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Forumer storico
La loss abs e' quasi inesistente, i coupon sono obbligatori solo se pagano dividendi ma francamente a meno che non siano nella m*** non me li vedo a fare porcate..

ti sembra che da prospetto il pagamento delle cedole sia piu' incerto rispetto alle italiane? a me sembravano piuttosto simili

Ci sarebbe da studiare lo statuto (che non trovo:() per capire che impatto possano avere queste :

7.2.8 Category C shares
C shares are preferred shares issued by the company and owned by the
French government through SPPE (Société de Prise de Participation de
l’État), a French company established to recapitalize credit institutions.
The C share issue matures fi ve years from the issue date (July 31, 2009).
C shares make up 19.8% of the company’s share capital.
C shares are recognized as basic shareholders’ equity, which is eligible as
Core Tier-1 capital with no upper limit, in accordance with the French
Banking Commission’s General Secretariat.

The rights of category C shareholders are set forth in Articles L. 228-11 et
seq. of the French Commercial Code and in the company’s bylaws.
In addition to the specifi c rights described below, category C shareholders
have the same rights as ordinary shareholders (including the same rights to
information), with the exception of:
• the right to vote during the company’s General Shareholders’ Meetings;
• preemptive rights during share issues; during share issues, category C
shareholders will have the right to buy the number of C shares that will
maintain their existing stake in the company; and
• the right to the dividend payable to ordinary shareholders; category C
shareholders will receive a preferred dividend as explained below.


C shares have no voting rights at General Shareholders’ Meetings. However
they are entitled to a non-cumulative preferred dividend, whose amount
is determined in accordance with the company’s bylaws. C shares may
receive a preferred dividend only if there are suffi cient distributable funds
(as defi ned by Article L. 232-11 of the French Commercial Code) to pay the
full preferred dividend as well as an ordinary divided equal to at least one
eurocent per ordinary share. All dividend payments must be approved by the
Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting, and will take place only if there
are no prudential events (as defi ned in the company’s bylaws) in effect on
the date of the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting.
The preferred dividend will be paid on the ordinary dividend payment date
set by the General Shareholders’ Meeting for the 2009 dividend.


Forumer storico
Tutta la vita Intesa 506 meglio di Unicess !

sopratutto se perde 500 milioni in Italia ! i perpetual Unicredit pagano in base al bilancio di Unicredit spa , non al bilancio consolidato...mancano 500 milioni alla riserva legale, perdono 500 milioni...stai a vedere che l'anno prossimo ci scappa uno scherzetto , magari sull'ultima uscita che ha un coupon pusher molto ristretto nel tempo

speriamo che Intesa il 27 non ci dia qualche brutta sorpresa


BAWAG fan club
ti sembra che da prospetto il pagamento delle cedole sia piu' incerto rispetto alle italiane? a me sembravano piuttosto simili

Ciao Sole, l'unica italiana che ho e' l'Intesa506 che deve pagare se ci sono riserve distribuibili. A memoria la BPCE puo' non pagare anche in presenza di utili accantonati e/o dell'anno corrente se non paga dividendo.


BAWAG fan club
“Compulsory Interest Payment Date” means each Interest Payment
Date as to which at any time during a period of one-year prior to such
Interest Payment Date:
the Issuer has declared or paid a dividend (whether in cash,
shares or any other form but excluding a dividend paid in newly
issued shares), or more generally made a payment of any nature,
on any class of share capital or on other equity securities issued
by the Issuer, or on other deeply subordinated notes or any other
securities that rank pari passu with the Notes
, in each such case
to the extent such instrument is categorized as Tier 1 Capital,
unless such payment on other deeply subordinated notes or any
other securities that rank pari passu with the Notes was required
to be made as a result of a dividend or other payment having
been made on any class of share capital or on other equity
securities issued by the Issuer; or
the Issuer has redeemed, either by cancellation or by means of
amortissement (as defined in Article L.225-198 of the French
Code de commerce), repurchased or otherwise acquired any
, whatever classes of shares, if any, they belong to, or any
other equity securities issued by the Issuer, by any means

quindi in teoria fanno quello che vogliono. Come la leggi la clausola sugli "A Interests"?

PS A scanso di equivoci io sto parlando della FR0010814558
Ultima modifica:


Forumer storico
Mps 7,99% comprate a 95,55 XS0121342827

Post call 3,9%+ Eur3mesi,se non la callano mantiene questa Quotazione

ocio che la lombarda 3m+3,75 del gruppo ubi ben + solido è intorno ai 92-93
se tutto rimanesse così penso che almeno si allineerebbe e ti mangeresti parte della succolenta cedola attuale con il calo di quotazione...
se punti alla call io la venderei prima nel caso arrivasse nei dintorini di 100...
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