso proprio di fermarmi ora. il mio ptf l'ho rimodulato.

ora se resta tutto più o meno così sto fermo almeno fino a quando alpha non contabilizzerà la nuova cedola...


Money Never Sleeps

ragazzi XS0468954523 è stata emessa il 27/11/2009
fino a novembre non si può comprare...o sbaglio qualcosa ???


Forumer attivo
Feb. 3 (Bloomberg) -- Concern that regulators will force
the whole European banking industry to raise additional capital
is “overdone,” because the plans are likely to affect only
seven lenders, according to JPMorgan Chase & Co. analysts.
Commerzbank AG, Credit Agricole SA and Royal Bank of
Scotland Group Plc are among the seven that will need to raise
60 billion euros ($83 billion) to meet the Basel Committee on
Banking Supervision’s likely requirements, JPMorgan analysts led
by Kian Abouhossein said in a note to clients today.
Governments are stepping up regulation of financial firms,
forcing them to curb riskier activities such as proprietary
trading and hold more capital to avoid a repeat of the credit
crisis. The Basel Committee, which sets minimum standards for
banks in 27 countries and territories, in December proposed
changes requiring lenders to hold more and better-quality assets
as a cushion against short-term liquidity needs.
“There has been a lot of panic about Basel III, but if you
look at the detail only about seven banks are going to have to
raise extra capital or restructure their balance sheet,”
London-based Abouhossein said in an interview. “The rest of the
industry will have created enough profit by the time Basel III
comes into effect that they won’t need to.”
Commerzbank, based in Frankfurt, may need to raise 17.9
billion euros of capital by 2011, while France’s Credit Agricole
will require 16.9 billion euros and Edinburgh-based RBS about
12.5 billion euros, Abouhossein said in the note. The three
account for 46 percent of the required extra capital in Europe.
Allied Irish Banks Plc, Deutsche Postbank AG, Banco Comercial
Portugues SA and Bank of Ireland Plc account for the rest.
Implementation of the rule changes should take two years,
or longer if the economic recovery is slower, the committee said
last year. The Basel Committee’s working group will consider the
broader effect of rules to ensure the accumulation of
regulations doesn’t hobble lenders.


BAWAG fan club
Feb. 3 (Bloomberg) -- Concern that regulators will force
the whole European banking industry to raise additional capital
is “overdone,” because the plans are likely to affect only
seven lenders, according to JPMorgan Chase & Co. analysts.
Commerzbank AG, Credit Agricole SA and Royal Bank of
Scotland Group Plc are among the seven that will need to raise
60 billion euros ($83 billion) to meet the Basel Committee on
Banking Supervision’s likely requirements, JPMorgan analysts led
by Kian Abouhossein said in a note to clients today.
Governments are stepping up regulation of financial firms,
forcing them to curb riskier activities such as proprietary
trading and hold more capital to avoid a repeat of the credit
crisis. The Basel Committee, which sets minimum standards for
banks in 27 countries and territories, in December proposed
changes requiring lenders to hold more and better-quality assets
as a cushion against short-term liquidity needs.
“There has been a lot of panic about Basel III, but if you
look at the detail only about seven banks are going to have to
raise extra capital or restructure their balance sheet,”
London-based Abouhossein said in an interview. “The rest of the
industry will have created enough profit by the time Basel III
comes into effect that they won’t need to.”
Commerzbank, based in Frankfurt, may need to raise 17.9
billion euros of capital by 2011, while France’s Credit Agricole
will require 16.9 billion euros and Edinburgh-based RBS about
12.5 billion euros, Abouhossein said in the note. The three
account for 46 percent of the required extra capital in Europe.
Allied Irish Banks Plc, Deutsche Postbank AG, Banco Comercial
Portugues SA and Bank of Ireland Plc account for the rest.
Implementation of the rule changes should take two years,
or longer if the economic recovery is slower, the committee said
last year. The Basel Committee’s working group will consider the
broader effect of rules to ensure the accumulation of
regulations doesn’t hobble lenders.

stordits mi sa che abbiamo gli stessi alerts :D

Pensavo che CA fosse messa meglio. Da notare DPostbank tra i cattivi...
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