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disallineamento Bawag 966

Ragazzi avete notato il disallineamento nei prezzi della Bawag 966 .
Oggi su IW ha battuto 17,75 rispetto ai 19,80 dei siti tedeschi.
Quasi mi vien voglia di incrementare, che ne dite........


WKN:860096ISIN:DE0008600966Typ:Anleihe, FestNominal:1,00Währung:EURFälligkeit:n.a.

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Bos 4 Mod
Al di là della speculazione sull'Irlanda, mi sa che ci è sfuggito l'elefante.

Questo documento sono le linee guida dell'Irish Financial Servs Reg Auth sulla capitalizzazione delle bance. L'equivalente della FSA inglese. Vi estrapolo il passaggio chiave:

"A target level of 8% core tier 1 capital should be attained after taking account of the realisation of future expected losses and other financial developments under a base case scenario. This test is designed to ensure the credit institutions are capitalised to a level which reflects prudential requirements and current market expectations, after taking account of forecast loan losses through to 2012.
As a further prudent requirement, the capital used to meet the base case target must be principally in the form of equity, the highest quality form of capital, with 7% equity as the target level. In calculating the requirements, individually specified amounts have been added to the institutions' estimates of expected losses to take account of the uncertainty of loss forecasts for particular portfolios."

E' sparita la nozione di Tier-1:eek::eek::eek: L'autorità irlandese ha preso il toro per le corna e ha detto: da ora in avanti conta solo più il core tier-1 e soprattutto l'equity. I requisiti minimi per le banche irlandesi sono:
1) equity al 7%
2) core tier 1 all'8%

Se l'Irlanda venisse seguita anche dagli altri paesi, mi sa che questa può essere il primo passo verso l'estinzione delle Perpetue. Se non contassero più nulla ai fini del patrimonio regolamentare (come sta succedendo in Irlanda), diventano davvero solo inutili e costose obbligazioni per le banche....

He! He!:D

Leggevo alcuni passaggi del discorso di Lenihan (Ministro delle finanze irlandese) al Parlamento:

- we now have in place a Financial Regulator of international standing who has independently and rigorously reviewed the capital requirements of the Irish banking system in accordance with best international practice. (SE COSi' FOSSE, BYE BYE TIER-1...:D)

- BOI: the regulator has determined that Bank of Ireland must raise additional equity capital of €2.7 billion by the end of the year to meet the new capital standards. I have been advised that Bank of Ireland expects to be able to raise private capital and is well advanced in its actions to address its capital needs, which I believe underlines the strength of the institution. I fully support the bank’s objective to meet a substantial amount of its capital requirement from private sources. I believe Bank of Ireland has a strong future. In conjunction with this private capital raising and to support it, the State will commit to converting part of its preference shares in Bank of Ireland into ordinary equity

- AIB: the regulator has determined that Allied Irish Banks must raise additional equity capital of at least €7.4 billion by the end of the year to meet the new base case capital standards. In view of the extent of capital to be raised, Allied Irish Banks will be required by the regulator to produce a detailed capital plan by the end of April this year. The basic elements of this plan are already clear. Allied Irish Banks is in a position to raise capital through the sale of overseas assets. The disposal proceeds will provide significant capital but it will not be sufficient to address the full requirement. To the extent that the gap is not filled by the private sector, the State is willing to convert some or all of its preference shares as required on terms to be agreed that will provide full value for the State. The private sector will have an opportunity to participate in Allied Irish Banks’ capital raising. If sufficient private capital is not available, it is probable that the State will have a majority shareholding in Allied Irish Banks as a listed entity.

- Anglo Irish: Winding up the bank is not and has never been a viable option. As the bank’s new management and board have estimated, an immediate wind up would lead to a fire sale of assets resulting in a permanent additional and unnecessary loss of upwards of €30 billion.
Similarly, a longer term wind down is not in the taxpayers’ interest. The new management has provided me with figures, assessed by independent financial advisers, indicating that in addition to the capital losses that would be sustained, a long-term wind down of the bank over ten years could expose the State to funding obligations approaching €30 billion. The unavoidable reality is that the bank has incurred losses from its large-scale property lending and needs substantial further capital. Unpalatable as it is, only the taxpayer can provide that capital. It is the least worst option. For this reason, I am this week providing €8.3 billion to support the capital position of the bank to take account of the bank’s losses to date. Additional capital support is likely to be required depending on the NAMA discount on the first tranche of Anglo Irish Bank loans transferred to it.
The bank will need further capital to cover future losses and accomplish the restructuring of the bank and its balance sheet. The current estimate is that this could be of the order of a further €10 billion over time.

- Sempre su Anglo Irish: Following a comprehensive evaluation of strategic restructuring options, the bank has identified as its preferred option, in terms of minimising the future cost to the taxpayer, to carve out a smaller and stronger bank, leaving the remainder in the form of an asset management and recovery company. (COME PER NORTHERN ROCK). The sums required to rescue the bank are enormous but the costs of winding it down are even greater.


Nuovo forumer
Anglo Irish LT2

Aspettiamo Wallygo. Credo che dovrebbero essere intorno a 65. Intanto questa LT2 di Anglo è in lettera a 40:eek:. Se non succede nulla, può ancora fare tanta strada....

mi sto leggendo il dibattito parlamentare di ieri...:D

ANGLO IRISH BK07/17FLRMTN (WKN A0NXBN, ISIN XS0305277807) - Profil - Aktien, Aktienkurse - ARIVA.DE

C'e' anche questa di LT2 Anglo Irish:

XS0194937503 Anglo IB LT2 25/06/2014 Eur3+0,45 Call 25/06/2009 Eur3+0,95 taglio 1000


Quota 46 ma ha taglio da 1000.

Sapete se con IW si prende?



Bank of Ireland will raise from private sources much of the 2.7 billion euros ($3.6 billion) it needs, potentially becoming the only member of Ireland's "bad bank" scheme to escape a fresh bailout.
Asian Markets
The bank's statement on Wednesday that it was in fundraising talks with investment banks is a relief for the Irish government which faces years of scrimping to plug a black hole created by the profligate financial sector.
Shares in Bank of Ireland jumped more than 25 percent after the bank said its loan losses had peaked and it was in talks to raise capital to compensate for losses on property loan sales to the bad bank, the National Asset Management Agency (NAMA).
Ireland's biggest bank by market value will privately raise about half of the capital it requires to provide a buffer against future losses. The state will convert some of its 3.5 billion euros of preference shares into ordinary equity but should not have to underwrite the rights issue.
The problem all the Irish banks face will be competing for business in Ireland's shrunken domestic banking sector.
But Bank of Ireland's outlook contrasts favorably with other NAMA participants, especially nationalized Anglo Irish Bank, which will need up to 18 billion euros of fresh state capital, almost as much as Dublin borrows in a year to fund its budget deficit.
In all, the three banks and two building societies involved in the bad bank scheme require at least 22 billion euros, with a possible further 10 billion for Anglo Irish at a future date.
Of the listed banks, Allied Irish Banks (aib) has been given time to try and sell assets before getting a fresh bailout, but some analysts still think it could end up 75 percent owned by the state.
AIB shares remained under pressure on Wednesday, falling 1.2 percent as it continued to digest Tuesday's flood of announcements on the level of discounts NAMA will pay to take on property loans and the consequences for banks' capitalization.
"They're not in a good position, but at least people know. Investors are looking at the clarity of what they have to do," one trader said of Allied Irish. "For Bank of Ireland, there's a half decent underlying operating base."
Bank of Ireland is selling the first tranche of its loans to NAMA at a discount of 35 percent and said the discount on the whole 12 billion euro portfolio will be in line with its previous guidance which pointed to a lower discount.
On Wednesday, it also reported an underlying loss of 1.47 billion euros for the nine months to the end of December, having shifted the end of its fiscal year to match the calendar year.
The injections into Anglo and two building societies will be in the form of promissory notes, in effect not paid for up to 15 years, which means it should not hold up Ireland's efforts to cut what is one of Europe's biggest deficits as a ratio of gross domestic product (GDP).
"But the cost of cleaning up Anglo may add 20 billion euros, about 12 percent of 2010 GDP, to government debt over 10 to 15 years," Chief Economist Rossa White at brokerage Davy said.
The Irish government has insisted the cost is manageable, saying it has stabilized its economy with a series of public sector cuts announced in last December's budget.
Ireland's fiscal measures have done much to reassure international investors, who have compared the country favorably with Europe's other struggling nations. The challenge is to maintain fiscal discipline.
"The magnitude of the financial problems is absolutely vast," said Jim Power of financial services firm Friends First. "The budgetary medicine over the next few years is going to be extremely hard to swallow. Provided the government continues to address the problem, we should scrape through."
The latest economic data on Wednesday added to the evidence Ireland's economy is stabilizing at a low level. The number claiming unemployment increased by only 600 in March and the decline in private lending accelerated only marginally from 7.1 percent to 7.3 percent.
Finance Minister Brian Lenihan has said Ireland should begin emerging from recession late this year.
Bank of Ireland shares rose 23.5 percent to 1.59 euros by 1229 GMT, after rising as high as 1.7 euros. The stock has bounced from a low of 0.12 euros set a year ago but languishes well below its peak of 18.83 euros seen in early 2007.


State Attenti con Anglo,che è un Morto che Cammina.Se L'irlanda non si ripiglia è la prima che lasciano andare.
Su Boi sono piacevolmente sorpreso,pensavo molto Peggio
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